Fillmore High Alumni Association
The Board of Directors of the Alumni Association wishes to thank all of the alumni members who have renewed their subscriptions to Flashbacks for the 2009 year. There are a few remaining members who have not renewed, and we hope they will do so, as the subscriptions are one of the ways that helps keep the alumni association running.
The Scholarship Committee has received forty applications for scholarships this year from graduating seniors, and it is a remarkable class with fifteen seniors having earned a grade point average of 4.0 or higher. The Scholarship Committee, which consists of Mark Ortega, Kathleen McCreary, Corinna Mozley, Susie Ortega, Betty Carpenter and Liz Kemp will score each application on the basis of their G.P.A., Autobiography, Volunteer Work, Community Service, School Activities, Athletics, Church Involvement and Work Experience. The scores will be totaled, and the top fifteen to twenty finalists will be invited to a personal interview on Wednesday, April 8 at the high school. The top five finalists, after the interview, will be interviewed at a later date by Mr. John Lemley, class of 1961, who will select his top two and award each of them with a $1500 scholarship for two years, plus a laptop computer. Announcement of the Lemley and alumni scholarships will be announced sometime in May.
After an absence of a year, the alumni will once again be offering Continuation Grants to those graduates of Fillmore High School who are continuing their education at technical schools, community colleges, colleges and universities. Applications for the Continuation Grants can be obtained on line at www.fillmorehighalumni.com by clicking on Forms and Applications, or by coming by the alumni office at 540 Sespe Ave., Suite 6, any Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.
Reservations for the alumni dinner, which will be held June 6 at the Memorial Building are beginning to come in, and we expect more as the months progress, as there are a number of classes that are planning reunions for the alumni dinner. The classes of 1944, 1949, 1954, and 1969 are planning their reunions around the alumni dinner, and the class of 1959 is planning a dinner meeting for Friday, June 5, with a follow up meeting on Saturday, June 6 at the alumni dinner. The class of 1964 is having their class reunion the week after the alumni dinner and the classes of 1978 and 1979 are having a combined reunion of classes of Saturday, July 11. The class of 1989 is in the process of meeting to determine when they want to have their 20th reunion. Any other classes who are planning reunions please contact the alumni office so we can get the word out through the local newspaper, the alumni website, Chanel 10, the Flashbacks and The Ventura Star. We can also provide a list of class members and addresses, which is up to date if members have sent in their current or new mailing addresses and e-mail addresses. We do appreciate getting this information as it changes.
Be sure to check the alumni website from time to time as information and news is added or updated as it comes in to the alumni office.