Here are some FACTS about Fillmore Unified School District
Is it time to rethink our choices?

At the March 9th School Board meeting, the School Board voted to give layoff notices to approximately 67 teachers (out of 196) and other certificated employees, such as nurses, psychologists, and counselors.
The District wants to lay off these teachers so that they can increase class size in Kindergarten through Third Grade from 22 students per class to 32 students per class!

The District wants to lay off the entire staff of the Sierra Continuation High School program, which will shut that program down and shut down independent study.

The District wants to lay off high school teachers, including Math, English, and Science teachers, as well as the Health Instructor - because the District is considering lowering the graduation requirements for Fillmore High School students! If they do this, they will be only the second high school in the state to ever lower their graduation requirements.

The District has announced that it wants to reduce the school year by five days for the next three years.
At Piru School, six of the fifteen classroom teachers, plus the art teacher and the band teacher, already received their layoff notices!

Our children are our greatest resources. Call up your school board members and let them know you don’t want larger classes, lower graduation requirements, C School kids to travel to Oxnard, and five fewer school days. Check and find out the ways FUSD proposes to cut spending.

Meanwhile, The California Department of Education, which oversees all public schools in California, sent out a letter on Friday, March 26, saying: “The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the Advisory Commission on Charter Schools (ACCS) recommend that the State Board of Education (SBE) hold a public hearing and approve the petition to establish the Piru Charter School (PCS) under the oversight of the SBE.”

The Piru Charter School petition has received the recommendation of the California Department of Education, while the Fillmore Unified School District plans to layoff teachers, increase class size, shorten the school year, and lower graduation requirements.

Read the entire letter: