Fillmore Women’s Service Club Installation Dinner
![]() Fillmore Women’s Service Club hosted their Installation Dinner, where they presented outgoing President Susan Banks with a gift to show their appreciation for all her hard work over the past years. Pictured (l-r) Daneille Quintana, Mimi Burns, Charmaine Delgado, Kelly Towy, Taurie Banks, Kristie Neal, Marilyn Griffin, Susan Banks and Pam Smith. By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 21st, 2017
The Fillmore Women's Service Club held their Installation Dinner at the Genmai Japanese Restaurant on Central Avenue. A good time was had by all and our thanks to Genmai for the good food and service in making this a wonderful evening. Susan Banks, outgoing President was presented with a gift and a beautiful scrap book depicting articles and photos of the 2016-2017 year. Susan thanked the club for their hard work and support of all the projects completed and for all the good ideas for the future. Pam Smith conducted the installation of the new board of officers. Danielle Quintana, President, Mimi Burns, First Vice, Charmaine Delgado, 2nd Vice, Fundraising, Kelly Towry, 3rd Vice, Membership, Taurie Banks, 4th Vice, Youth, Pam Smith, Recording Secretary, Kristie Neal Corresponding Secretary, Susan Banks, Parliamentarian. and Marilyn Griffin, Secretary. The Fillmore Women's Service Club is starting a Young Women's Group, open to girls 14 to 21. The program will include volunteer work, guest speakers, and building general self esteem. Any girl wishing to join can contact Taurie at 551-9244. The Club will be having the Fireworks Booth fund raiser, west of Saint Franics Church in the Dollar General Parking lot. (look the the pink signs). Please support our scholarships and community service. Any woman, 21 years of age or order are welcome to come visit us, and help make a difference to the lives of people in our community. |