Applications are now available for the FILLMORE WOMEN’S SERVICE CLUB Trade and Art Scholarships. Any graduating High School Senior going to a Public or Private School, who RESIDES within the Fillmore Unified School District and is continuing on to a Trade School or a Community College to pursue a career in the Arts. GRADES are not a factor. Applications are available at Fillmore High School or by telephoning Susan Banks at 805-524-2020. DEADLINE is Thursday April 6th, 2017



Applications are now available for the FILLMORE WOMEN’S SERVICE CLUB Educational Scholarships. Any graduating High
School Senior going to a Public or Private School, who RESIDES within the Fillmore Unified School District and is continuing on to a College or University can apply. Applications are available at Fillmore High School or by telephoning Susan Banks at 805-524-2020. DEADLINE is Thursday April 6th, 2017


Ariel Bertsch of Help Unlimited was presented a Rotary mug from program chair, Kyle Wilson. Her company provides in-home care to seniors in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.
Ariel Bertsch of Help Unlimited was presented a Rotary mug from program chair, Kyle Wilson. Her company provides in-home care to seniors in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.
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(l-r) Louis Meza, Darlene Lorenz, Josh Travers, Ron Lewis, Claire Faith, Ari Larson, Maria Christopher, Alyce Bosacki, Kelly Long, Martin Hernandez, Dale Bolms, Dave Wilkinson, Kevin Keehl and Steve Breitbach.
(l-r) Louis Meza, Darlene Lorenz, Josh Travers, Ron Lewis, Claire Faith, Ari Larson, Maria Christopher, Alyce Bosacki, Kelly Long, Martin Hernandez, Dale Bolms, Dave Wilkinson, Kevin Keehl and Steve Breitbach.
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Written by Maria Christopher

Ventura County Third District Supervisor Kelly Long was one of the participants in the Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau's (HVTB ) Annual Member Meeting held February 1st at the Santa Paula Depot. HVTB members and others interested in local tourism met to review the group's accomplishments for the past year and discuss effective short term and long term strategies for increasing the economic benefits of tourism throughout the Heritage Valley.

The Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau was established in 1997 with the support of local governments as a member based organization of individual entities working together to promote the entire Santa Clara River Valley / Highway 126 corridor from the City of Ventura to the eastern county line.

Their focus is to market what tourism related opportunities the communities of Piru, Fillmore, Santa Paula, and surrounding areas, have to offer to visitors and locals. They do this primarily though print, electronic media, and personal contact. Membership is open to anyone interested in local tourism and ideas and suggestions are welcome from everyone. Contact or call 805-524.7500 for more information.

The 2017 HVTB officers were also elected at the Board of Directors Meeting following the Membership Meeting. They include: President Maria Christopher (Rancho Camulos Museum), Vice-President Ari Larson (Fillmore Chamber of Commerce), Secretary Cindy Jackson (CJ Financials), and Treasurer Ron Lewis (Santa Clara River Valley Railroad Historical Society).

Rotary Club Present Check to the Fillmore High School’s Mock Trial Team. FHS students, Mr. Murphy & Laura Bartels receiving a check supporting the FHS Mock Trial Team from club president Julie Latshaw.
Rotary Club Present Check to the Fillmore High School’s Mock Trial Team. FHS students, Mr. Murphy & Laura Bartels receiving a check supporting the FHS Mock Trial Team from club president Julie Latshaw.
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Fillmore Rotary Welcome Exchange Student. Josh Cox, our Rotary Exchange student, from Australia, presented a program on his family and country.
Fillmore Rotary Welcome Exchange Student. Josh Cox, our Rotary Exchange student, from Australia, presented a program on his family and country.
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Award winning mystery authors, D.J. Adamson, Nancy Cole Silverman, and Laurie Stevens will provide individual instruction and guidance for those who need inspiration to start that special book of fiction or non-fiction. If you have completed a book, the panel can show you how to promote yourself and find the best and most affordable publishing options. This free workshop will be held at the Fillmore Library 502 Second Street on Saturday, February 25th from 1pm-3pm. For more information contact the Fillmore Library at 524-3355 or


Come to the Taco Llama parking lot at 9:00 on the February 18 to help clean up the bike path AND find hidden treasures! This is the special bike path clean up.

COME ENJOY THE FUN and help keep your community looking nice! All are welcome!

Younger children must be supervised by an adult. It is a fun family outing! For more information, call Lynn Edmonds @ 907-6576.


The Parent Tea for the Miss Fillmore/Miss Teen Fillmore Pageant will take place on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at the Memorial Building beginning at 6:30PM. All Rules and Questions will be addressed. Contestants must reside within the Fillmore Unified School District boundaries. Miss Contestants must be a Junior or Senior girl in good standing. Teen Contestants must be a girl between the ages of 13 (by January 1st) and 17 in good standing, but not a Junior or Senior. Information packets can be obtained at Fillmore High School (Student Store), Fillmore Middle School (Office) or by contacting Pageant Director Lori McLain at 805-524-4432.

Fillmore’s last storm knocked down a tree at Elkins Golf Course. Fillmore is expected to get more rain starting Thursday February 16th, so be sure to have your umbrellas ready.
Fillmore’s last storm knocked down a tree at Elkins Golf Course. Fillmore is expected to get more rain starting Thursday February 16th, so be sure to have your umbrellas ready.
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(left)Kyle Wilson Program Chair, Heather Brown from California Wildlife Center and Julie Latshaw. The Wildlife
Center cares for sick, injured and orphaned native wildlife and eventually releases them back into the wild.
(left)Kyle Wilson Program Chair, Heather Brown from California Wildlife Center and Julie Latshaw. The Wildlife Center cares for sick, injured and orphaned native wildlife and eventually releases them back into the wild.
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A Familia a Familia Course is presented by NAMI Ventura County, The National Alliance on Mental Illness is offering a FREE 12-week program in Spanish, starting Monday, February 20, at One Step A La Vez, 421 Sespe Ave., Fillmore, CA 93015 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. p.m

This series of 12 classes are for family members, couples, and friends of loved ones who have mental illnesses such as: severe depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, affective-schizophrenia, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder Dual diagnosis disorders (substance abuse with mental illness).

The program is provided by a team of volunteers, family members, trained by NAMI Ventura County, who know the struggles of a loved one dealing with mental illness.

To register or for more information call: (805) 641-2426 – English or Spanish. The class is limited to 25 people so call soon to reserve a seat. You are also welcomed to review our website:


Familia a Familia 12 Semanas de Clases
En Fillmore
Se Presenta un Curso de Familia a Familia

NAMI Ventura County, La Alianza Nacional Sobre Enfermedades Mentales ofrece un programa gratuito de 12 semanas cada lunes, en español, empezando el 20 de febrero, en One Step A La Vez, 421 Sespe Ave., Fillmore, de las 6:30pm a las 9:00pm.

Esta serie de clases es para los miembros de familia, parejas, y amigos de seres queridos que tienen enfermedades mentales como: depresión severa, trastorno bipolar, esquizofrenia, esquizo−afectivo, desorden de pánico, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, síndrome de estrés post traumático y desordenes de diagnóstico doble (abuso de sustancias con enfermedad mental).

El programa es dado por un equipo de voluntarios, miembros de familia, entrenados por NAMI Ventura County, quienes saben lo que es tener a un ser querido luchando con desordenes mentales.

Para registrarse o para más información: llame 805−641−2426 (inglés o español). La clase se limita a 25 personas. Así que llame pronto para reservar un asiento. También le invitamos a revisar nuestro sitio web: para mas información.


Submitted by Joe Ricards

The Fillmore FFA would like to invite you to attend our Annual Tractor Driving Contest. The contest will be held February 18, 2017 at our school farm and will start at 9:00am. Students are encouraged to be dressed from the waist up in uniform. Lunch will be provided by the Boosters Club.

Teams will consist of 5 members per team. However, individual awards will be given. The events will consist of the following:
1. 3 point hook-up.
2. Trailer backing.
3. Picking up a ball with a skip loader.
4. Row crop driving.
5. Cultivating with a spring tooth.
6. Tractor I.D. or trouble shooting.

If you have any questions please call me. Also, please call or E-mail with the number of students you plan to bring.

The newest member to the Rotary Club of Fillmore is Ari Larson inducted by President Julie Latshaw
The newest member to the Rotary Club of Fillmore is Ari Larson inducted by President Julie Latshaw
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Fillmore Rotary Club Updated on City Projects. President Julie Latshaw, speaker Roxanne Hughes and Program Chair Carrie Broggie Roxanne Hughes, the City of Fillmore Engineer updated the Club on projects she is working on including the new traffic signal on Mountain View/126, more sidewalks and paving local streets.
Fillmore Rotary Club Updated on City Projects. President Julie Latshaw, speaker Roxanne Hughes and Program Chair Carrie Broggie Roxanne Hughes, the City of Fillmore Engineer updated the Club on projects she is working on including the new traffic signal on Mountain View/126, more sidewalks and paving local streets.
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Ventura County Public Works Agency receives grant funding to capture stormwater for groundwater recharge in Piru.
Ventura County Public Works Agency receives grant funding to capture stormwater for groundwater recharge in Piru.
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PIRU, CA - The Ventura County Public Works Agency Watershed Protection District’s (VCPWA WPD) proposed Piru Stormwater Capture for Groundwater Recharge project was selected for funding of $455,837 by the State Water Resources Control Board under Proposition 1 Storm Water Grant Program, Round 1. The project, which will be a collaborative effort with the United Water Conservation District (UWCD), is one of 27 statewide projects to receive an award from the total $105 million grant fund for this round of funding.

The proposed project will capture runoff from 123 acres in the unincorporated Ventura County community of Piru to remove sediment, trash and other pollutants. Approximately 38.5 acre feet per year of runoff will be captured using the existing storm drain system. The captured runoff will then be conveyed to the northern 26 acres of the existing, inactive UWCD Piru Spreading Grounds, for recharge of the Piru groundwater basin.

“This is a unique opportunity for Piru community to gain cost-effective, long-term, and sustainable recharge of groundwater with minimal design and construction efforts” said Ewelina Mutkowska, Stormwater Program Manager.

“Collaboration with other agencies, municipalities and stakeholders is key to developing new and affordable water resources for the county and a top priority for United Water Conservation District,” added Mauricio E. Guardado, Jr., General Manager of UWCD. “We look forward to working with Ewelina and the Ventura County Public Works team on recharging the groundwater of the Piru basin.”

The proposed project will provide dual benefits of water quality improvement, compliance with Clean Water Act, and long-term sustainable water supply enhancement. By utilizing existing infrastructure and making a few modification, this project will meet federal and state requirements in the most cost effective manner. Construction is anticipated in summer of 2018.


Santa Clara Valley Disposal will maintain its regular Friday trash, green waste and recyclables collection schedule in Fillmore on Feb. 24, during the week of Presidents’ Day.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Both FZ Tax Services and Portobello Pizza are members of the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce. (l-r) Bernardino Orea from Portobello Pizza and Ari Larson from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, presenting the business with a membership plaque
Both FZ Tax Services and Portobello Pizza are members of the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce. (l-r) Bernardino Orea from Portobello Pizza and Ari Larson from the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce, presenting the business with a membership plaque
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FZ Tax Services has relocated to the Super A Shopping Center (751 Ventura St./Hwy. 126).) Next door to them
Portobello Pizza has just opened their business. The two will be celebrating joint grand openings on Saturday, February 4th. The public is invited to join in the ribbon-cutting, door prizes, pizza samples and more at 1pm.

Mrs. Chaney standing next to the infamous Grad Nite Live Electric Car. Mrs. Chaney said, “It is with a heavy heart I am selling my electric car (Grad Nite Live). I can’t drive any more so it sits. It needs some TLC and batteries. I drove 10,000 miles since 2002 and never left Fillmore. It will be nice to see my GEM out and about in Fillmore again. Thanks for waving at me all those years.”
Mrs. Chaney standing next to the infamous Grad Nite Live Electric Car. Mrs. Chaney said, “It is with a heavy heart I am selling my electric car (Grad Nite Live). I can’t drive any more so it sits. It needs some TLC and batteries. I drove 10,000 miles since 2002 and never left Fillmore. It will be nice to see my GEM out and about in Fillmore again. Thanks for waving at me all those years.”
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The City of Fillmore is pleased to welcome our new Parks and Recreation Coordinators Abel Duque and Claire Faith. Abel and Claire both started Monday, January 9th.

Mr. Duque has experience working with recreational and afterschool programs and most recently worked for the Boys and Girls Club in Ventura. He graduated with his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from California State University, Channel Islands and is bilingual.

Ms. Faith grew up in Fillmore, and has her Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Administration from Humboldt State University. She spent some time as a recreation leader for the City of Eureka and worked outdoor and aquatic programs at Humboldt State.

“We lucked out and found two superstars to move the Parks and Recreation Department forward with fresh and innovative ideas and programs. I cannot wait to see to what they develop.” said David W. Rowlands, City Manager.

Early projects include developing a sustainability plan, new recreational programs and a community survey to determine what programs the residents want receive.

Last year’s Fillmore Flower Show theme was “Isn’t the community of Fillmore special?” and had 339 entries across nine divisions.
Last year’s Fillmore Flower Show theme was “Isn’t the community of Fillmore special?” and had 339 entries across nine divisions.
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The Fillmore Civic Pride committee announces the date of the spring Fillmore Flower Show. It will be held April 8 and 9, 2017 at the Active Adult Center, 533 Santa Clara in Fillmore. The fun and creative theme for the show this year is "Birds, Bugs and Beautiful Blooms".

According to experts, now is the time to prune roses to get spectacular blooms for the spring flower show in April. If interested, Otto and Sons Nursery is offering rose pruning and seasonal care workshops at their nursery. The workshops are January 21 and 28 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The $15 charge per session includes a $10 gift certificate for next purchase, a goodie bag and opportunities for a door prize. Reservations are a must. Call 805-524-2123 or go to their website for more information.

At the suggestion of the Flower Show judges, a class has been added to Division VI- Miniature Arrangements and Bouquets. In addition to class A size not to exceed 4 inches by 4 inches, new class B size not to exceed 10 inches by 10 inches. This will allow participate more creativity and flexibility.

There will be several more encouragements to participate in the April flower show. Updates are also on the website

Watch out Fillmore residence, avoid being ticketed on Central Avenue, they are chalking tires.
Watch out Fillmore residence, avoid being ticketed on Central Avenue, they are chalking tires.
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