Doctor Nelson owner of Nelson Veterinary Clinic
HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY to the Best Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Friend and Veterinarian there is! We love you and appreciate you so much! We invited the community to participate in an extra special birthday wish for an extra special occasion! Love: Nathan, Erin, Michael, Hayley, Patrick, Michayley, James, Yesenia, Zaylaa & Annette
Hola. This is Adolfo Huerta, better known as “Captain Al”. I would like to share a few stories about Dr. Nelson; I should know, since I was his right-hand man for 17 years.
The Interview: My first encounter with Doc. was at his animal clinic for the vet assistant interview position.
You should have seen his body and facial expression; as I walked in with a frizzy-curly afro and bellbottoms...
I thought he was going to have a heart attack but Doc. gave me the job anyhow. Of course, I had to cut my hair and that is
where our relationship began.
Introduction to “La Mordida” (the bite): Doc invited me on a memorable fishing trip to Loretto, Mexico, where we killed some Dorado fish. Coming back to the US of A we had a problem with my documentation and the immigration officer was not allowing me to get onto the plane. One of Doc’s friends told him to go talk and offer the officer some money. Guess what? It worked, and back the states went. Hawaiian Vacation: Doc Nelson surprised my wife and I with a vacation package to Hawaii and told us to pick our hotel. We chose one a block away from the beach and Doc. said “NO, you are staying on the beach!” Doc contacted his travel agent, and we ended up right on the beach. First timers and thanks to him, we had the best time of our lives.
Dr. Nelson was very much loved by everyone in our community that had a pet treated by him. Why? Because he was a great veterinarian that truly cared for your pets. I am personally very grateful to have shared so many years alongside him, and am happy to continue to be part of his life today. I not only think of him as my boss, but as my friend. I love you, Doc! Thank you for all that you did for my family and
I. Happy 100 Years of life; Your friend always, “Al.
Susan Chaney Golson-Wonderful man. Always willing to give that extra touch. Always calm and very patient. Happy Birthday.
Carrie Broggie-Happy Birthday, Dr. Nelson! We take our very beloved wheaten terrier, Cooper, to the Fillmore Animal Hospital for all shots and any treatments he needs! We hear often of how you ran the clinic and the huge impact on how the facility operates today. And we appreciate the influence you’ve had! So thank you! And happy 100th birthday to you!!
Scott and Carrie Broggie, and Cooper!
John Edison- Happy Birthday Doc! Hope you have a great day.
Linda Edwards- A true Fillmore legend
Carmen Ortiz- I’ve known Dr. Nelson for many years. My sister Jenny used to work in an office. Mary used to be his assistant and I used to clean the dog pens and feed the dogs. He was a wonderful person and is a wonderful person. There’s nobody else like Dr. Nelson when our dogs had to be put down east to come to our house in the backyard and put our dogs down so we can have a private time he is a wonderful person very caring. We still walking with the dogs. He was just look at the Way Our dog was walking Amy, what was wrong with him they will never be another doctor in town I can, and if he didn’t have all the money he would say pay me later he never turn nobody down he is a very special man. Our family loves him. Love you Charlie
Renee Smith- What an amazing man! There aren’t many like him anymore! Happy Birthday and thank you sir!
You are an angel!
Esteban Montes- Thank you Doctor Nelson for allowing me to volunteer at your animal hospital. Happy birthday
Berta & Bill Vassaur- Happy birthday Dr.Nelson!!! Amazing man with a heart of gold!! Love hearing about his adventures, ballroom dancing. Hope you dance on your birthday!!! Sending love and birthday wishes
Andrea Romo - O’ Reilly-
So many great memories of Dr Nelson, took care of my dogs, horses, steers for 4H, was a close family friend, had dinner with our family many times, my Mother Jennie worked for him in high school or out of HS, she has remained close & cherishes him still. Everyone loves Doc Nelson
Gene Evans- Happy happy birthday my very Good friend... wow 100... time sure has a way of “creeping” up on us. So many memories!
Ron Smith- Doc Nelson is an incredible veterinarian, wonderful community man, and a super caring person. He would show up any time or the day or night when we, or anyone we knew needed him to check out our horses. Many times he would meet us at his office in the middle of the night if we had a sick pet. Always had reasonable prices, and always cared more about the animal’s well being rather than the money. I hope he has the greatest birthday ever. I’m excited to know that he’s going to be celebrating this rare celebration. I hope he is around for many more years, and continues to be in good health. Doc Nelson, you are loved by all! Thank you for all that you’ve done for your community. I might add that Mrs. Nelson, his wife, was my kindergarten teacher, and was just as awesome.
Happy Birthday Doc!
Kinsie McMann Flame-
We loved Dr. Nelson! He took care of all of animals when I was a little girl! He always explained everything to me, I was a little kid! Such a a great guy!
Michele Anderson-
Happy birthday to a very nice man and caring veterinarian. What a wonderful legacy you have.
Kathy Corley Recicar-
Ahhh, Dr Nelson, what a big part of our growing up years in Fillmore! He care for our kitty Tiger, for Dixie, our German Shepherd, and Dixie’s slightly insane daughter Heidi (Otis and Mary Corley from the Fish Hatchery) God Bless you on your 100th birthday! So many good memories, I remember how kind you were when we had to put Tiger to sleep.
Theresa Mendez-
Happy 100th Birthday Dr. Nelson!
Phyllis Steel-
Happy Birthday, Dr. Nelson. We thank you for always being there for so many of us. Saving our animals and just being there for us when our animals did pass. You are a real blessing to Fillmore. May God bless and keep you always.
Love Mike and Phyllis and Jason Steel.
Ana Enriquez-
Happy upcoming birthday Dr. Nelson.
Ronnie Mendez-
Happy Birthday Doc Nelson!
I worked for him in 1974-1976 cleaning pens at the office on weekends. He gave me a scholarship when I graduated, headed to Cal Poly thank you
Cathryn Maciel-
Oh my, I live in Simi Valley, but used to visit in Fillmore Asa kids and met him quit a few times through the 4H. He is a beautiful soul!
Mr Nelson congratulations Happy 100th Birthday!
God Bless you!
Kym Suttle-Peritore-
OMG! I have a list of amazing stories!!
Tom Palazzi-
Very happy 100th Dr Nelson. Lot of great memories
Susan Palmer McLain-
He was our backyard neighbor for years, and took care of all our animals when needed. Happy Birthday Dr. Nelson!
Deanna Dickson-
What a wonderful human!! Happy 100 years and for helping animals and people!
Kim G Davis-
Trinka Reynolds-
Dr Nelson is one LOVED man! He was always available to help with the 4-H animals. Happy Birthday Doc Nelson. PS, he is also a great dancer
Shelly Reiman-
He is the best! Grateful for all he has done for our community.
Cecilia Deskins Hanks-
Happy birthday Dr. Nelson! Always treated all of our animals. I remember the office very well.
Margaret Yeargan-
Happy Birthday to Doc Nelson. The best and most caring vet ever!!! He always took such good care of not only our domestic pets, but all the livestock for all of us and especially the kids Ag and 4H projects. He never charged for the kids project animals. He once told me he felt it was the least he could do because he was able to go to Vet school because of the help he got through Scholarships and school loans and grants. It was his way of paying back and more importantly paying it forward. A wonderful person, man, vet and friend to many in the community.
Becky Yeargan Edison-
I will be forever grateful to Dr. Nelson for saving my horse. She got real sick, he came out and told me what my options were. He knew she had some fight left in her and I wasn’t ready to give up. He met me everyday for a full week to give her the shots and monitored her till she started improving. Not only did he care for all his animal patients but he also cared about us.
Happy Birthday
Marion Holladay-
I remember when I was a little girl in the 50s he would come by to treat our milk cow. I remember being very impressed with him. He has always helped us with our animals throughout the years. He was always very reasonable and we always had a running account with him. He has been a very special person to our family and always will be.
Love and blessings for a very Happy Birthday, Dr. Nelson.
Pam Gurrola Krieger-
My mom Angie Riesgo worked for him for quite a while some time when I was young. Very fond memories of that time.
Lisa King Mekech-
Happy Birthday Dr Nelson! You took care of many of our animals over the years. Always had time for us!
James Musgrave-
From my earliest memory, Dr. Nelson came to our home on Third Street in the later Fifties to check on our dog King who unfortunately got hit by a car. Dr.
Nelson wrapped King up and took him to his office. Wasn’t long before King was back home, all went well! From the unfortunate need to say goodbye to our pets, to routine check up! Dr.
Nelson, with that warm smile! From the Musgrave family, Happy Birthday Dr.Nelson!
Thank you for your kind heart! Always the very best to you and your family!
Mason Palmateer-
A great Vet and man. One of Fillmore’s finest.
Happy 100th Birthday Dr. Nelson!
Monica Gonzalez Roman-
Dr. Nelson was an amazing neighbor! Ran to the rescue for our dog when I was younger! Happy Birthday!
Xochilt Becerra-
Happy Birthday Dr Nelson!
Linda Gilden-
One of my all time favorite friends. Happy birthday
Joanne Nuñez Fore-
Happy #100, Dr. Nelson!! I have very good memories of your compassion with our pets.
Once you met my dad, Joe Nunez, at your office in the middle of the night when our dog had been attacked by a mountain lion. We had a sad outcome, but l’ve never forgotten your kindness.
Carmen Fauver-
Whenever I ran into him at Vons he would remind me of a funny experience with my cat that survived a dryer encounter. Such a wonderful Dr. and gentleman.
Jan O’donnel-
Doc, you have been so important to our family.
Thank you for your kindness and professionalism. God bless you for your 100th birthday!
David Andersen-
What a great guy. Happy 100th Dr Nelson, I have always enjoyed our conversations.
Luke Sundquist-
Happy birthday Doc was always good to see you at the Fillmore club dinners or on the street remember doing electrical work with my dad when I was younger for you at your home and possibly the office too
Blanca Benson-
Wow! What a blessing to get to 100 years of life.
Happy birthday sir and may God bless you with many more years. Cheers!
Mark Alvarado-
Happy Birthday Doc. You were always helpful to our pets when we had a need and we’ll always be thankful.
Susan Steppler Adams-
When Dr. Nelson first came to town, my dog Dindy, was this very first patient. He was part cocker spaniel and terrier. Dr. Nelson docked his tail. Over the years he cared for our pets and had many conversations about him coming to Fillmore. He is a great veterinarian and cared very deeply about his patience. he even made house calls back in the day. Happy birthday Dr Nelson. We love you friend!
Joy Herrill Padilla-
Happy Birthday to a wonderful childhood neighbor and veterinarian. You took care of all our animals... from cats and dogs to horses and cattle....4H and FFA. So many wonderful memories ...Wishing you a very Happy 100th Birthday!
Curt Adams-
In the early 1970s KB Rogers was running cattle on the Percy Ranch in Hopper Canyon and needed to ship some cows due to it being a low grass year. Doc Nelson came up to Preg test the cows so we would know which ones to ship. He wore a rubber glove up to his shoulder and pro tested about 50 animals while testing one of the cows with his arm inside her up to the shoulder he said.” yes, she’s pregnant with a bull calf with a modeled face.”. Everyone had a good laugh.
Being a fisherman myself, Doc and I have shared photos and stories a few times over the years. I miss meeting you on my morning walk doc.
Happy birthday Doc........... Curt Adams.
Frank Lopez-
Happy birthday. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and teaching me everything you did. Those years were great. I appreciate everything you did for me.
Manuel Ponce-
This year, Dr. Charles Nelson celebrates a monumental milestone—100 years of life and a legacy that has profoundly impacted the lives of those fortunate enough to work alongside him. I count myself among the lucky ones, as I had the privilege of working under Dr. Nelson’s guidance right out of high school.
It was a pivotal moment in my life when Dr. Nelson’s longtime assistant, Adolfo (Al) Huerta, left to pursue a career in firefighting. At just 18 years old, I was offered the opportunity to fill those shoes—a daunting task, to say the least. As a young, inexperienced kid, I struggled at first, unsure of what I was doing. Yet, Dr. Nelson saw potential in me that I didn’t yet see in myself. He took a chance on me, never once expecting me to be like Al, and never giving up on me during those early, challenging days.
Over the next eight years, we built a bond that went far beyond a typical working relationship. Dr. Nelson became a mentor in every sense of the word, pushing me to grow both professionally and personally. He had a unique way of teaching. Each morning during surgeries, he would ask me questions—not just about the procedures we were performing but also about animal anatomy and science in general. Those daily conversations were invaluable, teaching me discipline, responsibility, and the importance of lifelong learning.
Looking back, I can see how much he shaped the person I’ve become. At the time, I didn’t realize that Dr. Nelson was preparing me for something greater. Near the end of his career, I was approached with an opportunity to apply for a position at Amgen. I confided in him, unsure of what to do. I told him I wanted to stay and finish his journey with him. That’s when he gave me a response I’ll never forget: “If you don’t apply for that position at Amgen, I’ll fire you on the spot.”
It was classic Dr. Nelson—direct, honest, and looking out for my best interests, even when I couldn’t see them for myself. He explained that while the vet clinic was a great job for someone my age, I needed to pursue a career with long-term potential. I’ll admit, handing in my two weeks’ notice was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. When I finally told him, he wasn’t surprised. All he said was, “I’m proud of you, and you’ll be missed.”
Today, 20 years later, I am a scientist at Amgen, celebrating my own milestone—two decades with the company. I credit much of my success to the lessons I learned under Dr. Nelson’s mentorship. He taught me to strive for excellence, to embrace challenges, and to always keep learning.
As Dr. Nelson celebrates his 100th year, I want to publicly thank him for everything he did for me and countless others. His belief in my potential changed the trajectory of my life, and I know I’m not alone in saying that. Dr. Nelson’s legacy is one of compassion, mentorship, and unwavering dedication to those around him.
Happy 100th birthday, Dr. Nelson. Your impact is immeasurable, and your lessons will continue to guide me for years to come.
Manuel Ponce
Beverly Chaney Hurst-
I could write a book on my memories of Dr.
Nelson during the 15 years I worked for him. My first? When I went to apply for the job as receptionist, I explained that I didn’t know anything about animals. His comment was something like, “You don’t have to, that’s my job.”
Robin Cahoon-
I lived on Olive street right by Dr. Nelson’s office when I was in jr. High school. This was such a blessing because a little dog I rescued named Cupid was a car chaser!! I cannot tell you how many times Cupid was injured from his car chasing escapades. My parents were against me keeping this dog so the dog lived across the street at Jan Reeders house. Dr Nelson was my savior. He never failed to bring this precious life back from the brink when eirher Jan or I would frantically run into his office with the bleeding pup in our arms. I would bet my last dollar that doc STILL remembers this little white and black doggie. He used to tell me Cupid was a cat in a previous life because he had 9 lives. Being a school student without a penny to my name, Dr.
Nelson didn’t even charge me to save the dog’s life time and time again because he knew my parents were against me even having the pup.
THANK YOU Dr. Nelson, no doubt you have been blessed to reach 100 due to your kind heart. I love you.
Butch & Frances Foy-
Happy Birthday from The Foy’s