Fillmore High Alumni News
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
![]() Fillmore High Alumni Association The February issue of "Flashbacks" should be in the hands of all alumni members who are Life Members or are paid up yearly members, by Friday of this week. If you live out of town, it may take a little longer, but you don't want to miss this issue, which has lots of interesting articles. There are letters from the "older set", bringing us up to date on what has been happening in their lives, and also letters from the younger alumni members who are attending colleges and universities throughout the U.S. Also, a great letter and picture from Gerald Hamm, reminding us of the softball teams that played in Fillmore in the late '40's and early 50's. If you are not a paid up member of the alumni association, or if you need to renew your membership, you can go on line at: to get a subscription application. Membership in the alumni association not only brings you "Flashbacks", but it helps support other alumni activities. The February board meeting of the Board of Directors of the alumni association will be held Monday evening, February 23 at the home of Marla DeZavala. Discussions regarding the Shasta Daisy project, Class Reunions, Renewals of alumni memberships, Fund Raisers and the 2009-2010 Scholarships will be held. Information regarding this meeting will be in next week's Gazette. Nineteen members of the class of 1948 contributed over $1200.00 to the alumni scholarship fund, in memory of Joy Rogers. This is the first time that one class has shown so much appreciation and affection for one of its members. As Gertrude Lovelace said, "Joy was the glue that held this class together by organizing all of our class reunions". She was a great lady and will be greatly missed by many. |