Free E-Learning Microsoft Training Vouchers
Available at Ventura County Job & Career Centers

VENTURA, CA. — Microsoft is making free training vouchers available for its online Microsoft E-Learning courses and certification classes. Offered through the Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County (WIB), vouchers are available on a first-come, first-served basis at local Ventura County Job & Career Centers.

Courses range from basic skills development in Microsoft Windows Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) to advanced training for IT Professional to Microsoft certification exams.

"Microsoft's generosity gives Ventura County’s workforce a valuable opportunity to learn or brush up on skills that are often essential in the workplace," says Cheryl Moore, WIB executive director. "The courses are self-paced making them ideal for both job seekers who want to fast track their learning and those in the workforce who must budget their time."

The Ventura County voucher distribution is part of Microsoft's Elevate America program. The software company is donating 1 million Microsoft E-Learning vouchers nationwide in an effort to strengthen the workforce skills necessary for 21st Century jobs.

"Elevate America is an excellent example of how the public and private sectors can work together to advance worker job skills," says Moore. "At the WIB, we are seeing more and more of these collaborative efforts. It's an encouraging sign."

Vouchers are available for Ventura County residents. Individuals interested in the program must visit one of the six primary Ventura County Job & Career Centers (JCC) to request a voucher. To locate the JCC nearest you call 800-500-7705 or go to . Vouchers are available, while supplies last, through June 7. To learn more about Microsoft training and certification go to .

About the Workforce Investment Board
The Workforce Investment Board administers federal funds that help to support Job & Career Centers (JCC) and other adult, youth, and employer programs and services in Ventura County. With additional resources from the County of Ventura Human Services Agency, the JCCs provide employment assistance, career training and education services to job seekers, and employee recruitment, customized training and employer consulting to local businesses. JCC services are provided at no cost to job seekers and employers. For more information, call 800-500-7705 or visit