Fillmore's best kept secret
![]() By Bob Crum — Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
![]() ![]() ![]() Pssst.. while you're busy sleeping at 5 AM, a movement is afoot in Fillmore. And it's my duty to bring it to your attention. But be forewarned... this is so outrageously exciting, you may find it very difficult to control yourself. It's called... well... first, what kind of shape is your body in? Truth be told, I'll bet that you body could... well... use a little toning up. Denial won't help. Go ahead... own up to it... you're body is severely lacking toning, and probably exhibiting a few too many... you know... pounds... in inappropriate places. And also lacking energy. Right? And of course you're sick and tired of you're sedentary couch-potato lifestyle. Well, here's great news! There is a service provided by competent, caring people to help you get your booty in tip-top shape. It's called boot camp. But fret not. Though the term 'boot camp' may sound onerous... it's all only for your personal best-and-highest good. No hyperbole here, as you'll soon see from a few testimonials. About a year ago, Ivan Chavez, with fellow instructor Marcos Zuniga, created and have been conducting six-week mini-fitness programs nicknamed boot camps. However, boots are not required... just your body and the desire to look... ahem... wickedly exquisite. Hmmm. “The boot camps originated as a result of a number of people came to me for fitness and nutrition advice. As the number of people continued to grow, it occurred to me that a lot of people were confused by the media about all the diets out there, and all the fitness programs... bombarded with different viewpoints sort of leaving them in the dark. Having been in the fitness and nutrition business for ten years... based on my experience... I've been fortunate in that I recognize what works. Still, I continue to educate myself on the subjects of fitness and nutrition so with my knowledge, I decided that it was time to share it with people. Because so many people didn't know right from wrong, I concluded that it was time to offer my skills and knowledge in the form of fitness mini camps... commonly referred to as boot camps. The first group enjoyed a great measure of success. From that small group, another group wanted to participate. And it has grown steadily since. In the camps, people come with varying levels of fitness. The first thing we do is take a fitness assessment to find out where they're at and score them accordingly. We also do a basic medical screen to find out about health issues. We like to be really informed about the people we are working with. In the camps we do a lot of cardiovascular training which is very important. We do resistance training, flexibility training and other aspects of training derived from those basic components of training.” There are presently three camps running. Short term future plans include two more camps... specifically for obese youngsters between the ages of seven and thirteen. “I've seen huge weight issues with kids in that age bracket,” Ivan said. “It's going to be a challenge,” Ivan added, “but we're hoping that if we make it fun, they'll stay with the program and benefit. We're anxious to teach them a better fitness lifestyle.” One boot camp (fitness program) participant is Carmen Magana. Why did Carmen join the fitness program? “I joined to improve... um... my fitness level and lose weight. And to become stronger.” Was Carmen out of shape before she joined. “Yes,” said Carmen, adding, “but I've always enjoyed a workout. I like to run and used to but I've gotten out of shape so I had to come back. Carmen had been enrolled in this particular boot camp since February 12th. And what next? “I'm going to continue,” Carmen said, adding, I like the results.” Another participant of the intense fitness boot camp is Ana Arenas. Ana gets up before the birds to drive from Santa Paula to work out in the program. “I've been doing it since December and have lost about 25 pounds,” says trim and fit Ana. “I love the guys (instructors Ivan and Marcos) they're very supportive while they push you.” Ana added that she's not sure when she'll stop because she's, well, sort of addicted to working out like this. Ana enjoys the fact that the instructors keep it interesting by varying the workout... always something different. Never doing the same workout every single session. Was Ana out of shape before she began the program. “Yes, but I like to be active. I enjoy playing sports, I like running, but this is completely different,. The workouts include all the various muscles, everything,” said Ana. Ana is twenty-nine and enjoys working out with others of various ages. And Ana's plans? “Keep on going,” she says, with a big grin. Araceli Urreh is another happy boot camp participant. Did Araceli join the fitness program because she was out of shape? “No,” proclaims Araceli, “because I work out every single day. Been doing that for ten years.” Yes... she could easily serve as the idyllic physically fit woman on any fitness poster. However, as Araceli explains... “the only difference is that since I joined boot camp, my body has changed dramatically. You see... it's not just excess weight that goes bye-bye... Araceli says I have also lost so many inches since joining the boot camp. From where did the inches come from... an inquisitive mind would like to know. “Oh gosh,” said Araceli, I lost about four inches from the waist, my legs are much more toned, and I'm getting more muscle on my arms. I mean, it's so dramatic,” proclaims Araceli. Dramatic indeed. Adding, “I thought I was fit before, now I'm fitter.” Her physical fitness is easy to envy. In case you harbor any doubts, Araceli will be in boot camp as long as they continue to exist. Yes... Araceli is addicted to working out. By the way... you can find this trim-and-fit 43 year-old woman in the Body Image gym at 5 AM. 5AM! In the gym! Working out! Good grief... it's almost painful to report that. Perhaps a shift in perspective is amply warranted on the part of this writer. Yep, gotta get in shape. Ha! No 5 AM boot camp for this poor excuse of physical specificity. Soon as the shift in perspective happens, on to the gym... but only during the hours between my morning nap and my afternoon nap. Purely scientific approach, don't ya know. Inconvenience R'nt me. Sandra Manzano... why is she in the fitness boot camp? “Instructor Ivan is my brother-in-law,” Oh oh... at first I suspected coercion. But Sandra promptly declares. “My little sister encouraged me so I decided to come.” Sandra has been involved in the fitness boot camps since December and so far as lost about... are you ready?... twenty pounds. Obviously a stout testament to the efficacy of the fitness program Ivan and Marcos conduct. In addition to losing weight, Sandra proudly says with a huge smile, “and I've lost about six inches from my waist, about five and half from my hips, so that's pretty good, I like it.” The loses are substantial and the result is absolutely astounding. Do I have to describe how good she looks? But wait... there's more! How does Sandra feel? “Full of energy, the exercise relieves stress... everything is good after a good workout,” says Sandra. As Sandra uses the word good, it's an understatement. The good is displayed in Sandra's appearance and the ease and confidence with which she carries herself. As the ladies were leaving, Ivan took the opportunity to tell me about Tammy who joined the first book camp. In that six-week session, Ivan said, “she lost 17 pounds, which helped lowered her blood pressure which was causing hypertension. She was taking medication for that condition, and because of the loss of the weight, her doctor took her off some of the medications. Also, her lipid panel improved, her cholesterol level came down a lot, and with all that, her self-esteem went way up. Now when she goes out, a lot of people had difficulty recognizer her. And they question her what is she doing, how is she doing it etc. Since joining, she's always been a hard working, never missing a camp. And besides the camps... she works out in the gym during the week. While lots of guys get fit at the Body Image, it's marvelous to see so many ladies involved in the fitness programs. Not only do they feel and look better... their self-esteem is greatly enhanced. As a result... they are happier people enjoying life to the fullest. See ya at the Body Image gym... soon! Yes... I'll be there... working on toning my abs and the rest of this poor neglected body. Oh... and of course... building incredible muscle strength. Getting tired of struggling to push the shopping cart around the grocery store. Yesireebob... when the trainers at Body Image get done with me... oh yeah... the ladies are gonna find this fitness-buffed hunk oh-so-irresistible. And that, dear friends, is big-time motivation. |