Habitat to offer low-cost home repairs to qualified, low-income homeowners

Ventura County Habitat for Humanity will now begin repairing homes in partnership with qualified, low-income homeowners. The new housing repair program called “Preserve a Home”, is rolling out “A Brush with Kindness”, which is aimed at providing simple exterior (only) repairs such as painting, window, minor siding and trim repair, landscaping and/or clean-up, brush/junk removal to low-income homeowners in need.

Habitat for Humanity’s “A Brush with Kindness” has a goal to serve low-income homeowners who struggle to maintain the exterior of their homes. The work is done by volunteers who use donated materials whenever possible. The homeowner must meet have a demonstrated need, willingness to partner with Habitat and the ability to re-pay a no interest loan. Payments made by the partner family are placed in a revolving fund to help ABWK serve others in need.

“Preserve a Home and its “A Brush with Kindness” is part of our larger Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI). This initiative gives us a great opportunity to help more families in need, as well as have an impact on the entire neighborhood” said John Kistler, Construction Manager, Ventura County Habitat for Humanity. “Helping people repair and maintain their homes fits in seamlessly with Habitat's core mission of making decent, affordable housing available to low-income families.”

A Brush with Kindness is underwritten by a grant from Valspar, Habitat’s National Paint Partner.

In continuing with the two current Habitat full home builds already underway in Piru CA, the first two homes of the “A Brush With Kindness” Program will be completed there as well. And in the coming months, two homes in Thousand Oaks, Ventura, Camarillo, Fillmore and Simi Valley (for a total of 12), will also be served.

Pre-applications for all 12 locations can be filled out and submitted on-line or are available for download at www.habitatventura.org.