Fillmore Lions Club Installation Dinner honors officers, members
![]() Lion President Bill Dewey (left) presenting Gift to immediate past president Lion Bill Edmonds. By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 30th, 2010
![]() Lion President Bill Dewey (left) presents a gift to installing PCC Bill Dunlevy. Story Courtesy Lion Jim Austin On Monday evening, the 21st of June, we began our annual installation celebration with introductions and welcoming on the beautiful, quiet Elkins Golf Course patio. The Fillmore Lions Club members along with their spouses shared dinner with several guests in attendance, among them IPCC, PDG Bill Dunlevy and wife Margaret. IPCC refers to Lion Bill serving on the council of governors at the multi-district level. PDG is another stat referring to Lion Bill being a Past District Governor of our local 4A3 district. Recognition Awards were bestowed on many Fillmore Lions. The coveted Melvin Jones Fellow was awarded to Lion Bill Dewey. A Melvin Jones Fellow is special honor, equated to the “hall of fame” for Lions. It’s the backbone of Lions Club International for recognition and humanitarian efforts. Lion of the Year was awarded to Lion Steve Gardner for his exemplary contributions. A Donald Snyder Fellow was awarded to Maggie Snyder in honor of her late husband PDG Donald Snyder, who was instrumental in establishing the Lions Club Student Speaker contests. Last but not least, if your name was “Bill” you were among the lucky indeed. Bill Edmonds, Bill Dewey and Bill Baumgartner all received awards for Perfect Attendance. Current and soon-to-be Immediate Past President Bill Edmonds passed out thank yous and gifts to the cabinet and fellow Lions that supported him this past year. IPCC, PDG Bill Dunlevy continued the evening program by installing the new cabinet members for the 2010-2011 year. Installed were President Bill Dewey; 1st Vice, Jim Austin; 2nd Vice Jorge Herrera; 3rd Vice Victor Gongora; Secretary Scott Lee; Admin Treasurer Dorsey Smith; Project Treasurer Walter Gonzales; Lion Tamer Bill Baumgartner; Tail Twister Paul Schifanelli; Membership Chair Bill Edmonds; Board Directors Mary Tipps, Brett Chandler, Bob Klittich & Jack Stethem. Immediate Past President Bill Edmonds was awarded a plaque for his service for the 2008-2009 & 2009-2010 years along with much appreciation. Newly installed President Bill Dewey shared comments with the group referencing his goals, ideas, and hopes for the new year. His theme being the “Ginkgo Tree”, an old, solid tree of Chinese origin. Known for it’s endurance, stamina and referred to as “the living fossil”, I’m sure he wasn’t referring to the Lions members. |