Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

The Fillmore Flower show has been a presentation of the Fillmore Garden Club since 1963. Roses have always been featured in the past and they will be the main attraction this year!
Youth prizes have been given in past years to spark interest in the next generation of gardeners. Of course, this will be continued for this garden show.
Residents within the boundaries of the Fillmore Unified School District are welcome to compete in the Rose Show.
Categories include: cut roses, arrangements and bouquets.
JoAnn King, chairperson of the show, stated that the show is the major event put on by the garden club and that the club is able to stay on budget thanks to the many volunteers that help to put on the show.
Many volunteers are assisting with the show. Thanks also go to the students in the FFA who help with the show.
Bring your flowers to make an entry! And, if you don't have an entry, take the time to visit the show. It will be worth your time and effort.


Leia Morning
Leia Morning

The Fillmore Ebell Club will be entertained this month by actress/playwright/scholar Leia Morning, on Tuesday, March 24, 2009, at the Veterans Memorial building. Lunch begins at 12:30 p.m.
Leia Morning presents stunning portrayals of historical and literary women "pioneers" and adventurers, such as Sacagawea, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Mother Teresa, Emily Dickinson, Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Grandma Moses, Dorothea Lang, Rosie the Riveter, Margaret Mead, Christa McAuliffe, and G.I. Jill--great women, who heard the call and answered in extraordinary ways.
In addition to her work as an actress and writer, Ms. Morning is a harpsichordist, harpist, singer and composer. Her solo performances include the Hollywood Bowl, California State Fair, Huntington Library and Art Museum, Crocker Art Museum, Renaissance Fairs, as well as numerous schools, libraries, theaters, and museums throughout California.
Anyone interested in more information, or becoming a member of the Fillmore Ebell Club, may call Trisha Armstrong at 805-727-1901.


Marie Dennis (left) won Best Rose with ‘Aquarius’ and Judy Dunst won Best Arrangement at the 1990 Fillmore Flower Show.
Marie Dennis (left) won Best Rose with ‘Aquarius’ and Judy Dunst won Best Arrangement at the 1990 Fillmore Flower Show.
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Starting Monday, April 6, 2009 - Ages 5 to 9 - 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Starting Thursday, April 9, 2009 - Ages 10 to 14 - 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Cost for the class is $30 per month.
Location: Fillmore Senior Center, 533 Santa Clara Street.
Please come to City Hall and fill out the registration form.
For more information please call Missy @ 524-1371.

Friday April 24th - Sponsors Needed

As the economy enters the second year of a national recession, local groups are stepping forward to help some of Ventura County’s most vulnerable members. Ventura Council Member and former Mayor Carl Morehouse made contact with Kris Kristofferson, who has graciously agreed to return to perform for a second “Have a Heart for Farm Workers” benefit concert at The Majestic Ventura Theater to aid farm worker housing.
“Kris is someone who truly understands the plight of working people and the working poor,” says Morehouse. “He has a long history of sharing his talents to benefit those in need”. Kristofferson performed two years ago to raise funds for farm worker housing. The concert was highly successful, raising close to $100,000.
Mike McGuire, President and CEO of Affinity Bank, one of the event’s key sponsors, is grateful for Kristofferson’s generosity. “We live in a beautiful county, and one of our key economic drivers is agriculture. Farm workers are essential to successful agriculture, and their need for decent, affordable homes has never been greater. The concert proceeds will help to remedy their living situations by supporting the work of the Ag Futures Alliance’s House Farm Workers program and the Ventura County Community Foundation’s Farm Worker Housing Fund.” CONTINUED »

Women of Jewelia Sparkle as Grand Marshal

March 8, 12009 (Ventura County) “21 and Still Green”, the 21st Annual County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade is just around the corner with all of the festivities and shenanigans that remind us all what it really means to be Green. The whole county is turning out for the wearin’ of the green on Main Street. Horses, Clowns, Car Clubs, Marching Bands and the Biggest Green Pig in the World will be stepping off on Saturday, March 14 at 10 AM on Main Street in downtown Ventura .

Presented by the Ventura Elks Lodge 1430, the parade with more than 80 entries winds down Main Street from the old Elk’s Lodge on Ash Street, past the judge’s reviewing stand on Chestnut Street on down to the Mission San Buenaventura. CONTINUED »


The horse population at the Humane Society of Ventura County’s shelter in Ojai grew by one with the birth of a filly from one of the 37 severely neglected horses that were rescued from a Lockwood Valley ranch last fall.
The filly, named Lindilu in honor of a Humane Society staff member, was born at about 10:30 p.m. on Sunday, reported Jolene Hoffman, director of the shelter.

“One of our caretakers heard all of the horses just screaming,” Hoffman said. “She went out to check, and the filly had just arrived.”

“It’s just started,” Hoffman added, noting that at least 19 other of the rescued mares have been confirmed pregnant, underscoring the nonprofit’s ongoing need of funds for the care of all the horses.

Donations may be sent to the shelter at PO Box 297, Ojai, CA 93024. For more information, call 805 656-5031, or visit

New Exhibit at the California Oil Museum

Opening Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 1-3 PM will be the City of Santa Paula’s California Oil Museum’s newest exhibit, presented by the Santa Paula Historical Society, “Born of Fire and Fury: A History of Santa Paula Fire Department”. Located at Main and 10th Streets in downtown Santa Paula, it will chronicle the over 100 year’s story of Santa Paula’s firefighters. It is expected to feature an early 20th century fire engine as well as equipment, uniforms, photos, log books and news clippings that will excite children and adults alike and firefighters, past and present. Opening reception will include a very impressive demonstration by the Santa Paula Fire Department. Refreshments will be served.

Until recent years the town’s firefighters were all citizen volunteers and the department remains to this day an independent fire department. It had its beginning just after the turn of the last century when flames in a downtown building, combined with the fury of Santa Ana winds, destroyed a good portion of downtown Santa Paula. CONTINUED »


Fillmore Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner to recognize the Citizen, Business, Police, Firefighter, Student and City Employee of the year will be on Friday, March 6, 2009, 6:00 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Building. Tickets available at the door or at AM Pet prior to the event.


Fillmore and Piru library In partnership with: Network for a Healthy California-Gold Coast Region Children’s Power Play! Campaign.

Come be a part of the fun and learn about eating healthy and being active! -Month long display at both libraries encourage everyone to eat healthy and be physically active -Month long activity cards
for Kids of all ages -Story Time events as well! Kickoff event - Fillmore Library March 2nd 3:30-4:30 pm Piru Library March 2nd 3:00-4:00 Story time - Fillmore Library March 25th 3:30-4:30 pm Piru Library April 1, 2009 3:00- 4:00 pm

For more information contact: JoAnn Torres at 805-677-5267 or Network for a healthy California--Gold Coast Region Children’s Power Play! Campaign.

Luis Zamora
Luis Zamora
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Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

If you want to put this as one of my items—okay! Ten top jobs today did not exist in 2004! One of eight couples married met on line! 31 billion searches on Google every month. In 2006 2.7 billion to Google. Audience of 50 million — four years. It took TV 23 years and radio 20 years! There are 54,000 words of English, five times as many as when Shakespeare was here! Two million are registered on My Space. One out of four employees have been with employer less than four years. 2008 milion My space subscribers—1992 one million.
* * *
The Fillmore Flower Show planning is going great guns under the leadership of Joanne King and her assistants. The
leadership group met this week going over the necessary details to have the public show on April 4 and 5 at the senior center. So, start “talking” to your flowers and give them that special attention needed for the flower show. More information will be forthcoming! Fillmore Flower Show - Fillmore Blooms Again” brochures are now available in various areas throughout the City of Fillmore. Look for the bright red brochure “Fillmore Blooms Again”. The brochure gives you all the information necessary to enter along with the special notes for exhibitors. Bring in your flowers! Then visit the show!


2nd St. & Saratoga
500 block Central
1000 block Cottonwood
300 block Main
3rd St. & Lemon Way
700 Edison Lane
700 block Santa Clara
N. C. St. & Old Telegraph
400 Saratoga
800 block Wileman CONTINUED »

Despite Current Economic Activity Loans Grew 25%

Santa Clara Valley Bank (SCVBank; OTC BB: SCVE.OB) today announced its 2008 fourth quarter and year-end financial results.
Total revenue for 2008 was $7,698,000, which was 3% higher than the $7,478,000 for 2007. The small increase in revenue was affected by the decreasing interest rate environment. Net interest income increased 10% to $5,026,000. Operating expenses increased 8% over 2007. Much of the expense increase is attributable to the relocation of the Fillmore Branch in late 2007; data processing and other professional services; and promotion expense. Due to the stress of the economic conditions on the Bank’s loan portfolio, the provision for loan loss increased to $944,000 in 2008 compared to $224,000 in 2007.
The Bank’s net income for 2008 was $256,000 or $0.24 per share, a 46% decrease, compared to $472,000 or $0.46 per share in 2007, primarily the result of the large provision for loan loss. SCVBank’s average net interest margin remained at a healthy level of 4.79% in December, 2008. CONTINUED »


During the month of March, Curves of Fillmore will participate in the 11th Annual Curves Food Drive to benefit local food banks. Collectively, over the past five years, nearly 50 million pounds of food were distributed to local communities all over the world through the Curves Food Drive.

Curves of Fillmore is also giving back to the community by waiving its normal service fee for any new member who brings in a bag of non-perishable groceries and joins between March 9th and March 28th. This promotion will help the women of Fillmore manage their weight and their wallets by joining Curves for free, while also helping feed hungry people in the community.

"The Curves Food Drive is always exciting," said Denise Johnson, the owner of the Fillmore club, located at 410 Central Ave. "We have a chance to help so many people at a time when the food banks are lowest. Especially during these uncertain times, this food is needed more than ever. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, and we’re very proud to participate."

Others wishing to donate may drop off non-perishable food items at Curves Monday through Friday during business hours through the month of March. For more information, please call Yvette Chavez at 805 524-0334.


Parade Applications for the 2009 May Festival are available. The parade will be held Saturday, May 16th beginning at 10AM. The Chamber is “bringing back tradition” as the parade route will begin at Fillmore High School and continue through downtown Fillmore, ending at Santa Clara Street. Applications are available at the Chamber Office located at 557 Ventura Street (in between Vallarta’s & Fillmore Rental) or by calling 805-524-0351.

Vendor Applications are available for the 2009 May Festival to be held May 14 – 17, 2009. Applications are available at the Chamber Office located at 557 Ventura Street (in between Vallarta’s & Fillmore Rental) or by calling 805-524-0351.


The Santa Paula Fire Fighters Association is hosting a poker tournament (Texas Hold-Em) at Logsdon’s, at the airport, Saturday, March 7. The fundraiser is to benefit the association’s general fund. The SPFFA helps our town by providing small grants and donations to mainly youth organizations in our community. In the past the organization has helped the Boy’s and Girl’s Club, the Relay for Life, Santa Paula Little League and the Santa Paula Girls Softball League, just to name a few.

The cost to play is $50 and we begin playing at 7:00. Please be there at 6:30 to get registered and ready to play.

There are some great prizes like: a weekend at the Chumash Casino; trip to Vegas for two; dinner for two at Chumash Casino; and some cash prizes (debit card).

Door prizes from local companies; dinners, oil changes, and tire rotations


The Humane Society of Ventura County has received a $10,000 grant from the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty for Animals to go toward the care of the 37 severely neglected horses that were rescued from a Lockwood Valley ranch last fall.

Jolene Hoffman, director of the Humane Society’s shelter in Ojai, said $5,000 of the grant is designated for the medical treatment and farrier (horse-shoeing) services for the horses, while the other $5,000 is to be used for food.

“What a blessing,” Hoffman said. “We’re in desperate need of funds, and this helps us with some of the costs that we are incurring to care for these horses.” CONTINUED »