The Vision 20/20 committee pick a beauty this month. Congratulations to Peggy Alsup, and Gary Mourett of 1011 Ortega Street in Fillmore, for winning September Yard of the Month. The residence is on the Corner of Burson, and Ortega. Their yard was picked for the care and work they put into it. The house is lined with Rose Trees of different colors, and Rose sizes. Also in the front yard are two beautiful White Birch Trees and a couple of Palm trees. On the side yard you will see a couple of citrus trees, and a nicely shaped cactus. There is a story behind all their planting. A very good friend of Gary's, by the name of Derek DeJarnette gave him the Lemon tree years ago. For the longest time it barely grew, and gave one or two Lemons yearly. Sadly, his friend Derek past away many years ago and Gary said that after he past, the Lemon Tree just flourished, and now its just big, and beautiful, and gives fruit yearly, much to the delight of both Gary, and Peggy.



The 27th Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day is less than a month away, and we’re working with the California Coastal Commission to help recruit 100,000 volunteers — what would be the largest turnout ever — for this event. Keeping our inland waterways and coastlines free of trash and debris is vital to the health of our oceans and environment.

Below is a media alert, along with a link to high-resolution image and a short creative promo video that outlines the importance of this event.

We would love your help spreading the word and inspiring the public to get involved!

If interested in promoting this effort, we have additional marketing assets available, including: web banners (in Spanish and English), radio scripts (Spanish and English), posters (in English and Spanish) and the video.

If you need any additional information or would like to speak/interview with a representative of the California Coastal Commission, please let me know.

Check out “Trash Frog,” :15 sec original promo video

Check out the 2011 California Coastal Clean Up Day original art “Trash Fish” posters :


The Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation and Fillmore Fire Department will host the 10th Anniversary of September 11th Memorial Ceremony. The residents of Fillmore are invited to attend the ceremony on Sunday, September 11th, 2011 at 8:00am. The ceremony will be held in front of the City of Fillmore Fire Department, 711 Sespe Place.
The Fillmore Volunteer Firefighters Foundation and Fillmore Fire Department will host the 10th Anniversary of September 11th Memorial Ceremony. The residents of Fillmore are invited to attend the ceremony on Sunday, September 11th, 2011 at 8:00am. The ceremony will be held in front of the City of Fillmore Fire Department, 711 Sespe Place.
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Relay for Life of Fillmore-Piru is coming! Sept. 17th-18th, 2011 (Sat-Sun) from 10am-10am at Shiells Park. There is still time to join a team, form a team or make a donation! For more information please contact Debbie Sanchez 805.797.5282 or Together we can fight cancer! Pictured, Team: Gilbert’s Legacy.
Relay for Life of Fillmore-Piru is coming! Sept. 17th-18th, 2011 (Sat-Sun) from 10am-10am at Shiells Park. There is still time to join a team, form a team or make a donation! For more information please contact Debbie Sanchez 805.797.5282 or Together we can fight cancer! Pictured, Team: Gilbert’s Legacy.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers meet weekly at El Pescador Restaurant at 7:00 AM. Club members and guests hear programs on a wide variety of subject including PolioPlus, Rotary’s program to eradicate polio worldwide; Ventura County Tax Payers Associations; Kyle Wilson of Edward Jones Investments with an economic update; Catherine Voelker Duggan, V.C. Deputy District Attorney, just to name a few. Next week, Tuesday, Sept. 6th the Sun Risers will hear from Fillmore Police Chief Monica McGrath and Fire Chief Rigo Landeros. For more information about attending a meeting and about the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers, call Sean at 796-0276.
Upcoming event for the Sun Risers in September is participating as a team in the Relay for Life on Sept. 17 & 18 at Shield Park.

Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto Service Above Self.


In an effort to more effectively meet the nutritional needs of its members, the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is pleased to announce that it will be participating in the California Department of Education Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Each day, children will receive a free healthy snack to help them develop life-long healthy eating habits. This program will be in effect at the Santa Paula Clubhouse, 1400 E. Harvard Blvd., and at the Fillmore Clubhouse, 565 E. First Street.

Each daily snack must follow basic health guidelines of what is needed by children ages 6 to 12. The rules call for 8 ounces of milk, one ounce of a meat or a meat alternative, 3/4 of a cup of fruit or vegetable juice or one serving of grains or breads. Two of those four food groups must be included in every after-school snack. The program will begin August 24, 2011.

The CACFP is a federal and state-funded program that gives financial aid to child care centers, adult day centers and day care homes to provide nutritious, well-balanced meals.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Ventura, CA. – As a result of VISTA’s annual schedule adjustment process, area bus riders will have additional travel choices as well as revised travel times. Additions to VISTA service include two additional trips on the popular Coastal Express service linking Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, as well as additional Dial-A-Ride service in the Heritage Valley communities of Fillmore and Piru.

“Thanks to a slight rebound in local sales tax revenue, VCTC is able to introduce additional service in response to growing bus ridership. We are proud ridership on VISTA is increasing and are continuing our efforts to serve that growth,” observed Darren Kettle, VCTC Executive Director.

The new weekday Coastal Express trips depart the Ventura County Government Center at 8:00 a.m. and Goleta at 6:25 p.m. There will be as many as four Dial-A-Ride vehicles available for service within the Heritage Valley on weekday evenings. “While the number of actual vehicles in service will vary based on customer demand, this is an important development given the service cuts imposed last spring,” noted Kettle. “As the county’s regional transportation planning agency, VCTC recently embarked on a planning study to identify the most effective ways of providing public transit service in Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Piru. We encourage Heritage Valley residents to participate in the project though surveys, community workshops, and local focus groups.”

While service to CSUCI will remain unchanged during the school year, the CSUCI route will undergo slight reductions during school breaks. During CSUCI’s winter and summer breaks, the last bus will leave the Camarillo Metrolink station at 5:30 p.m., while the last bus will depart C Street in Oxnard at 5:00 p.m.

Additional information regarding VCTC and its programs and services is available either online at or via phone at (800) 642-4860.

Special Request for Donors With Type O-, A- and AB Blood

Ventura, CA – The summer need for blood hasn't stopped and with the busy Labor Day weekend fast approaching, we need you to find the hero in you and donate blood. Blood demand can be high on holidays such as these, and donations are needed before the weekend to ensure a steady supply. United Blood Services is asking donors to give this week and the week following the holiday to ensure there is an ample supply of blood on hand for the holiday weekend and subsequent weeks.

While donations of all blood types are encouraged, donors with Type O-negative, Type A-negative and Type AB (positive or negative) are especially needed, as there is currently a shortage of these blood types. O-negative red cells can be transfused to anyone and are often used to help patients when there is no time to determine the patient’s own blood type. Likewise, type AB plasma can be given to all patients, and is the only plasma used for trauma patients and neonatal babies! There is always a special need for AB plasma, and this summer there is a serious shortage, both locally and nationally.

As a token of appreciation, all blood donors receive points for great rewards like Ice Cream, Movie Tickets and more. If donors make an appointment ahead, they'll receive an additional 100 points, which along with their donation award, is enough points for a pint of ice cream! Details at

Donations may be made at the UBS Center in Ventura at 2223 Eastman near McGrath, or any of a number of community blood drives happening throughout the county. Donors are asked to make an appointment by contacting United Blood Services toll-free at 800-715-3699; or online at Just click on “Donate Blood” and type in your zip code to find a list of drives nearby. Appointments are appreciated, but not necessary. Walk-ins are also welcome, and will be honored as our appointment schedule allows. The blood center will be closed on Monday, Sept. 5, in recognition of Labor Day.

You may donate blood if you are over age 16, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health. Additional height/weight requirements apply to donors 22 and younger.

Ventura Center Hours:
Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday: 10 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Pizza served 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday)
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Closed Monday, Sept. 5

Participants to Raise Critically Needed Funds for Alzheimer’s Care, Support and Research

Thousand Oaks, CA – The Alzheimer’s Association invites Thousand Oaks residents to unite in a movement to reclaim the future for millions by participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Conejo Creek North will be the site of the Walk on Oct. 29 at 9 a.m.

“There has never been a greater need for the citizens of Thousand Oaks to join in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease by participating in Walk to End Alzheimer’s,” said Debra Cecilio, the organizer of the Thousand Oaks Walk. “Funds raised will help us continue to provide free care and support services to the Ventura County residents living with Alzheimer’s, while also contributing to advancing critically needed research.”

Today, more than 13,000 Ventura County residents — and their families — struggle with Alzheimer's daily. Without a breakthrough in research, that number is expected to jump to more than 26,000 residents by 2030. Until a treatment or cure is found, the Alzheimer’s Association offers free support services to families, including care consultations, support groups and education for families and professionals.

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is more than a walk; it’s an experience for people living in Thousand Oaks to learn about Alzheimer's disease and how to get involved with this critical cause, from advocacy opportunities, the latest in Alzheimer’s research and clinical trial enrollment to support programs and services.

Alzheimer’s disease is a growing epidemic and is now the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death. As baby boomers age, the number of individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease will rapidly escalate, increasing well beyond today’s estimated 5.4 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s. In addition to the Walk, participants will enjoy entertainment, friendship and lunch.

Start or join a team today at To volunteer or to become a corporate sponsor, contact Debra Cecilio at 805.484.6028.

About the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s
The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Since 1989, the Alzheimer’s Association mobilized millions of Americans in the Alzheimer’s Association Memory Walk®; now the Alzheimer’s Association is continuing to lead the way with Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Together, we can end Alzheimer’s – the nation’s sixth-leading cause of death.

About the Alzheimer's Association
The Alzheimer’s Association is the world’s leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health.


The Ventura County Garden Club will be meeting Wed. September 7 at 1pm for the first meeting of the 2011-2012 club year at the St. Paul's Episcopal Church - 117 7th St. Santa Paula.

The program "Growing Dahlias" will be presented by Ann Dunstan from Love House Dahlias, Casitas Springs. Refreshments of tasty tea sandwiches and cookies will be served.

Most all Ventura County cities are represented in the membership which is open to any who have an appreciation of gardens and landscaping. Yearly dues are $25. Besides interesting speakers there are also tours planned for the year and two luncheon meetings.

For more information call Maxine Merry - 524-1565 or Linda Nunes - 524-3021

September 13, 2011

Ventura, CA - Advances in diagnostic imaging will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

Mark R. Mitchell, M.D., a Ventura radiologist, will lead the seminar that will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in Community Memorial Hospital’s eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium.

Early detection is essential and diagnostic imaging has become an invaluable non-invasive tool in fighting disease. Dr. Mitchell of Grossman Imaging Center will discuss the newest technology and the advanced imaging services available. They include cardiac and colon computed tomography (CT); vascular disease; positron emission tomography (PET) and CT for tumor analysis; and breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Dr. Mitchell received his medical degree from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn., and is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital staff.

Admission is free, but space is limited, and reservations are required. Call (805) 652-5436, or visit

Community Memorial Hospital is located at 147 N. Brent St. in Ventura.

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Free Diabetes Classes in Ventura held at Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association, 2996 Eastman Ave, #101. 1:00 pm – 2:30 on September 6, October 4, November 1, and December 6. Learn about Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, diet, medication, exercise and blood sugar monitoring, plus an individualized plan of care will be emphasized. For information call 642-0239, ext 723.

Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers (l-r) Sean Morris, president, Bob Munns, and Marge LeBard, speaker chairperson.
Fillmore Rotary Sun Risers (l-r) Sean Morris, president, Bob Munns, and Marge LeBard, speaker chairperson.
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On Tuesday, August 16th the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers heard from actor Bob Munns. Bob presented some tools actors use to memorize as well as preparing for roles. Bob and his wife Dianne live in Fillmore and have lived in Ventura county for some twenty years. Bob started acting at age 50 while living in Seattle, WA. He appears in numerous plays, two films and a national commercial. He was encouraged to move to the LA area to try acting there. Some of his credits include “Doc Hollywood”, “Forever Young”, and “Dogfight”. TV credits include “Scrubs”, “Melrose Place”, “Men Behaving Badly”. He has also appeared in a number of commercials.

Upcoming events for the Sun Risers in August and September include hosting a BBQ for the FMS and FHS Interact Club students and their parents at the Fillmore Aquatic Center on August 27th ; and participating as a team in the Relay for Life on Sept. 17 & 18. August speakers include: Valerie Reed will speak on Meditation; meeting at Bob Hammond's home for signing up for Relay for Life; Actor Bob Munns; Kyle Wilson of Edward Jones; and Catherine Voekler Duggan, VC DA's office.

The Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers meet every Tuesday at 7:00 AM at El Pescador Restaurant. For more information call Sean at 796-0276.


The Fillmore Aquatic Center will be open after school this fall! It will open Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri. from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm daily. On Thurs. and Sat. it will be open from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

All lap swim business hours will remain the same. Monday through Thursday from 6:30 am to 8:00 am and Saturdays from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. Evening hours are from 5:45 to 7:30 Monday through Thursday.


In observance of the Labor Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, Sept. 5. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash and green waste collected on Saturday, Sept. 10, one day later than usual.

The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Get your kids ready to head back to school at Ventura County Library

As Ventura County’s students head back to school this September, the Ventura County Library wants to make sure all children have the most important school supply of all – a library card.

Owning a library card provides students the resources they need to compete academically. Ventura County Library provides students free access to databases of news articles, encyclopedias and test preparation materials, as well as homework help and resources.

“Today’s libraries provide students with the tools they need to succeed,” says Ventura County Library Director, Jackie Griffin. “Libraries provide young readers with exciting and engaging programs that make learning fun. Now more than ever, a library card is most important school supply of all.”

Getting a library card is easy! Apply for a FREE library card at any Ventura County Library. Location addresses, hours and phone numbers may be found at:

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at


On Sunday, September 11, 2011, the public will be invited to pay their respects in remembrance of the firefighters, peace officers, military personnel and civilians who perished in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The 10th Anniversary memorial ceremony is being presented by the Ventura County Emergency Planning Council at the Ventura County Government Center. The ceremony will include the traditional Bell Ceremony, a flag ceremony, a helicopter fly-over, bagpipes and other musical tributes.

Additional details will be released in the week preceding the event.

Date: Sunday, September 11, 2011
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Ventura County Government Center
800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA

The ceremony will be held on the lawn between the Law Enforcement, Firefighter’s, and Veteran’s memorials.

Parking will be available at no charge.

Administrator Preparing Release: Cynthia Elliott, OES Program Administrator (805) 654-3655
Follow-up Contact: Cynthia Elliott, OES Program Administrator (805) 654-3655
Approved By: Laura D. Hernandez, OES Assistant Director
Date of Release: August 11, 2011


The Fillmore High Sports Hall of Fame Committee has selected 17 graduates from Fillmore High to be inducted into the 2011 Sports Hall of Fame. This year's ceremony will take place on Saturday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. with a tour of the Hall of Fame room, to be followed by the introductions of the new inductees in the high school gym, as well as the introduction of last year's inductees who are able to attend. The committee hopes that many of last year's inductees will attend to welcome the new class of Hall of Fame Members.

Those being inducted are: Bill Mayhew, class of 1918; J. C. Taylor, '45; Buck Basolo, '46; George Garnica, '50; Phil Rice '52; Dick Frederiksen, '54; Eugene Reyes, '59; Joe Cook, '61; Tom Hays, '64; Booty Sanchez, '72; Tim Grove, '72; Jeff Fauver, '79; David Miller, '80; Roy Alsup, '81; Brad Edmonds, '89; Danielle Stines, '95; and April Kozar, '97.

On Friday night, September 16, the Hall of Fame football game will be played against Morro Bay at the local stadium and the 2011 Hall of Fame inductees will be introduced, along with the members of the 1945 Championship football team. The Hall of Fame Committee hopes that many alumni members and friends of the inductees will attend the game, along with many of last year's honored Hall of Fame members.