By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, January 25th, 2024
![]() Last week the Fillmore Historical Museum hosted a Virtual Zoom presentation on the 1994 Northridge earthquake that rocked through Fillmore 30 years ago in January 1994. Inset, guest speakers Pat Askren, 1994 Fire Chief, and Dick Diaz, 1994 Chief of Police, as they share their stories during the virtual presentation. Above are folks who attended the open house at the Fillmore Depot which was held Saturday afternoon. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum. Enlarge Photo Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum January 17 was the 30th anniversary of the 6.7 magnitude earthquake that rocked the city of Fillmore. Sixty homes were destroyed, many more badly damaged and downtown lay in ruin. It is the mission of the Fillmore Museum to provide the people of Fillmore with records of historical events. Sue Zeider and Christine Villegas, volunteers at the museum, made preparations for the commemoration. Mud Turtle Production, assisted by Paul Neuman and Ms. Villegas, produced a documentary showing the devastation and personal memories of several citizens. Ms. Villegas presented a slide show at the Fillmore Rotary meeting on Wednesday. Thursday evening, January 18th, as part of the ongoing virtual series, Ms. Zeider organized a Zoom presentation of the 1994 Huell Houser public television episode of his Fillmore visit. Guest speakers, the former Police Chief Richard Diaz and former Fire Chief Pat Askren gave their accounts of the events. Over 50 people participated in the virtual event. https://www.fillmore |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, January 25th, 2024
![]() Mountain Vista Elementary Principal Christine McDaniels said, “Thank you to our Ventura County Sheriff’s Department for spending time with our Wildcats during Coffee with Cops!” Courtesy =pcb.868845481908550. More photos online at Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Thursday, January 25th, 2024
![]() CHP Ventura deployed its IMPACT team to SR-126 on Tuesday, January 23, in response to numerous fatal and injury crashes, and high-speed vehicles. Five police vehicles including a motorcycle officer were observed during the day. Photo credit CHP-Ventura. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Saturday, January 20th, 2024
![]() Above is Fillmore Rotary Club guest speaker Chris Villegas and past President Renee Swenson. Photo Credit Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo At last week’s Rotary meeting Chris Villegas was the Rotary guest speaker. Her presentation was a reminder of the January 17, 1994 Northridge Earthquake. She showed pictures of the damage in downtown Fillmore as well as homes that fell off of their foundations. Chris also talked about the steps you can take to make your home safe and also what is needed for an emergency kit. For more information plan to attend a virtual event, January 18 at 7:00, put on by the Fillmore Historical Museum called Shaken, Rattled and Recovered. To register and receive the Zoom link go to https://www.fillmorehistorical |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Saturday, January 20th, 2024
![]() Pictured are Troy Spayd, Jacob Coffman, and Martin Arias with the Fillmore Public Works Department. Photo credit Brandy Hollis Enlarge Photo Article by Brandy Hollis During summer we watched Fillmore's Public Works Department do double duty. It was refreshing to see objectives met, fields with holes filled in, the landscapers working too, and practice spots for teams would be trash free thanks to the hard work from these guys. Municipal Services Director Troy Spayd came to the City of Fillmore in December 2022. If you want your voice to be heard, attend city council meetings; the next one is Tuesday, January 23 at 6:30 pm, Fillmore City Hall. Fill out a speaker card and turn it in to the front before the meeting. It takes a village, and it takes work. Be part of the change you want to see. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Saturday, January 20th, 2024
Heads up VCTC 126 riders! Starting Jan. 22, 2024, there will be changes to improve weekday service. Weekend service remains unchanged. Check the schedule at Info and photo Courtesy |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Saturday, January 20th, 2024
The Area Housing Authority of the County of Ventura (AHA) will be accepting applications from Tuesday, January 30, 2024 through Tuesday, February 13, 2024 for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program from very low income households. You do not need to rush to apply. Waiting list placement will be based on the random lottery process and not on a first come first served basis. Beginning Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 8:00am through Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 4:00pm applications will be accepted online. Applications will be accepted via an online portal at WHAT YOU NEED TO APPLY For more information on the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, its requirements, and how to submit an application, please visit Programa de Vales de Elección de Vivienda de la Sección 8 La Autoridad de Vivienda del Área del Condado de Ventura (AHA, por sus siglas en inglés) aceptará solicitudes desde el Martes 30 de Enero de 2024 hasta el Martes 13 de Febrero de 2024 para el Programa de Vales de Elección de Vivienda de la Sección 8 de hogares de muy bajos ingresos. No es necesario apresurarse para presentar la solicitud. La ubicación en la lista de espera se basara a proceses de lotería y no en el orden de llegada. Las solicitudes se aceptarán en línea a partir del Martes 30 de Enero de 2024 a las 8:00 de la mañana y se cerrará el Martes 13 de Febrero de 2024 a las 4:00 de la tarde. Las solicitudes se aceptaran a través de un portal en línea en Para obtener más información sobre el programa de Vales de Elección de Vivienda de la Sección 8, sus requisitos y cómo presentar una solicitud, visite |
On January 17, 1994, at 4:31am, the Northridge Earthquake struck with a magnitude of 6.7. Fillmore residents woke up to damages to about 100 single-family homes and about 25 businesses, many on Central Avenue. Above is the Masonic Building on Main and Sespe Avenue, a landmark lost in the quake. Inset, a photo of the gas line break that took place two days after, where the Star Free Press reported 103 mobile homes in El Dorado experienced serve damage. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum. Enlarge Photo By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 12th, 2024
Above is a photo of the temporary business tents that were set up in the park where Fillmore City Hall stands today. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum. Enlarge Photo Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum Do you remember where you were on January 17, 1994 at 4:31 AM? If you do, it probably means you were living in Southern California. If you were living in Fillmore at the time, you might soon discover that your home and business had been badly damaged, if not destroyed by the Northridge Earthquake, a 6.7 “blind thrust” earthquake on a previously unknown fault approximately 8 miles below Northridge. Two days after the quake, the Star Free Press reported that 103 mobile homes in El Dorado suffered serious damage with one having burned to the ground due to a gas fire. About 100 single family homes had been damaged and about 25 business – many on Central Avenue – suffered major damage. These numbers grew as the damage was assessed. The town lost some landmarks such as the Masonic Building on Main and Sespe and the Fillmore Club at 343 Central. On January 18, 2024, the Museum’s virtual “history lesson” at 7:00p.m. will be a look back at the 1994 earthquake. About a week after the quake occurred, Huell Howser visited Fillmore with his camera man, Luis. The almost 30 minute video will be shown. Afterwards, we will have a panel of people who were involved in the first response and reconstruction. There will be a Q & A period. We expect that this presentation will be longer that the usual 1 hour. There is no charge by you do have register to receive the link. You can register at, https://www.fillmorehistorical On January 20th, 2024, there will be a special display in the Depot which will again include the Huell Howser “Visiting” episode and a video which looks back at 1994 and includes recent interviews. The video was compiled by Mudturtle Productions. The Depot will be open from 2p.m. to 4:30p.m. Again, there is no charge. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 12th, 2024
![]() Pictured (l-r) is Rotary President Scott Beylik with speaker Ken Wiseman. Wiseman was the guest speaker at last week’s Fillmore Rotary Club meeting. He and his wife moved from busy Santa Clarita to Piru, and once there they noticed the vacant buildings, the lack of sidewalks for the children walking to school and they began to think about what could be done. Ken joined the Piru Neighborhood Council to meet people and ask questions. Since then they have looked into ways to bring filming to Piru, thus bringing money for new projects such as sidewalks, adult education at the Community Center, future projects like a little water park, and soccer fields. They have also planned events to bring families together, especially the families who have moved into the new homes and need to become part of the community. Sometimes it just takes one person to step up and get everyone enthused and that person is Ken Wiseman. Photo credit Martha Richardson. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 12th, 2024
VENTURA, Calif. – As January marks Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the Ventura County Today, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors proclaimed the month of January as Human With a steadfast dedication to justice and protecting the vulnerable, the Ventura County District Contact: Joey Buttitta “Our office is committed to ending human trafficking in Ventura County,” District Attorney Erik Throughout Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office will • Wear blue! National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on • Thursday, January 11, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.: Join us at the Soroptimist In addition to proactive measures, the District Attorney’s Office remains committed to providing If you or someone you know might be a victim of trafficking, call 9-1-1. If you think you might be a |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 5th, 2024
![]() Pictured is Ralphy Avila, Jax’s son and a Fillmore Little League player, and Jax Avila, Fillmore Little League Board Member, riding in the 2023 Lions Club Christmas Parade. Photo credit Brandy Hollis. Enlarge Photo By Brandy Hollis, parent & former Fillmore Little League manager One of my favorite things to do is to observe the “doers”, the ones always there, doing the work, answering questions, putting out fires, and not always the one being recognized. I am sure any organization Jax Avila is involved with knows how truly blessed they are to have her, but I just wanted to give her a little shout-out. I know if I need a question answered, or help with a project, she gives her word and follows up. I am a big applauder of people who do what they say and without a doubt she has been one of those I can count on. Whether you’re at the snack bar, registering your kids, watching a game or needing a question answered, pay attention to how often Jax is around, giving her time freely to Little League and other organizations. There are also many other volunteers who make this organization work and flourish here in Fillmore, but this is just a little shout-out to her personally. As our children continue to play youth sports here in Fillmore, these organizations are run by volunteers. That includes coaches. I cannot tell you how many times a kid has gotten excited because their parent is one of the ones helping out or coaching. Everything runs smoother when there are parent volunteers in any sport. Stand up and lend a helping hand and make your kids’ season! And if you see Jax, smile and say hi! |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 5th, 2024
By Carina Montoya Happy 2024 Fillmore! In 2022, I introduced Scruffy, my terrier-mix rescue, found abandoned, alone and wandering the streets in the San Fernando Valley at about 10 weeks old. An animal control officer found her and brought her to the shelter. She was a lucky dog, and I was fortunate to find her. She was my Christmas present in December 2017. This past Christmas 2023, I adopted another rescue who was abandoned along with eight of his siblings. The puppies were approximately nine weeks old when someone dumped them in a field in an agricultural area in Bakersfield. A farmer found the pups with no mother in sight. He called a rescue organization who came and gathered the puppies. I responded when photos of the puppies were put on social media. The rescue organization believed the dogs were Border Collie/Cattle Dog mix. I was interested in the black/white puppy with the white paintbrush tip tail because he resembled Freckles, one of the loves of my life for 14 years who was a female Border Collie. Needless to say, it was love at first sight for both of us. I named him Pip after a character in Great Expectations, one of my favorite classics by Charles Dickens. I was curious to know Pip’s breed mix, so I bought a dog DNA test kit, swabbed the inside of his cheeks and sent it off. I was surprised to learn that he has no Border Collie in his DNA. Pip is 61% German Shepherd, 31% Pit Bull, and 10% Siberian Husky. He is definitely an interesting mix, which makes him a special dog who is loved and treated as a member of the family. To Pip, he belongs to a forever pack. Bringing a dog into your home is a responsibility. All domesticated dogs are dependent on their owner for food, shelter, safety, exercise and attention. I’m sure that all dog-lovers agree that if you don’t treat your dog as a family member, you shouldn’t have a dog. Dogs are descendants from wolves which man befriended, tamed, and cared for in exchange for them to work as guard dogs. It is said that “this reciprocal relationship remains in your dog’s genes and their loyalty is a by-product of it.” During the COVID isolation period many shelters for the first time became virtually empty. People wanted dogs because they were isolated at home. After COVID isolation was over and people returned to work and school, many people no longer wanted their dogs. Shelters again began reaching their full capacity in unwanted dogs. Unfortunately, many dogs were also found abandoned and left to die in cages, boxes and trash cans or left to be killed by vehicles or wildlife. There are approximately 3,500 animal shelters in the U.S. filled with unwanted animals. By rescuing a dog from a shelter, you will be doing your part in saving it from an uncertain fate. In return, the dog will be grateful for getting a second chance and you will get unconditional love, loyalty and much more. Many people looking to adopt a dog prefer a puppy, but adopting young and older dogs often has positive benefits, such as they are no longer teething; they are house trained; and they have been socialized with people and other animals. My two rescues are lucky dogs because they found a forever home. Little do they know that I am the lucky one because they are gifts that keep on giving. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 5th, 2024
VENTURA, Calif. – The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is informing the public about a recent report our office received from the International Association of Financial Crime Investigators (IAFCI, December 2023) regarding QR code fraud, and the relative financial and security risks associated with this increasing growing form of fraud. QR codes or “Quick Response codes” (see image 1) are barcodes that can be read (scanned) by an imaging device, such as a camera on a phone. When a QR code is imaged by a device, it can direct the device to perform functions such as opening websites. There are certain private and public entities that will use QR code applications to facilitate digital payments transactions for customers (scan and pay). QR codes can be placed or affixed anywhere, such as a physical location (a sticker on a store window) or non-stationary settings (advertisements on print or in digital format). “As technology provides customers more options to quickly and easily conduct financial transactions, what sometimes follows right behind are the quick and easy methods criminals use in an attempt to steal from those very customers,” said Investigator Richard Elias, a member of the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office Major Fraud Division. Certain criminals (“fraudsters”) have taken advantage of the growing use of QR code technology to trick users into scanning illegitimate QR codes, which fraudsters can place or affix with relative ease anywhere. This can be as easy as placing a QR code sticker over a pre-existing QR code (see image 2). Once a victim accesses the malicious QR code, they are routed to a fraudulent website posing as the official site of what the customer intended to visit or do business with. This could ultimately lead to financial losses or the later misuse of personal identification and financial information. To prevent this, consumers are encouraged to: 1. Consider where and how QR codes are being displayed and if those displays reasonably correspond with the transactions being considered. 2. Before “clicking” to accept a scanned QR code, check the phone camera screen to see what website (URL address) is associated with that QR code (this should pop up when the phone scans the code). 3. After accepting a scanned QR code, check the website (URL address and site features) to make sure the website is associated with the legitimate company/entity it claims to represent. Discontinue or check with the entity directly if there are any doubts of authenticity. If you have been a victim of QR code fraud, or suspect QR code fraud is taking place, please report the matter to your local law enforcement agency and immediately report any suspected financial fraud to your bank or credit card company. |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Friday, January 5th, 2024
Ventura County, California – The Ventura County Grand Jury will be holding information Two information sessions will take place on: Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm at the Grand Jury Chambers located at 646 County Square Drive, Ventura. If you are interested in applying for the Grand Jury or want more information, please |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
![]() The Grinch snuck into town on Christmas Eve and attempted to steal all the trees & toys, decorations & joy. But he ended up growing a heart for Fillmore. Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
![]() On Sunday, December 10, the Fillmore Rotary Club participated in a clean-up at Bardsdale Cemetery. Rotary Club members picked up trash, flattened gopher mounds and cleaned off overgrown grave markers. Thank you, Rotary Club of Fillmore, for coming out to help clean up! Courtesy Enlarge Photo |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
https://www.fillmore aspx?AID=54 Join us for a fantastic Walking Event in Fillmore! The City of Fillmore along with VCAA is thrilled to invite all you amazing senior adults to join us for a fun filled walking event that is all about boosting your health and well-being. Get ready to put on those comfy shoes and let’s hit the road together! For more information visit: Or feel free to reach out to Julian Zendejas via email at or by phone at (805) 254-3030. Please also note that our Active Adult Center will be closed to the public December 25th - January 2nd. For more details use this link: |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
Courtesy We’re again providing Christmas tree recycling for our residential customers this year, and we encourage you to participate in this important effort. During the two weeks after Christmas – from Dec. 26 through Jan. 6 – simply remove ornaments, hooks, lights, tinsel, bows, nails, stands and other items you put on the tree. Then cut the tree into 4-foot sections and put them in your organics/yard waste cart on your regular pickup day. Or, place the whole Christmas tree at the curb on collection day. (Flocked trees are accepted.) The trees will be processed into mulch by our part-ner Agromin. These products benefit our farmlands, orchards, nurseries, landscape projects and home gardens, so recycling your tree truly is a holiday gift to Mother Earth. We appreciate your help, and thanks also to Agromin and our local municipalities for participating in this program. **************************************************** Recicle Su Árbol de Navidad Las siguientes dos semanas después de la Navidad del 26 de diciembre hasta el 6 de enero, simplemente quite los adornos, ganchos, luces, oropel, listones y clavos y la base del árbol y otros artículos que puso en el árbol. Corte el árbol en 4 pedazos y en el día de la recolección póngalo en el bote para desperdicios del jardín/orgánicos o ponga el árbol en la orilla de la banqueta el día de la recolección. (Se aceptan los árboles con nieve artificial). Nuestro socio Agromin procesará los árboles como abono, ese producto beneficiará nuestras tierras de cultivo, huertos, viveros, proyectos paisajísticos, y jardines. Al reciclar su árbol en realidad le está dando un regalo festivo a la Madre Tierra. Les agradecemos su ayuda y también a Agromin, y a nuestras municipalidades por participar en este programa. See |
By Gazette Staff Writers — Sunday, December 31st, 2023
Courtesy Ventura County Transportation Commission mc_eid=c5734b16a7 We want to know if bus, paratransit, dial-a-ride, on-demand, or rail services are meeting your needs. Your local transit operators are looking for comments and suggestions that will help to plan and improve transit services in Ventura County. Share your comments by attending an in-person or virtual meeting. Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024 Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024 Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024 Friday, Feb. 2, 2024 Can’t make the meetings? |