Grad Nite Live Pies

Grad Nite Live is getting the Senior Class of 2012 ready to sell Marie Callenders Thanksgiving Pies. This has always been a great fundraiser for us and a true convenience for the families of Fillmore They will start selling Oct 1st until Nov. 11th. We have school closed from Oct 10th to Oct 17 (fall recess). The seniors can still sell during the October Holiday. However, changes this year in November has the schools closed the week of the 21st to the 25th ((Thanksgiving Holidays). Tuesday the 22nd is the day Grad Nite Live will be getting the pies ready for distribution and the seniors won't be in school so the only thing we can hope for is that the parents, grandparents and friends will assist the seniors in getting them to the Memorial Bldg. to help pick up their pies. This is the first time we've had this problem so if you have any ideas that might help us please call Mrs. Chaney at 407-5759.