Grad Nite Live Fundraiser Yard Sale a Success: Still a ways to go

The April 30th Grad Nite Live's Giant Yard Sale is over. Successful in every way. Lots of the Seniors showed up at 5:30 AM most of them had trucks, trailers and in some cases their DADS. We had enough to make one trip from the 40 ft CONTAINER that Mr. Dave Wilkinson of the Fillmore Western Railway loaned us to the District Office to the awaiting organizers to put things in their special places. We had some under classmen show up to work for their Community Service points. Thank you all that worked so hard on the various parts of the Yard Sale it took a lot of people to make it successful and especially the people that "bought" our stuff. We still have a ways to go to get all our needed money, we are expecting the rest of the donations from our organizations and various families that send money every year. Also we are requesting the students that have not worked any fund raisers will be sending a $100 with their permission slip on the 13th of May if they want to go on the Graduation Harbor Cruise.