Fillmore Women’s Service Club installs officers

With delicious food supplied by El Pescador and the comfortable setting of our Senior Center, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club installed our new officers for the coming year. President Mimi Burns is seated in front of her Board Members: Tobey Bowers, Parliamentarian; Dee Rojo & Donna Voelker, Treasurers; Fay Swanson, Recording Sec.; Glenda DeJarnette, Recording Sec.; Susan Banks, 4th Vice Pres.; Dorothy Hunt, 3rd Vice Pres.; Rita Avila, 2nd Vice Pres.; and Marilyn Griffin, 1st Vice Pres.

Who can’t benefit from our motto for the year: The Difference between Ordinary & Extraordinary….is the little Extra we each do.

We all look forward to a successful Fireworks Booth and its profits to donate back into our community. Fillmore Women’s Service Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm – in the Senior Center – please come and joins. For membership information please call Dorothy Hunt at 524- 0767.