Fillmore Lions Club Annual Christmas Parade

Time is drawing near for the Fillmore Lions Club’s Annual Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 5, 2009. The parade will begin on Central Avenue at Second Street at 1:00 PM and proceed south on Central Avenue to the end of the parade route at Santa Clara Street. The Parade route will be posted “No Parking” from 11:00 am. to approximately 3:00 pm. on the day of the Parade, on Central Avenue from Second Street to Santa Clara. Cooperation from residents is needed to keep vehicles off of the Parade route during that time for the safety of Parade participants and spectators.

According to Fillmore Lions Parade Chairman Dick Diaz, Santa Claus will be in Fillmore in time to ride in the Parade. With Santa Claus in the Parade will be many local children and civic groups ushering in the holiday season. It is still early and there is still plenty of time to become a participant in the Fillmore Lions Club Christmas Parade.

The Christmas Parade is open to first time entrants, long time entrants, individuals, businesses, civic organizations, school bands, church groups and just about any group or person who wants to celebrate the season with a “themed entry”. To be a part of the Christmas Parade, either stop by the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce to pick up an application, or contact Dick Diaz for information, or for an application. Dick can be reached at 524-5315, or 279-3599, or email for an application, or to have your questions answered.

There is no cost to enter the Parade. Parade check-in will be 11:30 AM in front of the Memorial Building, Second and Shiells. Although the Fillmore Christmas Parade has a long standing tradition in Fillmore it was only organized by the Fillmore Lions Club after longtime Lions Club Member, the late Henry “Hank” Carrillo, suggested the Fillmore Lions Club assume the responsibility for the Christmas Parade when it was in danger of no longer having a sponsor in 2001. The Fillmore Lions Club continues to sponsor the Fillmore Lions Club Christmas Parade in Hank Carrillo’s honor. See you all on December 5th!