By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
![]() Can you identify this picture? Do you know any of the people in it? Please let us know by adding any information in the comments section below. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Can you identify this picture? Do you know any of the people in it? Please let us know by adding any information in the comments section below. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Can you identify this picture? Do you know any of the people in it? Please let us know by adding any information in the comments section below. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Can you identify this picture? Do you know any of the people in it? Please let us know by adding any information in the comments section below. Thank You. Enlarge Photo ![]() Well i can identify on of the boys in this picture well he is a grown man now he is my husband he is the young man that is wearing the blue sweater with the brown truban that is Mr Anthony Padilla. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
![]() Fillmore Lions Club presented checks to the following groups this past Monday evening: Santa Clara Valley Hospic, Fillmore Friends of the Library, One Step A la Vez mentor program, Sespe Players. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
![]() On Friday November 14, the Sunrisers Rotary went around to all the third grade classes in the Fillmore Unified School District and also the Fillmore Christian Academy and handed out 375 dictionaries to each third grade student. Pictured above; Sean Morris, Joe Aguirre, Terry Aguirre, Marge Lebard, Ruth Gunderson, and Don Gunderson, with Ms. Gonzales’s class at Sespe School. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Fillmore family pirouettes center stage with cast of professional dancers and prima ballerina in “The Nutcracker,” Nov. 22-23
Ventura County Ballet Company presents an international cast from Russia, Albania, and Kazakhstan, plus 90 dancers from Camarillo, Fillmore, Ojai, Santa Paula, Somis, and Ventura. A student at Ballet Academy Ventura since the age of 4½, Fillmore resident Natalie Graham will dance the role of Clara in the Ventura County Ballet Company’s production of “The Nutcracker,” November 22-23 at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center. |
By Conway Spitler — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Central Avenue
It is great to be able to drive from River Street to Central Avenue! However, you really have a change in tactics! First you stop a Central Avenue and make a right turn on to Central Avenue. As you make the turn there is maintenance vehicle there tearing up the newly paved Central Avenue. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
![]() The new traffic signal at the corner of River and A Streets is almost ready for operation. Workers can be seen finishing the electrical work and testing. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
The used book room and gift shop at the Rancho Camulos Museum will be open Saturday, Nov. 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for pre-Christmas purchases. A wide selection of gently used books and gift items are available from packing house labels, tote bags, t-shirts and ranch history books to children’s books. A special area for the kids will keep them happy while you browse. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
The California State Old Time Fiddlers Association, District 8, will meet Sunday, November 23, at 1:30p.m., Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Road, Oak View. Admission is free. All ages are encourage to join the Fiddlers for an afternoon of family oriented fun, old time music, and dancing. Refreshments available. For more information call 517-1131. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
In observance of Thanksgiving Day, the employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal are taking the day off on Thursday, Nov. 27. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash and green waste collected a day later than usual, on Saturday, Nov. 29 |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Alberto Cantero Jr. has been nominated by Rhonda Reyes-Deutsch, of Fillmore Middle School to attend a People to People World Leadership Forum in Washington D.C.. Congratulations! The Forum helps prepare the most promising young people for the opportunities and responsibilities ahead. Alberto was nominated as an outstanding student with high academic standing and promising leadership potential. He will join other highly motivated and accomplished middle school scholars from around the globe. The costs of tuition are substantial and we are looking to community for support. By making a contribution, you will be helping Alberto gain an advantage in school, career and in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Union Bank of California has offered Alberto a free account and your tax-deductible donations can be made directly payable to: For questions or direct contributions please contact Rebecca Cantero at (805) 524-2407. Contributions should be received prior to Feb. 6th, 2009. Thank you so much for your support. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Ventura, California - On Sept. 8, Community Memorial Hospital welcomed Drs. Hillel Janai and Alison Shuman on staff as pediatric hospitalists, jointly providing 24-hour consultation services. They are available for Emergency Room and pediatric inpatient consultation and coverage. They will also be responsible for all Centers for Family Health unassigned, family practice and pediatric designated admissions, as well as providing the CMH newborn rounds in the nursery. “It’s a new service that we have been considering for a number of years,” said Adam Thunell, chief operating officer for CMHS. “It enhances pediatric coverage and quality of care in a hospital setting for our pediatric population.” Dr. Janai, board certified in general pediatrics, has also trained in pediatric infectious diseases and pediatric pulmonary disease. His office is located at the Center for Family Health on Ashwood Avenue in Ventura, and he can be reached at 805/643-1871. Dr. Shuman, board certified in general pediatrics, has also trained in pediatric critical care. Her office is located at the Center for Family Health on Saviers Road in Oxnard, and she can be reached at 805/487- 5585. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Santa Paula, CA (November 11, 2008) Each year, the Annie E. Casey Foundation provides grants to national organizations whose local affiliates are working directly with families in their communities. These National co-sponsoring organizations, in turn, make awards to exemplary local programs with their networks whose work improves the odds for the most vulnerable children by giving them what they need most—strong, capable and economically successful families. The honorees embrace a simple but powerful principle: Children do well when their families do well, and families do better when they live in supportive communities. The Santa Clara Valley Neighborhood for Learning (SCV NfL) in collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley were selected for the 2008 Boys and Girls Clubs of America/Annie E. Casey Foundation Family Strengthening Award. The amount of the award is $10,000 to continue with some of the SCV NfL’s family strengthening strategies. One such strategy is the Motheread/Fatheread Program, which is a nationally recognized, award winning, family literacy program that builds parenting, critical thinking and literacy skills, improves family communication, and promotes reading and story sharing in the home. Multicultural children’s books are utilized to promote reading and discussion while encouraging parents to use their imaginations to connect universal themes, values, and ideas to their own lives and families. The importance of reading as a family cannot be understated as it helps build family ties, allows parents to serve as role models, and enable children to become better readers and learners. The Santa Clara Valley Neighborhood for Learning is funded through First 5 Ventura County with the goal of helping families prepare young children for school by offering a multi-faceted, integrated system of service delivery. For more information about the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley or the Santa Clara Valley Neighborhood for Learning, and the other services available, please contact us at 525-7910. |
![]() Shown (l-r) are John Garcia with a replica plaque, Dick Schuck and Bud Untiedt, all three veterans of World War II. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
John Garcia was given a surprise birthday party to celebrate his 93rd birthday, Saturday, November 8th, at El Pescador. He was pleasantly surprised to see his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and in-laws; 45 family members total in attendance. One grandchild who attended, who is an active duty Coast Guard Chief, traveled from Corpus Christi, Texas for the event. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
![]() Mayor Steve Conaway stands before Fillmore's new skateboard park which is well under way. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
![]() Fillmore P.E.O. Chapter GY recently donated $500 to the Fillmore Historical Society. The chapter enjoyed a tour of the facilities and wanted to show its appreciation of the efforts of those who have worked so hard to make the museum what it is today. Shown in the picture are Pat Morris, treasurer, presenting the contribution to Martha Gentry, President of the Historical Society. Enlarge Photo |
![]() Shown (l-r) are Bill Shiells, President, Anil Garg, District Governor and Diane Torrence new member of noontime Rotary. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
The Rotary Club of Fillmore hosted District Governor, Anil Garg. During his visit he welcomed new members Diane Torrence, Georgi Harden and Alex Nieto by presenting them with Rotary theme pins. Anil also presented a pin to Bill Winterstein, our eldest member and famous author, who in turn presented signed copies of his two books to Anil. During the month of October the Club also enjoyed several informative programs. Jose Saucedo, an Explorer, with the Santa Paula Police Department related what is involved in becoming an Explorer and his plans for joining the department in the future. Bill Herrera, the newly appointed Fire Chief, presented a PowerPoint on preparedness for our safety and informed us of a Southern California Disaster Drill on November 13th. Lynn Edmonds and Hillary Carson from the One Step Center along with student volunteers Mercedes Williams, Connie Barajas and Evon Chavez informed the club of their purpose in the community and their plans for the future. The One Step Center is a drop in center for Fillmore youths and is located at the Trinity Episcopal Church on Saratoga. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
Janet and John Foy, of 437 Saratoga, Fillmore, have been chosen to receive the Civic Pride Vision 2020 “Yard of the Month” award for November. They will have the colorful “Yard of the Month” sign posted in their yard for the month and will also enjoy using an Otto & Sons’ Nursery gift certifi cate, generously donated by the nursery. John had helped build the front porch and remodel the kitchen on this California bungalow even before they bought the place in 1983. He did all the “hardscape” in the beautifully balanced front yard, but it was Janet who was inspired to design the landscaping with an inviting approach to the front door. Janet and a friend had taken two classes, “Landscape Planting and Design” and “Environmental Horticulture” at Ventura College before both redesigned their yards. The classes served the Foys well with a designed yard that The curved and raised borders on each side of the yard have many drought tolerant plants such as Pineapple guava, Jerusalem sage, yellow Daylilies, Rock Rose, and Yarrow. Culinary herbs like rosemary, and thyme spilling from a clay pot, mingle with edible strawberries and onions. Pink Powder Puff shrubs (Calliandra) make a show on each side of the white rail fence as you enter the yard. A row of Gingko trees lining the street await a good freeze to display their fall colors. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
The Ventura County Library community libraries will be closing at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, and will be closed on Thursday, November 27, for the Thanksgiving Day holiday. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
Hurry to order your Marie Callender Thanksgiving Pies from a senior at Fillmore High School or call Mrs Chaney 524-4909. The deadline is Monday the 17th of November. This fundraiser is our best one because it gives our Fillmore people the opportunity to get their pies and not have to travel to a Marie Callender restaurant and stand in line to purchase their pies. Grad Nite Live is a non-profit organization that has kept our senior classes safe and have a good time on a Harbor Cruise in Long Beach for 18 years. It is very important that we support Grad Nite Live in all their fundraisers for the 246 students of the Class of 2009 which will cost $26,000.00 this year. Thank you. |
By Conway Spitler — Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
What a joy is to drive from River Street to Central Aventure these days!
It has been great to have all the "constuction" going on in the past; however, it has been a real problem to drive from River Street to most places in the City of Fillmore in the past few months.This is not complaining because, the work was necessary, it is give a "thank you" for having the work done and the fact we are getting back to normal driving.It probably has occurred in other places at these times. One time it was having to go east on River Street to cross HIghway 126. That was like taking your life into your hands.It will be great when the stop sign is placed on Highway 126.However, you wonder when it will be done with the State of California working on that project! From River Street you could not cross Central Avenure and go west or east, . because the Cental Avenue was being repaired, you meet all the tracffic on the highway going to, and coming from Moorpark, which is a large number. What I thought would be big project was getting under HIghway 126. Then I discovered that was done very quickly without a lot of extra digging. Wonderful what new construction ideas do for all of us. So, here ia big "Thank You" to all concerened, the construction companies and the City personnel was taking care of all of us! |