Finances, Climate, and the Fillmore Unified School District
By Mary Ford — Wednesday, June 6th, 2012
It is time for the citizens of Fillmore to start questioning the way the Fillmore Unified School District is using the taxpayers’ money. I keep reading and hearing about trips administrators have taken, the presence of attorneys representing the District where prior to the past year or two would have been unthinkable, and other questionable uses of our limited resources. What is really upsetting is the report of the May 15, 2012 FUSD Board meeting in the May 24 issue of The Fillmore Gazette. Teachers and staff must take unpaid furlough days even though many need to work on these days to prepare classrooms and lessons. However, according to Lola Rogers, who did payroll for Fillmore Unified, in July of 2011 when a prior year payroll was processed, it revealed that the Director of Human Resources and the Assistant Superintendent of Finance had received 10 extra days of pay. The Superintendent received almost $10,000 extra pay. Ms. Rogers stated that when benefits are figured in, this came to over $22,000. The morning after the Board meeting, Ms. Rogers was told that her services were no longer required. As is the norm in our District, courage is a punishable offense. Ms. Rogers did payroll for our District for many years, so I assume that her information is accurate. One does wonder how many furlough days were paid this past year to the same administrators. One also wonders what other abuses have gone unreported. I understand that an audit was recently done. By whom? A truly independent outside auditor? What were the results? A pension audit is certainly in order. The Board would be derelict in its duties by not insisting on it. As a former teacher, I was also upset at the severe criticism for our teachers and staff. It was staff appreciation week. How sad that the report of the Alternative Governance Board (AGB), usually referred to as the “KGB” by staff members, did not give credit to the excellence of many teachers and staff members. Did they or anyone say anything about Fillmore Middle School art teacher, Doris Nichols, receiving an Award of Excellence from the United States Department of the Interior? Was anything mentioned about several of her students earning Special Achievement Awards? Was anything said about the Pride In America Day at Fillmore Middle School that Laurie Merrill and her students so beautifully presented? Was anything said about the excellent work our office people do? Did anyone thank the custodians for a job well done? There are many classified employees who are unsung heroes but who are essential to our success. I could give dozens of examples. Couldn’t the District administrators or the Board find one? How sad. How truly sad. The Board of Education and the citizens of Fillmore must become more informed about how funds are being used in our District and not rely solely on the reports of the administrators. They must also examine the current trend of disrespect of teachers and staff members. A community member recently asked me if nastiness was a prerequisite for being a principal for Fillmore Unified. It does seem to be the most desired attribute to the District administrators. The Board must recognize that raising student scores in a climate of fear cannot happen. Using the leadership style of Stalinist Russia, where fear and intimidation control your employees is only successful in producing failure. The American way, leading with courage, passion and personal integrity requires hard work, but it produces success. |