Pictured (l-r) are Rotary President Anna Reilley, FUSD Superintendent Christine Schieferle, Kellsie Weis, and Dr. Isaac Huong. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured (l-r) are Rotary President Anna Reilley, FUSD Superintendent Christine Schieferle, Kellsie Weis, and Dr. Isaac Huong. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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Rotary Program Chair Superintendent Christine Schieferle introduced the program on What is in Each Student’s “Educational Backpack”? Kellsie Weis and Dr. Isaac Huong explained all the new technology that the students are benefiting from. Each student k-2 received an iPad and 3-12 a laptop, charger, carrying case and Wi-Fi if they don’t have it at home. There are several programs for them to use; one is My Path with lessons to give students better skills and a test that tells teachers where they are and what they need help with. Myon Digital Library gives students the opportunity to look up books in the library, home, etc., and they can access books of their interests. Tutor.com helps students with problems in Math and Science and more. In Parsec Reel, school can ask what can they do to make the student feel safer or what are their problems? It’s a way to bring students, staff and parents together. This is a small portion of what they are doing to improve students’ education.



Community: September is Pedestrian Safety Month in California Pedestrian Safety Starts with You: Stay Alert to Protect People Walking

September is Pedestrian Safety Month in California. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind drivers to slow down and be alert for people walking on our roads. By always taking extra precautions, you can help protect pedestrians and reduce the risk of crashes and injuries. Walking should always be an easy and safe option for getting around any community.

According to projections from the Governors Highway Safety Association, 7,318 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes across the United States in 2023. In California alone, pedestrian deaths make up more than 27 percent of all traffic-related fatalities, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and safety measures on our roads.

Every step we take towards greater pedestrian safety is a step towards saving lives, The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone that safety begins with you, whether you're behind the wheel or on foot. Small actions, like slowing down, putting away distractions and yielding at crosswalks, can make a life-saving difference.

To promote the safety of people walking, The Police Department will conduct a traffic safety operation on September 30, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of pedestrians at risk. These violations include speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield and running stop signs or signals.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office offers safe driving and walking tips, including staying off the phone when behind the wheel or walking.

- Do not drive over the speed limit and slow down at intersections. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks.
- Avoid blocking crosswalks while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
- Never drive impaired.

- Be predictable. Use signalized crosswalks where drivers may anticipate foot traffic.
- Watch for approaching vehicles and practice due care crossing the street. At 30 MPH, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop.
- Make it easier for drivers to see you at night, consider wearing bright colors, reflective material, or use a flashlight when practical.
- Be careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night or on busier streets with higher speed limits.
Share your thoughts about pedestrian safety by participating in the Go Safely Movement, a call-to-action traffic safety survey from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Take the survey at gosafelyca.org.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Location: City of Ojai
Date & Time: September 2024
Unit(s) Responsible: Ojai Police Department

Prepared by: Sergeant Tom Woof
Approved by: Captain Trina Newman


Above are the Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation SHIP scholarship recipients, Luz 
Castaneda (Fillmore), Maria Isabel Alba (Santa Paula), Juan Castro (Fillmore), Arely Garza 
(Santa Paula), Marcus Lopez (Fillmore) and AudriRose Riggatire (Santa Paula). Photo credit 
Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation.
Above are the Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation SHIP scholarship recipients, Luz Castaneda (Fillmore), Maria Isabel Alba (Santa Paula), Juan Castro (Fillmore), Arely Garza (Santa Paula), Marcus Lopez (Fillmore) and AudriRose Riggatire (Santa Paula). Photo credit Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation.
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Courtesy Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation
One of the Santa Clara Valley Wellness Foundation’s most significant community contributions is their annual paid Dr. Samuel Edwards Summer Health Internship Program (SHIP). This opportunity is open to high school juniors and seniors who reside in Fillmore, Piru, or Santa Paula and who are interested in pursuing a career in the broader medical field. Some
of this year’s applicants included prospective orthodontists, biomedical engineers, OBGYN physicians, morticians, and anesthesiologists. Once interviews were complete, Luz Castaneda, Steven Marcus Lopez, Juan Castro, AudriRose Riggatire, Maria Isabel Alba, and Arely Garza De Jesus earned one of the six limited program spaces. In collaboration with the HOPE SUMMER STUDENT PROGRAM, each intern rotated between hospital and clinic settings, where they observed orthopedic operations, breast reconstructions, and cesarean sections, among other surgeries. They also learned to perform urine tests and blood samples and even practiced suturing on synthetic skin. By the closing ceremony on 8/3, all six interns were immensely grateful for the perspective altering insight they had gained. Their parents’ recalled (and recoiled from) stories their children brought home regarding the equally frightening and enthralling cases they witnessed daily. For some students, SHIP redirected intended career paths. “You don’t really choose the specialty, the specialty chooses you,” Lopez asserted regarding his change in career choice from medical professor to family physician. For others, the program reaffirmed their initial vocational paths and reinvigorated the passion they have for service. After earning their degrees, it would be a privilege to see these students return to our hospitals and clinics and pave the way forward in
medical technology. The SCVWF offers this program with the hope of developing and retaining future healthcare providers
in the Santa Clara Valley. Castaneda explained that “later on I’m going to be able to give back to my community who gave back to me when I needed it the most. I’m very thankful for that.” In order to continue this stream of future providers, community support is vital. The foundation invites you to its annual Health and Harvest Pumpkin Festival on 9/29 at the
Santa Paula Agriculture Museum from 12:00pm 4:00pm. The event will host vendors, a bake sale, pumpkin decorating crafts, a live mariachi, health education, and more. They hope to both earns donations for the 2025 SHIP program and promote a sense of community among Santa Clara Valley residents.

At last week’s Fillmore Rotary meeting Cindy Blatt, who works with the Club, introduced the Officers of the Interact Club of FHS; Presley McLain-Vice President, Aerin Garcia-Secretary, Daniela Curiel-Rotary Liaison, Alexa Martinez-Treasurer, Rudy Guerrero-President, and Jeremiah MacMahon-Advisor. Pictured above is Rotary President Anna Reilley, along with the Interact Club after their presentation. Not pictured Cindy Blatt.
At last week’s Fillmore Rotary meeting Cindy Blatt, who works with the Club, introduced the Officers of the Interact Club of FHS; Presley McLain-Vice President, Aerin Garcia-Secretary, Daniela Curiel-Rotary Liaison, Alexa Martinez-Treasurer, Rudy Guerrero-President, and Jeremiah MacMahon-Advisor. Pictured above is Rotary President Anna Reilley, along with the Interact Club after their presentation. Not pictured Cindy Blatt.
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Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/FillmoreHighSchoolAlumniAssociation

Get ready Fillmore! Fillmore High will be hosting their annual Blue & White Night in celebration of Flashes Homecoming Parade on Thursday, September 19 from 4pm to 9pm in Downtown Fillmore. Congratulations to Fillmore Business owner, (Ameci Pizza & Pasta) and full-time Fillmore resident Mr. Erik Landis. Erik was chosen by the ASB to be the 2024 FHS Homecoming Parade Grand Marshall. Eric has donated many boxes of his amazing pizza throughout the Fillmore unified school district. Especially at Fillmore High School. All the students love him and they love Amici pizza Fillmore. Congratulations Eric.

The Fillmore High Homecoming Parade starts at 6 pm sharp on the corner of Second Street and Central Avenue. Come on in to town and enjoy one of FILLMORE‘s longtime traditions. Food vendors and music will also be there for all to enjoy as well as a Classic Car Show. The game will take place Friday, September 20th against Chatsworth High School. JV 4pm Varsity 7pm.

Pictured (l-r) are Rotary President Anna Reilley, Fillmore Middle School Principal Jenny Plugge and Assistant Principal Jan-Erik Sand. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured (l-r) are Rotary President Anna Reilley, Fillmore Middle School Principal Jenny Plugge and Assistant Principal Jan-Erik Sand. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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The Rotary Club enjoyed hearing from Fillmore Middle School Principal Jenny Plugge and Assistant Principal Jan-Erik Sand. Plugge grew up in Bakersfield, taught math for many years and has two children. Sand grew up in Thousand Oaks and has lived in Fillmore for 12 years and taught in Santa Paula. The Collective Community developed the school motto that Each Person Feels Valued and Successful. They are bringing all the teachers together on one wavelength and goals so they can all work together for the students. Meanwhile, they are keeping the parents involved. Recently they had an iReady reading reward for all students on campus. Students who maintained or increased their iReady reading level received a cool Popsicle treat at break. They had 576 students receive the reward which is 70% of the student’s population. The students are excited and working to get the award next time. Something new this year is sports, boys and girls Flag Football and Cross Country. Great things are happening at Fillmore Middle School!


County of Ventura, California. – The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office is joining law enforcement agencies, public health departments and other community organizations to raise awareness about the importance of keeping children in the correct car seat for their age and size.

During Child Passenger Safety Week, The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office encourages all parents and caregivers to make sure their children are riding safely by using the correct car seats, booster seats and properly fitted seat belts. This annual campaign takes place from September 15-21.

“Every child deserves to travel safely,” Captain Steve Jenkins said. “During Child Passenger Safety Week, we urge all parents and caregivers to take a few minutes to double-check their child’s car seat. Keeping a child in the right seat for their age and size can make all the difference in a crash.”

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly half of car seats (46%) are misused. Properly installed car seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury crashes by 71% for infants under a year old and by 54% for toddlers ages 1 through 4.

California law requires all children under 2 years old to ride in a rear-facing car seat, unless the child is 40 or more pounds or is 40 or more inches tall. Once a child reaches these milestones, all children under the age of 8 years are still required to be secured in a car seat or booster seat. Children under the age of 8 may not ride in the front seat unless the vehicle is not equipped with a rear, forward-facing seat. Children 8 and older, or who are at least 4 feet 9 inches tall, may be secured by a booster seat, but at a minimum must be wearing a properly fitted safety belt.

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to keep children in the proper rear or forward-facing seat as long as possible and use the “Five-Step Test” to determine if their child is big enough to safely use a seat belt without a booster seat.
To schedule a free child safety seat inspection, contact your local CHP Area Office.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Nature of Incident: Child Passenger Safety Week Highlights Importance of Making Sure Your Child is in the Right Seat
Location: Ventura County
Date & Time: September 2024
Unit(s) Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff's Office

Prepared by: Sergeant Daniel Gonzales
Approved by: Captain Jason B. Hendren


Garden Club's October 2, 2024, meeting: The Ventura County Garden Club begins its 101st season by announcing its second meeting of the season to take place on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 10:00 am with a tour of Taft Gardens in Ojai. Taft can be difficult to find, and parking is limited. Please arrange to carpool or contact your director if you need a ride. Picnic lunch follows at Taft. Bring your own lunch and/or food to share. Dessert will be provided by the Board. Organizer: Vice President – Kathleen Cressy. We welcome new members. For more information, email VenturaCountyGardenClub@yahoo.com, OR Facebook.com/VenturaCountyGardenClubVCGC/

Courtesy https://www.blog.fillmoreusd.org/fillmore-unified-school-district-blog/2024/9/6/new-varsity-baseball-field -construction-begins-monday-september-9-2024.
Courtesy https://www.blog.fillmoreusd.org/fillmore-unified-school-district-blog/2024/9/6/new-varsity-baseball-field -construction-begins-monday-september-9-2024.
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On Friday, September 6, 2024, Fillmore High School announced the beginning of construction on the new Fillmore Varsity Baseball Field on Monday, September 9, funded by community support of Measure V Bonds. The work is hoped to be partially completed in November with the final completion to take place January 2025. Working hours will be Monday – Saturday, 7am to 7pm, along Shiells Drive and Third Street. For questions contact Andrea McNeill Assistant Superintendent, Business Services.

Get ready Fillmore! Fillmore High will be hosting their annual Blue & White Night in celebration of the Flashes Homecoming week! On Thursday, September 19, the celebration will offer food vendors available from 5pm to 9pm. The FHS Homecoming Parade will start at 6pm at the corner of Second Street and Central Avenue. And the celebration will continue after in Downtown Fillmore. This year they will also have a Classic Car Show display for all to enjoy. Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/FillmoreHighSchoolAlumniAssociation.

Fillmore Gazette Stock Photo.
Get ready Fillmore! Fillmore High will be hosting their annual Blue & White Night in celebration of the Flashes Homecoming week! On Thursday, September 19, the celebration will offer food vendors available from 5pm to 9pm. The FHS Homecoming Parade will start at 6pm at the corner of Second Street and Central Avenue. And the celebration will continue after in Downtown Fillmore. This year they will also have a Classic Car Show display for all to enjoy. Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/FillmoreHighSchoolAlumniAssociation. Fillmore Gazette Stock Photo.
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Pictured is Rotary Club of Fillmore President Anna Reilley presenting program speaker Jared Schieferle 
with a Rotary mug. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured is Rotary Club of Fillmore President Anna Reilley presenting program speaker Jared Schieferle with a Rotary mug. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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On September 4, 2024, the Rotary Club of Fillmore program was given by Jared Schieferle, son of school Superintendent Christine Schieferle. He graduated from Fillmore High School in 2020 and had no graduation ceremony because of Covid. He attended Cal Poly in SLO where he studied engineering. Since Cal Poly is about “Learn by Doing”, each student has to do a senior project. His project was to build a structure that would hold up during an earthquake. He and a few friends researched buildings that didn’t hold up and then designed one that would. It was made of cement and steel and was constructed in Poly Canyon alongside projects built over the years. They did everything from drawing the design with details to excavating the site, pouring the concrete and building the steel structure. It took them 14 months to build from start to finish. He has now graduated with an Engineering Degree and will begin his first job this week in San Diego.

Above is Sofia Peredo. Article and photo credit Brandy Hollis.
Above is Sofia Peredo. Article and photo credit Brandy Hollis.
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With the heat getting to me and my love for being able to get a yummy fresh fruit salad without doing any of the chopping, I cannot lie, I have dinner at Fillmore’s Fruity Culture way too much. Everyone who works there is awesome, but I have to give some special recognition to Sofia Peredo. As soon as she sees me, she smiles and says “are you here for that fruit salad?” She always makes sure that before she walks up to take my order that they still have all the fruit that I like ready to go. I appreciate she always knows my order by heart but it came with some practice. She prides herself on making bougie ‘n fancy with a rim of cucumbers sprinkled with tajin. In this wonderful thing of life, we should always celebrate the little things that make us smile! Our community is made up of beautiful people, and makes me proud to call Fillmore home!

Rotary Club of Fillmore hosted Stephanie West and Charleen Boucher as guest speakers. They talked about VC Trykers, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and providing mobility by providing Amtryke adaptive tricycles. These tricycles benefit both children and adults. They can be hand or foot powered and accommodate riders of all sizes, ages and abilities. Pictured (l-r) is President Anna Reilley, presenting a Rotary mug to guest speakers West and Boucher. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Rotary Club of Fillmore hosted Stephanie West and Charleen Boucher as guest speakers. They talked about VC Trykers, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating and providing mobility by providing Amtryke adaptive tricycles. These tricycles benefit both children and adults. They can be hand or foot powered and accommodate riders of all sizes, ages and abilities. Pictured (l-r) is President Anna Reilley, presenting a Rotary mug to guest speakers West and Boucher. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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On Monday, September 2, 2024, Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers selected the winners of the September “Yard of the Month”, Tom and Melody Micarelli, pictured above in their award-winning yard.  Photo credit By Linda Nunes.
On Monday, September 2, 2024, Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers selected the winners of the September “Yard of the Month”, Tom and Melody Micarelli, pictured above in their award-winning yard. Photo credit By Linda Nunes.
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By Linda Nunes

On Monday, September 2, 2024, Fillmore Civic Pride Volunteers selected Tom and Melody Micarelli’s yard, at 1014 First Street, to receive the September “Yard of the Month” award.
Melody said they moved into the home in 1994, which had only grass and a tree in front, and grass and weeds in the backyard. They raised their boys, Stephen and Travis there, gradually adding a few succulents and roses, such as “Betty Boop” and a yellow rose, “Eternal Flame” from Otto & Sons Nursery, as a memorial to her mother.

After painting their home in a lighter tone, they realized they were ready to do a major landscaping project in both front and backyard. In January 2024, they hired contractor, Victor Martinez of Tri-County Turf, and landscape architect, Greg Ray, asking them to incorporate their existing plants in a Xeriscape design out front. They finished in three months!
Victor put in a new driveway and Tom, who owns Tom’s Mobil Welding, in partnership with son, Stephen, built the bridge over a dry stream bed that drains water from the yard.

The yard is designed for low maintenance with weed barrier cloth, covered by rock and a hidden watering system.
Focal point trees are Toyon Berry with seasonal red berries and Palo Verde with yellow blooms. Artfully arranged around the yard are Red Yucca, Crassula varieties, several Flax varieties, purple Verbena, Jade varieties, Salvias, low growing roses, and ornamental grasses with Elephant Ears, Geraniums, Princess Flower and Azaleas near the house.

A peek into the backyard shows Tom’s amazing expertise in creating a steel welded patio cover with built-in BBQ and hanging table, a boulder surrounded firepit, vegetable planters and even a sand area with toys for their 3-year-old grandson, Wyatt!
Melody and Tom were very pleased to be selected and will enjoy using their gift card award. We appreciate Otto & Sons Nursery for making this award possible over all these years!

At last Wednesday’s Fillmore Rotary Club meeting President Anna Reilley presented Kyle Wilson with a Rotarian of the Month pin for his work on the Olympic Athlete Fundraiser. Each member chose athletes they wanted to watch in the Olympics. The better they did the more was donated to the Club. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
At last Wednesday’s Fillmore Rotary Club meeting President Anna Reilley presented Kyle Wilson with a Rotarian of the Month pin for his work on the Olympic Athlete Fundraiser. Each member chose athletes they wanted to watch in the Olympics. The better they did the more was donated to the Club. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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We are expecting temperatures to reach triple digits for the next few days. The City of Fillmore cooling center will be open at the Active Adult Center located at 533 Santa Clara St, Fillmore, CA 93015. The Center will be open today, September 4th, 2024, from noon to 4:00 p.m. and Thursday, September 5, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please stay connected for updates on the hours of operations for this weekend. Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/cityoffillmore.


County of Ventura, California. – September is Pedestrian Safety Month in California. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind drivers to slow down and be alert for people walking on our roads. By always taking extra precautions, you can help protect pedestrians and reduce the risk of crashes and injuries. Walking should always be an easy and safe option for getting around any community.

According to projections from the Governors Highway Safety Association, 7,318 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes across the United States in 2023. In California alone, pedestrian deaths make up more than 27 percent of all traffic-related fatalities, highlighting the urgent need for increased awareness and safety measures on our roads.

Every step we take towards greater pedestrian safety is a step towards saving lives, The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind everyone that safety begins with you, whether you're behind the wheel or on foot. Small actions, like slowing down, putting away distractions and yielding at crosswalks, can make a life-saving difference.”

To promote the safety of people walking, The Police Department will conduct a traffic safety operation on September 24, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of pedestrians at risk. These violations include speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield and running stop signs or signals.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office offers safe driving and walking tips, including staying off the phone when behind the wheel or walking.

Do not speed, and slow down at intersections. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians at marked and unmarked crosswalks.
Avoid blocking crosswalks while waiting to make a right-hand turn.
Never drive impaired.

Be predictable. Use signalized crosswalks where drivers may anticipate foot traffic.
Watch for approaching vehicles and practice due care crossing the street. At 30 mph, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop.

Make it easier for drivers to see you at night – consider wearing bright colors, reflective material, or use a flashlight when practical.

Be careful crossing streets or entering crosswalks at night or on busier streets with higher speed limits.
Share your thoughts about pedestrian safety by participating in the Go Safely Movement, a call-to-action traffic safety survey from the California Office of Traffic Safety. Take the survey at gosafelyca.org.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Prepared by: Sergeant Daniel Gonzales
Approved by: Captain Jason B. Hedren



On August 29, 2024, at approximately 1:07 PM, Ventura County Sheriff’s deputies from the Headquarters Patrol Station responded to a call for service of a subject with a stab wound in the intersection of Rice Avenue and Channel Islands Boulevard, in the unincorporated area of Oxnard. Upon arrival, deputies located a 33-year-old male suffering from a stab wound, who was identified as Ricardo Juarez. The suspect was identified as 42-year-old, Alvin Otis Johnson from the city of Camarillo.

Investigators discovered Johnson, and the victim were acquainted and were travelling together in the same vehicle when the stabbing occurred. Following the stabbing, the victim exited the vehicle while Johnson fled the scene, using the victim’s vehicle to get away. The victim was transported to a local hospital where he was later pronounced deceased. The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office immediately initiated a search for the suspect and the vehicle involved. Multiple investigative and patrol resources, including aircraft were deployed.

At approximately 5:08 PM, Ventura County Sheriff’s Dispatch received a 911 call reporting an assault with a deadly weapon at a residence in the 3400 block of Huerta Court in the city of Camarillo. Simultaneously, an adult male victim arrived at the Camarillo Police Station, reporting he had been assaulted at the same residence and sustained injuries. Upon arrival at the Huerta Court residence, deputies encountered Johnson, who was armed with a handgun. Johnson was taken into custody without incident.

Deputies then entered the residence on Huerta Court and discovered a 75-year-old female with severe head trauma, who was identified as Marilyn Gallagher. Deputies immediately began performing life saving measures. The victim was transported to a local hospital, where she was later pronounced deceased. Deputies discovered an additional adult male victim at the residence who sustained non-life threating injuries. Investigators learned Johnson was an acquaintance of the individuals who were present at the residence during the assault.

Johnson was arrested and booked into the Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility, for two counts of 187 PC – Murder, two counts of 664/187 PC – Attempted Murder, 246.3 PC – Negligent discharge of a firearm, 207 PC – Kidnapping, 236 PC – False imprisonment, 29800 PC – Addict in possession of a firearm.
Johnson’s bail is currently set at $ 2,000,000 and his arraignment is scheduled for September 3rd, 2024, at 1:30 PM, in Ventura County Superior Court, Room #13.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact Detective Kathryn Torres at 805-384-4740.

Nature of Incident: Double Homicide Investigation
Report Number: 24-108977 / 24-109093
Location: Rice Avenue & Channel Island Boulevard; Oxnard, CA
3400 Block of Huerta Court, Camarillo, CA

Date & Time: 8/29/24 at 1:07 PM
8/29/24 at 5:08 PM

Unit(s) Responsible: Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau, Camarillo Special Enforcement Unit, Camarillo Investigations, Camarillo Patrol, West County Patrol, West County Special Enforcement Unit, East County Major Crimes Unit, Fillmore Investigations, Technical Surveillance Unit, Aviation Unit

(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent
City of Residence Age

(S) Alvin Otis Johnson Camarillo 42
(D) Ricardo Juarez Camarillo 33
(D) Marilyn Gallagher Camarillo 75
(V) Adult Male Camarillo 51
(V) Adult Male Camarillo 47

Prepared by: Sergeant Gabriel Gonzales #4368
Approved by: Captain Dean Worthy

Fillmore Gazette stock photo.
Fillmore Gazette stock photo.
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All items passed 4-0, except 9D ad 9E which were discussion items only.




RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council approve Resolution No 24-4027 that will authorize the rate increases to become effective September 1, 2024.


RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council approve Resolution No 24-4027 that will authorize the rate increases to become effective September 1, 2024.

RECOMMENDATION Staff requests that the City Council approve Resolution No 24-4027 that will authorize the rate increases to become effective September 1, 2024.


RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve a new fifteen (15) year lease agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley (Boys and Girls Club).

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council discuss future improvements to the Fillmore Dog Park and provide feedback and direction.

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council discuss ideas for Constitution Week, which is September 17 – September 23.



RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 24-4029 approving the establishment of a new unrepresented part-time seasonal classification titled Recreational Youth Basketball Coordinator. Adoption of Resolution No. 24-4029 will also establish the compensation and adopt a job description for the position.

Photo and article credit Brandy Hollis and Raiders Board Members.
Photo and article credit Brandy Hollis and Raiders Board Members.
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Mighty Mites Silver Dax Camacho opened up the Raiders football season by scoring three touchdowns. Great job, Dax, keep it up! As for Head Coach Samuel Bennett III, a special thank you to the Bennett family for all you do for our community and football.

Cheering loudly from the sidelines was Fillmore’s own Mighty Cheerleader, Catalina Perez. Her coach has said not only is Cat a natural leader, but she always sets a great example for her teammates while keeping a positive attitude. Being a positive leader in our community is vital and amazing when demonstrated at a young age. Way to go, Catalina!

This is my first season as part of the Raiders family with my two youngest sons playing. I cannot wait to see what else is going to unfold this year as we continue to show special recognition to athletes, refs, coaching teams, and board members.

Remember that coaches and board members are out there volunteering their time and energy for the love of the game and the kids. Refs as well are trying to make fair calls, and kids are playing with their whole hearts. I don’t blame these kids for being so excited!

And remember to purchase your fan gear. I was excited to see T-shirts, and black, grey and blue choices in the hats. They also accept Venmo and Zelle.

Let’s all pick up our trash and water bottles and keep it clean for our Raiders!

Stay safe & cool, let’s GO RAIDERS!!!