Grand Jury reports

On Tuesday, September 13th the County Board of Supervisors approved responses to five of the 2010-2011 Ventura County Grand Jury Reports. The reports were:

1. Bullying in the Workplace
2. Inmate Processing and Suicide Prevention in the Ventura County Jail
3. Emergency Communications Interoperability
4. Election Process
5. Under-Enrollment in Proposition 36

The Grand Jury is a body of citizens mandated by the California State Constitution, and various laws, to serve as a voice of the people and a conscience of the community.
The 2011-2012 Grand Jury that was impaneled on July 1, 2011, by Judge Vincent J. O’Neill, Jr., has had to replace four jurors because of health issues and relocation out of the County.

The current members of the 2011-2012 Grand Jury are:

David Gale (Foreman) Camarillo
Gail Bianchino Westlake Village
Martin Bolger Newbury Park
Eva Cisneros Camarillo
Ronald Cameron Camarillo
James Delgado Camarillo
Donna Gaier Oxnard
Walter Gause Thousand Oaks
Lidia Harrison Ventura
Richard Hawley Thousand Oaks
Donald Hunt Simi Valley
Bud Locker Camarillo
Henry Norton Oak View
Joyce Overbaugh Oak View
Benjamin Saiz Santa Paula
Michael Templin Oak View
Steven Weiss Simi Valley
Jay Whitney Westlake Village
Martin Young Ojai

Go to the Grand Jury website to review the entire report and responses: