Heritage Valley Girl Scouts Celebrate 100 Years of Girl Scouting

The Heritage Valley Girl Scouts from Piru to Santa Paula celebrated 100 years of Girl Scouting, Friday night February 10, 2012 at Wesley Hall at the Presbyterian Church on Mill St., Santa Paula. This celebration coincided with the annual World Thinking Day which occurs every February 22 around the world in which Girl Scouts participate in activities with global themes to honor their sister Girl Scouts and Guides in other countries.

This year’s event was attended by over 200 people as they watched 14 local troops adopt a state, set up a booth with their state’s history, facts and favorite foods which were available for tasting. The girls entertained everyone with a performance centered around their adopted states.

This event was hosted by Senior troop, 60933 with Suzi Ortiz as their leader. They also gave a wonderful history of the 100 years of Girl Scouting dating back to its founder, Juliette Gordon Low, who started the first U. S. troop in Savannah, Georgia back in 1912. Low worked with Lord Baden Powell in England back in 1911 when Boy Scouts was founded there.

The troops that participated in this event with their adopted states include: Santa Paula troops: 60040, Cadettes, Leader-Erin Valenzuela, Alaska, 60321, Cadettes, Leader-Cathy Fernandez, California, 60287, Seniors, Leader-Marilyn Appleby, Virginia, 60624, Daisys, Leaders- Glenda Learn and Karen Reeder, New York, 60625, Brownies, Leader-Susan Reese, Texas, 60638, Juniors, Leader Karen Reeder, Louisiana, 60776, Brownies, Leader-Cathy Fernandez, Kansas.

The Fillmore troop participants were: 60420, Brownies, Leaders-Casey Beckett and Kelli Couse, Illinois, 60697, Juniors, Leader-Andrea Rodriguez, Hawaii, 60631,Cadettes, Leader- Autumn Ramirez, Oregon, 60558, Juniors, Leader Kelli Couse, Wisconsin, 60101, Brownies, Leader-Lena Perez, Washington, 60120, Daisies, Leader-Alyssa Cruz, Georgia.