By Anonymous — Tuesday, June 14th, 2011
CAMARILLO, CA – It could be a family’s worst nightmare – they’re being asked to evacuate because of a wildfire or other disaster, but they don’t know what to take or where to go. On Saturday, June 18, the Ventura County Fire Department, Farmers Insurance Company, the American Red Cross of Ventura County and the Home Depot store in Simi Valley will combine their efforts to ensure families are prepared for an emergency. Using the fire department’s award-winning “Ready, Set, Go!” wildfire preparedness program as a foundation, families attending the event will learn how to prepare their property against a wildfire but, more importantly, they will learn how to assemble their emergency supplies, create an evacuation checklist, plan evacuation routes and recover their losses should any type of disaster occur. The fire department will have fire engines and informational booths set up. Farmers Insurance will demonstrate the capabilities of their 45-foot Mobile Claims Center and the Red Cross will display one of their Emergency Response Vehicles and some of the emergency supplies available from them. Home Depot will feature products for wildfire preparedness including building materials to make the home safer, fire-resistant landscaping and other emergency supplies. “Our Mobile Claims Center just returned from the Midwest,” said Jerry Davies, Farmers’ Assistant Vice President of Media and Public Relations, “and the destruction we witnessed there really brought home the need to be prepared. An event like this gives people the tools they need to cope with a disaster, and that brings peace of mind as well.” The event will run from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and there will be activities for the whole family. Families will be encouraged to work together on a preparedness plan and backpacks will be given away so families can start the process of assembling their own emergency supply kit. The event is free of charge. Event: Disaster Preparedness |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, June 14th, 2011
In observance of the Independence Day holiday, the employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, July 4. As a result, Fillmore residential customers will have their trash and recycling collected on Saturday, July 9, one day later than usual. The regular schedule will resume the following week. For more information, call 647-1414. |
By Anonymous — Monday, June 13th, 2011
Ventura, CA – Ventura County teens will soon have an opportunity to make a difference by joining the first-ever Ventura County Transportation Commission Teen Council. In preparation, VCTC will host four focus groups on June 22-24 involving local students to identify and discuss those transportation issues important to them. Sessions will be held as follows: · June 22 – Moorpark College – 10:00 a.m. · June 23 – Oxnard College – 10:00 a.m. · June 23 – Santa Paula Community Center – 2:00 p.m. · June 24 – Alex Fiore Teen Center (Thousand Oaks) – 11:00 a.m. To participate in the focus groups, interested teens should contact Donna Cole at (805) 642-1591, extension 101 or before June 17. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis, and each focus group will be limited to eight. All focus group participants will receive a $25 VISA gift card. The goal of the Teen Council, which will launch at the beginning of the Fall 2011 school year, is to raise awareness of transportation, air quality, and other community-wide issues among local youth in a community service-oriented environment. Teen Council members will participate in monthly meetings throughout the school year and assist with transportation-related service or community activities. “The Teen Council is a great opportunity for Ventura County’s young people to have their voices heard by Ventura County Supervisors, municipal leaders, and the community at-large,” noted Darren Kettle, VCTC’s Executive Director. “We are very excited about having the chance to work with our county’s future leaders.” More information about the VCTC Teen Council focus groups is available online at or by calling (800) 438-1112. |
By Anonymous — Thursday, June 9th, 2011
![]() Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
![]() The Fillmore High graduating class of 2011 left their mark as they transformed the city’s ‘F’ on the hills above Fillmore to an ‘11’. Enlarge Photo |
By Dick Mosbarger — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
With the largest crowd in ten years, nearly 300 alumni members met at the Memorial Building in Fillmore to celebrate the 98th year of the Fillmore High Alumni Association. Mark Ortega, class of '70 and the Vice President, opened the evening with information regarding the evening program and some history of the alumni association. Boy Scout troop 406 presented the colors, which was followed by the pledge of allegiance. Roy Henderson, class of '47 then gave the invocation which was followed by the delicious dinner prepared by Rigo Landeros and Greg Laird of Laird's Catering. The evening's program began with the recognition of the Honored Classes, which were the ones that graduated in the years ending in 1 or 6. Kenny Rogers of the class of '46 was able to get 12 of his classmates to attend their 65th reunion and Beverly Hooper Bishop, class of '51 had a fine turnout for her class's 60th reunion. The class of 1961 showed up in force with over 40 members present after a Friday evening reunion at the Merriott in Oxnard, which was coordinated by Betty Reed Carpenter. Preceding the presentations of this year's alumni scholarships to graduating seniors, Stephanie Gomez, class of 2002, and a former recipient of an alumni scholarship and several alumni continuation grants, spoke on how the alumni scholarships had aided her in achieving her education. John Lemley began the scholarship presentations by introducing the two recipients of his scholarship--two $2500 scholarships for two years plus a one-time offer of $500 towards a laptop computer. The recipients were Troy Spencer and Claire Faith. The other eight recipients of the alumni scholarships were: Brianne Cesario the Dulcie Arnold Memorial Scholarship, Riley Wright the Carl and Helen Siechert Memorial Scholarship, Sean Chandler the American Legion Scholarship, Chrisitan Conaway the Masonic Temple Scholarship, Chloe Keller the Wm. Brisby Memorial Science Scholarship, Isis Topete the Piru Youth Organization Scholarship, Ana Pantoja the Conway Spitler Business Scholarship and Grace Simon the Fillmore Breakfast Club Scholarship. Each of these scholarships is in the amount of $1000. Door prizes were awarded to Em Wendel, Isis Topete, Elaine Ipswitch and Carol Shiells who received gift baskets of tomatores from Beylik Family Farms. Gift boxes of avocados from Mission Produce were awarded to Ray Hoover, Jillian Wilber, Jerry Crockett and Mike Hope. Tote bags that were made by Gertrude Lovelace were presented to Gay Newman and Jane McCreary. John Wilber, Principal at Fillmore High won a hand knitted scarf in blue with a white flash which was made by Carmen Zermeno. Very appropriate. The Fillmore and Western Railroad presented Mystery Train tickets to Janine Rees and four subscriptions to the alumni newsletter, "Flashbacks" were won by Terry Rudkin, Jack Edmonds, Harvey Hopkins and Kenny Myers. This year three prizes were presented, thanks to the generosity of Elkins Ranch Golf Course and Cheryl Dimmitt and Mike Richardson of Quality Ag. Kenny Rogers and Kenny Myers each won a round of golf for four golfers at Elkins Ranch and Judy Bartels won a cord of wood from Mike Richardson. Our thanks go out to all who donated these wonderful prizes. The names of the officers of the Fillmore High Alumni Association for the 2011-2012 year were put into nomination by John Lemley, who was class president of the class of 1961. The new officers are Mark Ortega, President; Corinna Mozley, Vice President; Glenda DeJarnette, Secretary; Marla DeZavala, Financial Director; Kathleen McCreary, Flashbacks Editor; Maria Kilgore, Historian; and Directors, Michelle Haase, Tricia Gradias, Barry Thompson, Mark Avila and Rick Cadena. Dick Mosbarger will assume the office of Past President. He was presented a lovely retiring Presidents plaque by the members of the Board of Directors. The evening's program was closed with the singing of the alma mater by all in attendance, but many alumni members and guests stayed around for several hours to visit, which the alumni board hopes will become a tradition. Plans are already being made for the 99th alumni dinner next year and even for the 100th dinner in two years. That should be a big one. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
![]() Raelene Chaney, right, received a plaque honoring her 20 years of service to Grad Nite Live, an organization she founded to keep graduating students party-safe. The plaque was presented Friday morning, after the GNL cruise, by GNL vice-president’s Sean and April Hastings of Attaction Spa. Mrs. Chaney was surpised and happy! Enlarge Photo |
![]() Everything from produce to flowers to fresh farm eggs can be found at Fillmore’s local farmers market, each Wednesday at the corner of Central Avenue and Main Sttreet. Enlarge Photo By Brooke Aguirre — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
Are you looking for something exciting to do on Wednesday afternoons? Well grab a few reusable bags and join your neighbors at the Fillmore Community Farmer’s Market. There, you can enjoy the fresh air, scented with basil and other herbs while shopping for your weekly groceries. At the market, you can find everything from sweet honey to healthy veggies. One unique activity people can do at the farmer’s market is build their own beautiful bouquet of fragrant roses and lavender from Otto and Sons Nursery. You can choose eight blooms for the reasonable price of $3 and add some lavender for a bouquet that lasts all week. Otto and Sons is a family run business. In 1976, Otto and Jeanne Klittich started the nursery in Fillmore after owning a landscaping business in Southern California for 22 years. In 1985 Otto and Jeanne’s son Scott Klittich began managing the nursery. In 1989, they started growing roses which now account for about half of their sales. Today, Scott’s wife Cindy along with their three sons Danny, Andy and Timmy can be found helping with the daily routine of managing the 22 acre nursery. As well as over 800 varieties of vibrant roses, they also grow and sell 120,000 different plants, trees and bushes. At their stand, you can purchase lavender, apple trees, blueberries and roses. Cindy and youngest son Timmy can be found at the farmer’s market answering questions and having friendly conversations with people from the community. In the fall, Cindy expects to bring figs, guavas, more apple trees and of course roses to the farmer’s market. Cindy enjoys selling at the market because she loves to see and talk with the nice citizens of our community. Fillmore Community Farmer’s Market is the only market the nursery attends. Otto and Sons Nursery is located at 1835 E. Guiberson Rd. in Fillmore. Spring and Summer hours are Wednesday-Saturday from 8am-5pm at which time the public is welcome to wander the grounds while choosing their roses and plants. Fillmore Community Farmer’s Market is privileged to have Otto and Sons Nursery as a part of their market. The weekly farmer’s market is from 3:30-7pm every Wednesday located down town Fillmore on Central Avenue and Main Street. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
The members of the Artists Guild of Fillmore assembled a new show of paintings on the 70 foot Shively Memorial Wall in the Blanchard Community Library, 119 N. 8th Street, Santa Paula, June 1 through July 28, 2011. The Library is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 12 to 8; Wednesday 10 to 6; Saturday 10 to 2; Friday and Sunday closed. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
Western Casino Night at the historic Glen Tavern Inn, 134 N. Mill St., Santa Paula on Saturday, June 18 .5pm. This informal evening begins with cocktails, western appetizers and live music by the nine piece Studio C musicians; BBQ, produce by Lairs Meats, Wood Ranch and Enzio's served 5:30 on the lovely front yard of Glen Tavern Inn. Gaming begins at 5:45, with Celebrity Dealers as well as professional for serious players. There will also be a Wheel of Fortune for those who just want to enjoy delicious supper, visiting and good music. Tickets are $50 ($65 at door) and include one courtesy beer, wine or soda, dinner, raffle ticket am $75 Play Money. Tickets available at Mimstar and Up in Arms in Fillmore; also at Santa Paula Times (944 E. Main, Chamber of Commerce (old train depot) Glen Tavern Inn and S.UP. Health & Fitness Center (847 E. Main) and Brownie's Basement (866 E. Main) In Venture, Lautzenhiser's Hallmark (1730 S. Victoria Ave.). |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 8th, 2011
Oxnard, CA – Habitat for Humanity’s Cars for Homes program has distributed more than $10 million to Habitat affiliates nationwide. The Cars for Homes program began in the state of Washington in November 2003 as a pilot program. In 2005, it was approved as a national program of Habitat for Humanity International. The Cars for Homes program was created specifically to assist Habitat affiliates by generating funding from the sale of donated vehicles. Revenue is distributed to affiliates based on the zip code of the donor. “Since this program began, our affiliate has received more than $45,000 through Cars for Homes,” said Stacy Swanson, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County. “Those dollars go directly to help us build more homes for families in need right here in our community. This is a creative way for people to be generous and address a critical need in Ventura County.” Cars for Homes is Habitat for Humanity’s national vehicle donation program that provides donors a quick and easy process for donating cars, trucks, boats, RVs and other vehicles to help build homes in partnership with local low-income families in need of decent, affordable shelter. More than 1,100 Habitat affiliates nationwide and five Habitat national offices around the world have received funding from the program. “We are very pleased to have reached this major milestone with the Cars for Homes program,” said Marcia Rundle, the director of the program. “Thanks to our generous donors, Habitat affiliates have been able to use the funds earned from the recycling of used and idle vehicles to help address affordable housing needs in their communities.” To learn more about the Cars for Homes program, go to About Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County About Habitat for Humanity International |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, June 7th, 2011
Kings Corner Training Stables is offering several Equestrian camps this summer. If you own a horse or just wanted to learn more about horses and their care, this program is for you. This year, a new Adult camp is being introduced. It will be Tuesday through Thursday, from 6 to 9 pm. Two sessions are available, one for non riders, and one for those who already ride or would like to learn to ride. Horse ownership is not necessary as we have Lesson Horses available. There are several week long day camps for juniors, age 6 and up. Running from 9 to 2, Tuesday through Saturday, participants will work on riding skills, horse management and safety. Lunch included. No previous experience required. Topics to be covered in both programs are Safety, First Aid, Bandaging, Feeds and Feeding, Stable Management, Purchasing a Horse, Care and Maintenance of Horses, Cost of Ownership, Tack and Equipment, Sports Psychology, and much more. Head instructor is Taurie Banks, a United States Eventing Association Certified Instructor, and Sports Psychology Coach. Space are limited, so please call for reservations. For more information, please call (805) 727-3444, or email at |
By Anonymous — Monday, June 6th, 2011
Sacramento, CA – Starting July 1, 2011 new legislation will go into effect requiring homeowners to install carbon monoxide detectors in every California home; a move CAL FIRE officials say will save lives. “Carbon monoxide is a silent killer, each year claiming the lives of an average of 480 people,” said Acting State Fire Marshal Tonya Hoover. “And sending more than 20,000 people to emergency rooms across the nation.” Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced from heaters, fireplaces, furnaces and many types of appliances and cooking devices. The best way for homeowners to stay protected from CO is to have a carbon monoxide detector installed on every floor and outside each sleeping area. A recent study found that nearly nine in 10 California households did not have a CO detector. “Having a CO detector is a small investment that really can help save your life and the lives of your family,” said Chief Hoover. To help educate homeowners about the new law and to encourage them to install a carbon monoxide detector, CAL FIRE / Office of the State Fire Marshal is teaming up with fire departments across the state, the Home Safety Council, First Alert and Lowe’s to host “CO Saturday” on June 4. “CO Saturday” will be a special day-long safety celebration to teach families how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Though previous laws only required newly-constructed homes to have CO alarms, the state’s new Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act (Senate Bill 183) requires owners of all existing single-family homes with an attached garage or a fossil fuel source to install CO alarm devices within the home by July 1, 2011. Owners of multi-family leased or rental dwellings, such as apartment buildings, have until January 1, 2013 to comply with the law. For more information on how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning visit the CAL FIRE website at For more information on “CO Saturday”, please visit |
By Anonymous — Monday, June 6th, 2011
Western Casino Night at the historic Glen Tavern Inn, 134 N. Mill St., Santa Paula on Saturday, June 18 .5pm. This informal evening begins with cocktails, western appetizers and live music by the 9 piece Studio C musicians. BBq, produce by Lairs Meats, Wood Ranch and Enzio's served 5:30 on the lovely front yard of Glen Tavern Inn. Gaming begins at 5:45,with Celebrity Dealers as well as professional for serious players. There will also be a Wheel of Fortune for those who just want to enjoy delicious supper, visiting and good music. Tickets are $5o ($65 at door) and include one courtesy beer, wine or soda, dinner, raffle ticket am $75 Play Money.' Tickets available at Minstar and Up in Arms in Fillmore. also at Santa Paula Times(944 E. Main, Chamber of commerce(old train depot) Glen Tavern Inn and S.UP. Health & Fitness Center(847 E. Main) and Brownie's Basement(866 E. Main) In Venture, Lautzenhiser's Hallmark.((1730 S. Victoria Ave.) Proceeds will benefit Santa Clara Valley Hospice/ Home Support Group,, a non profit organization servicing the Santa Clara Valley. Please call 525-1333 for more information. |
By Anonymous — Monday, June 6th, 2011
Ventura County Library will be conducting a computer systems upgrade that will impact all online access and computer use at the Ventura County Libraries. Starting early June 21 through June 22, 2011, all online services will be unavailable. This includes the online catalog, express checkouts, wireless and database access. All public internet labs will be closed. Access to the Ventura County Library website, will not be interrupted, but the online catalog and databases will be unavailable. While online services will be interrupted, Ventura County Libraries will remain open and library staff will be available to assist during the downtime. The libraries impacted by this are: Avenue, Fillmore, E.P. Foster, Meiners Oaks, Oak Park, Oak View, Ojai, Piru, Ray D. Prueter, Saticoy, Simi Valley and Soliz-El Rio. |
![]() Fillmore VFW Post 9637 forms a 21-gun salute at the Memorial Day Service, May 31st, 2011. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
This letter is addressed to the residences of the Santa Clara River Valley and especially those from the City of Fillmore and the Bardsdale area. We, who attended Monday’s 2011 Memorial Day Service at Bardsdale Cemetery were privileged to witnessed a wonderful event. In addition to the usual grand programmed items that took place such as the fly-over, color guard, singing of our national anthem, speech and prayers a formal dedication took place. That dedication of the WALK OF HONOR is what has prompted me to write. Soon to be made, Eagle Scout, Sean Chandler conceived, planned, and constructed this magnificent 3' X 200' (est)red brick walkway. Many of the “bricks” are inscribed with the names of military members, both past and present, who have served in America’s armed forces. Quite a few are waiting inscription. One could be yours! Over the course of 7 months this fine young man has brought to fruition this honorable tribute, with it’s granite monument and in the center a new flag pole which will stand FOREVER. It will be a LASTING memorial to anyone who wants a military person recognized for the service they have given to America. It really is wonderful! I know Mr. and Mrs. Chandler are very proud of their son. And we who got to meet Sean are as well. The parent’s know that they have raised a leader and a man who will be a success at whatever he puts his mind to accomplishing. As a footnote, anyone who wants to recognize a member (past or present) of America’s armed forces and wants to have a “brick” inscribed can do so by contacting the Manager of the Bardsdale Cemetery. The only cost is $50.00 and the Cemetery will handle all the arrangements. Do it, you’ll be pleased you did. Thanks again Sean Chandler. You live up to the very best of the ideals of the Boy Scouts of America. Charles & Alyce Richardson, Fillmore. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
![]() Exiting Police Chief Tim Hagel, right, was honored at a going-away party last week. Pictured with Hagel is Monica McGrath, Fillmore’s new Chief, shown with her husband. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
![]() Congratulations to Araceli Campos on winning the 1st Annual Relay for Life of Fillmore-Piru Relay Idol Singing Competition at the Fillmore May Festival. Sat. May 21, 2011. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
![]() The Rotary Club of Fillmore sponsored two Fillmore High School girls to attend the RYLA camp in Ojai. Vanessa Villa and Ana Morino attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp and last week presented a program to the Club telling of the leadership skills and confidence they had attained there and how these will affect their future. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, June 1st, 2011
With delicious food supplied by El Pescador and the comfortable setting of our Senior Center, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club installed our new officers for the coming year. President Mimi Burns is seated in front of her Board Members: Tobey Bowers, Parliamentarian; Dee Rojo & Donna Voelker, Treasurers; Fay Swanson, Recording Sec.; Glenda DeJarnette, Recording Sec.; Susan Banks, 4th Vice Pres.; Dorothy Hunt, 3rd Vice Pres.; Rita Avila, 2nd Vice Pres.; and Marilyn Griffin, 1st Vice Pres. Who can’t benefit from our motto for the year: The Difference between Ordinary & Extraordinary….is the little Extra we each do. We all look forward to a successful Fireworks Booth and its profits to donate back into our community. Fillmore Women’s Service Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm – in the Senior Center – please come and joins. For membership information please call Dorothy Hunt at 524- 0767. |