Halloween in Piru
![]() We have a winner! (Photos Courtesy of Heritage Valley Studios & PiruPress.com) By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
![]() The winners circle. ![]() The Piru Community Center, during serving of food. As a Halloween moon ascended into the twilight sky above Piru, it was a perfect backdrop against which Warring park slipped from daylight into the darkness. About this time the otherwise peaceful park grounds were engulfed by all manor of costumed little people. The air hung heavy with the sounds of Thriller and Vincent Price reverberating through the macob mist wafting up from the nearby Piru river. There appeared to be sixty or more of these strangely attired little creatures. They divided into frightening formations around the baseball diamond. It was apparent that there was some method to their madness as they grouped by ages. The 1-5yrs old advanced on the first base area. Ages 6-9yrs hovered near second base. Ages 10-13yrs took up positions near shortstop. Ages 14 & Up haunted nearby the third base area. There were five creatures cleverly disguised as ordinary humans near home plate. Four of were seated at the judges table, just below a giant spider looming from its web which by this time had covered the entire backstop beyond with its web. These five entities even had human alias. There was John Avila, Bonnie & Dick Gilmore, Dan O'Connell as judges and Catina Aguilar VP- PNC. All claim Piru as there regular haunt. At great personal risk I continued to observe these bizarre occurrences, even as the ever Knowing that the truth is out there I tried to quiet my trembling knees so as to continue to bear witness to whatever ghoulish thing might happen next. It wasn't long before the strange MC creature spoke again, instructing the various age groups to parade past the judges, starting with the youngest group and continuing through the oldest group. What happen next could only be described as some sort of a ritual. They pinned bright orange ribbons on those the creatures deemed, Most Original – Seanray Pech, David Rubio and Kim Rivers. Funniest – Luduwica Lemos, Natalia Neves and Luis Garcia. Scariest – Adrian Rubio, Hector Sanchez and Lenora Ainsworth. Cutest – Jennie Hernandez, Donna Perez, Conner Apple and Ruby Aguilar. I steadied my quivering trigger finger and snapped as many pictures as I dare. Just as the award ceremony was finishing a low rumbling sound could be heard, gurgling up from the darkness. Clearly these little creatures had grown hungry and would soon be in search of something to eat. The fear of becoming the next meal amongst the various bystanders was palpable. Suddenly the strange microphone wielding MC creature spoke. She announced that a feast of delights awaited just inside the inner most chamber of the Piru Community Center, domicile of the PNC. It was with great trepidation that I approached the structure. I leaned in wanting only to peer inside when next I was whisked inside. There I was within the inner most chamber of the PNC, closer than before. I could discern every gruesome detail. Fearing the worst, I could hardly breath. I thought surly that my heart would pound itself right out my chest. Once I opened my eyes fully I could see all tables of food and treats. The first table was visited by Yvonne & Rudy Alcantar and Robert Rodriguez handing out hot dogs that Robert had prepared early in the community center kitchen. The next table was terrorized by the manifestations of Julissa Troyke & Thomas Valenzuela, as they handed out bags of popcorn. The table of drink was last. It was haunted by Jessica Palacio handing out Capri-Sun juice bags. Other ghoulish creatures that helped make this a real Monster Smash were Dan Mathews, Estevan M., William, Jesus & Ruben Orozco, Ravelle and Rudy Jr. Mestaz and Fred Troyke. Surrounded by carnage, I soon realized that if I were ever to have a chance of escaping with my life it was now, while they were all distracted with their food & drink. As I watched the lights of Warring Park grow ever smaller in the rear view mirror, I realized a hauntingly good time was had by all. Ghost written by The MoocaMaca Monster |