Hilda & Bill Muller
Hilda & Bill Muller
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The Muller, Garcia, Duran and Haro Families wish to thank everyone who has helped us cope with the loss of my husband William “Bill” Muller.

Thank you for the Mass Cards, Flowers, Delicious Food, Prayers, and Condolences & Donations. For sharing memories, for the many Hugs that were so needed. For just being kind and patient with me when I repeated my wonderful memories of life with my husband.

Perhaps you weren’t able to come see me or the family. If you could only say a silent prayer for us, we thank you! To the many colleagues, Ameron employees, Pacific Lighting Sales especially Mike Everett, the Mark Terstriep Family, Jim & Elaine McDaniel, Paqui & Charles Henderson for taking the time to call me personally from faraway places. You were more of a comfort than you could ever imagine, because you shared my tears and pain at the loss of this wonderful friend to all. Also to our friend and Pastor Fr. Artur, who was feeling ill, but did the Mass anyway. Deacon Ramon for being there when we needed his assistance. Michael Lara for his musical talent, Jesse Olivares for leading the Rosary as Bill had requested. Lastly, to Kelly Gomez and Family, for the excellent catering which we all enjoyed.

To my Children, Arleen & Bob Duran, Steve Garcia, and Randy & Mary-Allan Garcia; what a Blessing you are to me! You all promised Bill I would be “taken care of by all”.” I know this helped him to leave in peace. I’ll try to be worthy of this kindness, and never take any of you for granted. Life is too short. Let us serve the Lord with Love and Gratitude the way Bill taught us to by his perfect example of what it means to be a God Loving Christian.

With Love and Gratitude,
Hilda M. Muller


Photo by Les Dublin
Photo by Les Dublin
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Photo by Les Dublin
Photo by Les Dublin
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Photo by Les Dublin
Photo by Les Dublin
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Ojai was recognized as an official International City of Peace, at the Ojai City Council Meeting, April 14, 2015. Mayor Lara read the proclamation and presented it to Brian Berman and Julie Heyman, on behalf of the peace team members who worked towards this initiative: David Baker, Brian Berman, Lisa Berman, Julie Heyman, Dianne McCourtney, RakeshMenon, Kathy Nolan, Anahata Pomeroy and Marilyn Salas.

“We see receiving our status as an ICP for Ojai as just the beginning. We will be exploring and developing opportunities that encourage individuals and groups in finding creative ways of fostering peace through initiatives, programs and events,” said Berman.

The ICP initiative envisions a world where cities are dedicated to embracing a quality of life that brings universal values of peace, prosperity and safety to the daily lives of their citizens. Cities around the world are adopting this model, concentrating on their local peace building activities and connecting through Partnerships for Peace, which is the United Nations theme for International Day of Peace, September 21, 2015.

The team’s vision for Ojai is a community that fosters a culture of peace within our families, schools, businesses, government, and all aspects of community life. Calling themselves “The Peace Pod,” they are dedicated to serving the emergence of personal, ecological, and universal wellbeing. Their goal is to inspire educational programs and services designed to empower individuals and the community in establishing an inclusive, sustainable, and enduring culture of peace. The whole community will benefit by connecting with, knowing, and respecting its neighbors of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs. Their vision is holistic, serving to nurture a society that embraces love and peace in body, mind and spirit, in which the whole community will benefit.

The group developed a Facebook page for posting peace events and programs for building a culture of peace here in the Ojai Valley. https://www.facebook.com/groups/102218600109281/

For more information about ICPvisit: www.internationalcitiesofpeace.org


2014 Miss Fillmore Kiana Hope, honorary race starter.
2014 Miss Fillmore Kiana Hope, honorary race starter.
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May 16, 2015

The Rotary Club of Fillmore’s 2015 Heritage Valley 5-10K Run/Fitness Walk and Health Fair will be held on Saturday, May16th. In 2008, the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers revived this dormant community run. (The Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers merged with the Rotary Club of Fillmore in January 2013. The Club now uses the name Rotary Club of Fillmore). The run was cancelled in 2009 but re-started again in 2010 and has run yearly through 2014.

Much of the race course follows the bike/walking path along the beautiful Sespe Creek with views of San Cayetano Mountain. Out of town participants join local runners and walkers of all ages. Our event includes a 5K Run/Fitness Walk and 10K run; a 1-mile Fun Run/Walk for kids; health fair and Rotary Raffle. We also offer a Team Challenge for teams with a minimum of five members. Team members receive discounted entry fee, the opportunity to win money to support your favorite charity or organization and prizes for the best team t-shirt!

All funds raised from this event go back into our community. Proceeds this year fund Fillmore & Piru Youth programs, Fillmore High School athletics and other Rotary projects. We are partnering with Cops Running for Charity, a 501(c)3 non-profit and Fillmore Unified School District.

In 2014 we brought in Podium One Timing and Race Management to help with registration and provide chip timing and instant online results. We are excited to have them back.

We have a great health fair with many presenters including Safe Kids Ventura County, Ventura County Public Health Nutrition program and First 5 with many more to be confirmed.

During our awards ceremony we will raffle off some amazing gifts: Two Dodger Tickets; Foursome green fees from Elkins Ranch Golf Course, Avocado baskets, Fresh Tomato baskets from Beylik Farms; Gift Certificate from The Scented Path; just to name a few.

You can register online at Active.com or with a paper registration found throughout town or contact Race Director Joe Aguirre – 805-524-2096. Race day registration begins at 7:00 AM in front of the Fillmore Unified School District offices at 627 Sespe Ave., Fillmore, CA 93015.

All races begin at 8:00 AM. Awards ceremony begins at 9:15 AM. For those who pre-register, packets are available for pick up on Friday, May 15th from 4:00-7:00 PM at Sespe School classroom 23 at 627 Sespe Ave, Fillmore, CA.

Volunteer and sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Joe Aguirre at 805-906-4114.


CEO Brian Troop and Santa Paula Branch Manager Scott Dunbar are proud to announce the relocation of the Santa Paula branch to 750 E. Main St., Santa Paula, CA 93060. With more than 200 attendees, the grand re-opening mixer was held on Wednesday, April 22 from 5:30 p.m.- 7 p.m at the new location.

Due to recent expansion, the Santa Paula office moved to the new address on Main Street on Friday, December 19, 2014. With 15 full time Troop Real Estate professionals serving Santa Paula, Fillmore and surrounding areas, the new transfer allows for private conferences and provides a productive work environment.

"We are definitely pleased with our new location in downtown Santa Paula," Dunbar said. "We look forward to being a part of the positive energy that's been building here for the past several years."

Building manager Laura Staben was thrilled to have Troop Real Estate, Inc.'s Santa Paula office move in. The property has been a known real estate building for years, having been Century 21 and Staben Realty, Inc. prior. "The open house was extremely well attended and a lot of good vibes were going between people. Brian, Scott and Cynthia did a fantastic job of remodeling the interior and I have really good feelings about this office being successful."

For more information regarding the Santa Paula office, please contact the Santa Paula branch manager, Scott Dunbar, at 805.921.0030. For more information regarding Troop Real Estate, Inc. visit www.troop.com.
About TROOP REAL ESTATE, INC. — Established in 1987, Troop Real Estate, Inc. has perennially been a leader in the north Los Angeles and Ventura counties' residential market in the overall volume of listings sold. Troop Real Estate, Inc. is Ventura county's largest independent brokerage company and provides the full range of residential, commercial, fine estates, property management, financial, escrow and relocation services.
Troop Real Estate branches are located in Simi Valley (Commercial), Simi Valley, Simi’s Wood Ranch community, Moorpark, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Camarillo, Oxnard, Channel Islands, Ventura, Ojai, Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Santa Clarita.

Flower show volunteers, Moe Shea and Mark Ortega, set up stations for entries.
Flower show volunteers, Moe Shea and Mark Ortega, set up stations for entries.
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The 2015 Fillmore Flower Show, themed “Bursting with Beauty” presented by Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee was a well attended event in our community on April 18, 19, with people traveling from Thousand Oaks and other nearby communities to appreciate the beauty of flower creations accompanied by music performed by Joy Asenas and Barry Cooper.

This was the 7th annual show since we “set our hearts” on reconstructing this show which began in 1919.

It takes months of preparation, publicizing, leading of workshops and dependence on many, many volunteers to bring the show to fruition. All volunteers will be celebrated at our review BBQ held at the Doug King Ranch.

This year the Santa Ana winds in the preceding days reduced our entries from last year’s 256 to 197, but people were prepared with more potted plant and dish garden entries. The “Best of Show” award was presented to a cactus(owner Lynne Arbogast) that was more than 30 years old. With these times of drought, this was an appropriate winner and gave show visitors an idea of the beauty found in the cacti family.

We had more door prize donations this year than ever before! In a small town, merchants get asked constantly to donate for all types of events and needs and we would like to encourage every one to shop locally, look at the interesting architectural details of these historical buildings and personally thank these generous merchants and individuals for contributing to the Flower Show.

Merchants and individuals to thank are: Avenue Pet, Bennett’s Honey Farm, Beylik Farms, Carolyn Lasky, Central Station Bar & Grill, Chivas Skin Care, Diamond Realty & Investments, Elkin’s Golf Course, El Pescador Restaurant, Green Thumb Nursery, artist Joanne King, King & King Ranch, Mark Ortega, Mary & Ian Nunez, Mimstar, Ventura County Nursery, Mountain View Golf Course, Otto & Son’s Nursery, Patterson’s Hardware, The Scented Path, The Treasure Station, Vallarta Restaurant, Valley Crest Tree Company, Vic’s Tires, and William L. Morris Chevrolet.

Come to our Civic Pride meetings and add your voice and effort to improve quality of life and esthetic appeal in our community! The next meeting will be May 20, at 1:30pm in City Hall.


Most of the general public recognize law enforcement, fire personnel, and emergency medical technicians as the first on the scene of a disaster; while few may know, in the case of a natural or man-made disaster, there are a number of first responders on duty and on call every day and night at the Ventura County Public Works Agency (VCPWA).

In an emergency, Public Works staff works closely with public safety personnel to assess damage to develop and implement responses. For instance, when the announcement of the Camarillo Springs mudslide that impacted numerous homes was made, one of the first emergency responders on the scene was VCPWA Engineering Manager II-County Geologist of Development and Inspection Services, Jim O’Tousa.While observing and trekking around the devastating slide in the pitch black, rainy evening, O’Tousa communicated back to the Fire and Sheriff’s Command Center critical information on areas that were still safe, homes that needed to be evacuated, and areas that were still potentially in harm’s way of the mud flow and geologic areas likely to still be moving and dangerous. While in the field relaying critical information, O’Tousa was also receiving important weather updates by storm hydrologists from the VCPWA Watershed Storm Center, who were tracking the storm and alerting first responders of potential weather and rain conditions that could impact the areas in crisis.

VCPWA’s Transportation Department also plays a key role in major disaster events. “The access to and from impacted areas is often damaged or impassable during an emergency response,” explains David Fleisch, Director of VCPWA’s Transportation Department. “As first responders, it is our duty to restore access to roadways for emergency workers and others who need to rescue or evacuate residents and to remove debris to preserve public property.”

Public Works personnel were officially added as first responders in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Public Works personnel also serve as part of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Agency Operations Center (AOC) when activated.

VCPWA has emergency plans and response teams in place to respond quickly to emergencies. “We’ve been first responders for many years, often radioing in information critical to fire, earthquake, or landslide event emergencies,” says Herb Schwind, Director of Engineering Services Department. “We might be the silent first responders, but we are there in any emergency.”

Being on duty for VCPWA means that the Directors have the “bat phone,” or the active duty phone for a full month,after whichit is handedoff to the next Director. “If there is an earthquake, mudslide, or dangerous flood, the Fire and Sheriff’s office will call the appropriate VCPWA Director, who will then assign the first responders from VCPWA,” explains Janice Turner, Director of Central Services. In addition, on-site safety is a priority in emergency situations. Phil Raba, VCPWA Safety Manager, handles safety for personnel during a crisis and responds to incidents as necessary for safety assessments. “All Public Works employees are first responders, we work together as a team,” says Raba.

On Tuesday, May 19, VCPWA Director Jeff Pratt will pay homage to his team of almost 400 employees for Public Works Week Awareness Day, and a special nod to the work of his small team of unsung heroes who are always on call in the event of a natural or man-made tragedy. In addition, VCPWA Director Jeff Pratt will also announce this year’s “Employee of the Year” recipients. From 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., the public will be invited to partake in various festivities, as the Government Center parking lot will be filled with VCPWA Department display booths, including heavy equipment for demonstrations, equipment show and tell, and invasive plant presentations. VCPWA staff will also lead activities and hands-on stations that demonstrate the many services provided by the Agency. More than 300 local students will be in attendance for the educational experience.

Event info:
Who: Ventura County Public Works Agency’s National Public Works Week Awareness Day
When: Tuesday, May 19
Times: Resolution with the County Board of Supervisors at 10:00 a.m. (Hall of Administration)
Public-activity displays and presentations from 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Parking lot)
Where: Government Center, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura, Calif. 93009

Part 3 of 3

Video courtesy Bob Crum.

(l-r) Sean Morris, Rod Thompson (Lifewater International), and Martha Richardson. Thompson presented a program on the Lifewater International Organization. Lifewater is a non-profit Christian water development organization that is effectively serving the worlds rural poor, by getting safe water to the villages, teaching the people how to maintain the wells and educating them on hygiene and sanitation, thus improving life and health. Rod has been involved for 14 years. Fillmore Rotary was proud to present Lifewater Internatianal with a check for $500.
(l-r) Sean Morris, Rod Thompson (Lifewater International), and Martha Richardson. Thompson presented a program on the Lifewater International Organization. Lifewater is a non-profit Christian water development organization that is effectively serving the worlds rural poor, by getting safe water to the villages, teaching the people how to maintain the wells and educating them on hygiene and sanitation, thus improving life and health. Rod has been involved for 14 years. Fillmore Rotary was proud to present Lifewater Internatianal with a check for $500.
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Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura is pleased to announce that the American College of Radiology has designated CMH as an accredited lung cancer screening center.

This designation means CMH meets the top standards for patient care in the screening for lung cancer set by the American College of Radiology and that CMH has been accredited in CT scans of the chest.

The nonprofit American College of Radiology, with more than 30,000 members, is the principal organization of radiologists, radiation oncologists and clinical medical physicists in the United States. The college periodically defines new practice parameters and technical standards for radiologic practice to help advance the science of radiology and improve the quality of care for patients.

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 12 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Sierra Bancorp (Nasdaq:BSRR), parent of Bank of the Sierra, today announced that its Board of Directors has declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.10 per share. The dividend was approved subsequent to the Board’s review of the Company’s financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2015, which reflect continued capital strength, relatively robust operating results, substantial loan growth, and a sustained favorable trend in credit quality. The dividend will be paid on May 14, 2015 to shareholders of record as of April 30, 2015. Including dividends paid by Bank of the Sierra prior to the formation of Sierra Bancorp, the Company has paid regular cash dividends to shareholders every year since 1987, comprised of annual dividends from 1987 through 1998 and quarterly dividends since then. The dividend noted in today’s announcement marks the Company’s 65th consecutive regular quarterly cash dividend.

Sierra Bancorp is the holding company for Bank of the Sierra (www.bankofthesierra.com), which is in its 38th year of operations and at over $1.7 billion in assets is the largest independent bank headquartered in the South San Joaquin Valley. The Company has over 400 employees and conducts business through 28 branch offices, an online branch, a real estate industries center, an agricultural credit center, and an SBA center.

The statements contained in this release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects on the Company. Readers are cautioned not to unduly rely on forward looking statements. Actual results may differ from those projected. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including but not limited to the bank’s ability to maintain current dividend payments or increase dividend payouts to shareholder, its ability to continue to generate record financial results, changes in economic conditions, interest rates and loan portfolio performance, and other factors detailed in the Company’s SEC filings. Sierra Bancorp undertakes no responsibility to update or revise any forward-looking statements.

Book Sale Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Friends of the Santa Paula Blanchard Community Library invite all book lovers to their “Back Stacks” Book Sales. They are held the first Saturday of every month from 10AM to 2PM, every Wednesday from Noon to 4PM, and every Thursday, and Friday from Noon to 2PM.The next First-Saturday sale will be May 2, 2015. The sales offer great choices in fiction, non-fiction, children’s books and collectibles and are accessed from the north parking lot of the library at 119 N. 8th Street, Santa Paula, CA.Most books are priced from $.50-$2.00.Collectibles start at $4.00.

This month’s specials include 3 books, each with 50 ways to be more successful at work or in your business, all for $1.00, 8 Jeremy Robinson thriller novellas, all for $1.00, and The World of the Past, 2 volumes on ancient civilizationsthroughout the world at $1.00 for the set.

For more information email fobcl@yahoo.com


Bank of the Sierra today announced plans to open a new Loan Production Office (LPO) in the city of Oxnard, Ventura County, California. The office is scheduled to open in May of 2015. This represents the 29th location for the bank and follows the November 2014 acquisition of Santa Clara Valley Bank and its branches in the nearby cities of Santa Paula, Fillmore and Santa Clarita.

“Continued loan growth plays a key role in our ability to attain the bank’s short and long term strategic goals, and ultimately, return to shareholders,” commented Kevin McPhaill, President and CEO. “In the five months following our Santa Clara Valley Bank acquisition, very strong loan growth potential is evident in Ventura County, and the new LPO will help us meet the lending needs in that area,” he added.

“The loan production office in Ventura County is a natural fit to our existing franchise in this part of the state,” stated Michael Olague, Executive Vice President and Chief Banking Officer. “We have experienced solid loan activity in this area and we look forward to expanding our presence in developing additional lending relationships,” continued Olague.

The new LPO will be located in Suite 1720 on the 17th floor of the Topa Financial Plaza tower at 300 Esplanade Drive, Oxnard, California 93036. Branch functions will be limited to loan processing and production. Deposit gathering and other bank branch functions will not be available at this office due to regulatory requirements governing LPOs.

Bank of the Sierra (www.bankofthesierra.com), which is in its 38th year of operations and at over $1.7 billion in total assets is the largest independent bank headquartered in the South San Joaquin Valley. The Company has over 400 employees and conducts business through 28 branch offices, an online branch, a real estate industries center, an agricultural credit center, and an SBA center. Sierra Bancorp, the holding company for Bank of the Sierra, is publicly traded on the NASDAQ: BSRR.


The Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) has postponed the Commission’s Hearing Board’s public review of the county's annual "unmet transit needs" draft findings until Monday, May 18, 2015. The rescheduled public meeting will convene at 1:30 p.m. at the City of Camarillo's Council Chambers (located at 601 Carmen Drive, Camarillo).

According to VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle, the Commission's Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee/Social Service Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC/SSTAC) simply wanted additional time to review the draft findings and recommendations arising from this year's "unmet transit needs" public process. CTAC/SSTAC serves as an advisory panel to the Commission and includes representatives from each city and the County, as well as the representatives of the various social service and advocacy organizations and providers in the county as called for in state law.

VCTC's "unmet transit needs" is a public process reviewing the transit needs of individuals and groups in Ventura County. Public hearings are held on an annual basis to receive public comment and to analyze potential unmet transit needs, and whether they would be reasonable to provide. As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), VCTC is required to conduct this process in order to be eligible to receive Transit Development Act funding from the state.

Agendas for VCTC and its various committees are available on the web at www.GoVentura.org. Public review of said agendas can also be made during normal business hours at the VCTC offices at 950 County Square Drive, Suite 108, in Ventura. Questions regarding the public process may be directed to Vic Kamhi at (805) 642-1591, extension 110.


Sierra Bancorp (Nasdaq: BSRR), parent of Bank of the Sierra, today announced its unaudited financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2015. Sierra Bancorp recognized net income of $3.738 million in the quarter, for a return on average assets of 0.93% and a return on average equity of 8.06%. Net income was slightly lower than in the first quarter of the prior year due in large measure to the impact of nonrecurring items and a higher income tax accrual, but diluted earnings per share increased to $0.27 in the first quarter of 2015 from $0.26 in the first quarter of 2014 as a result of stock repurchases over the course of the past year. Income statement highlights for the quarter include robust net interest income driven by a large increase in average interest-earning assets, and relatively strong non-interest income resulting in large part from a higher level of fee-generating customer activity. Non-interest expense was higher due to substantial gains on the sale of OREO which helped offset costs in the first quarter of 2014, as well as higher core processing costs subsequent to our conversion in February 2014, higher personnel expense, and other operating cost increases associated with our acquisition in late 2014.

Total assets were up $96 million, or 6%, during the first quarter of 2015, due to net growth of $95 million in gross loan balances. Loan balances exceeded the milestone level of $1 billion for the first time in the history of the Bank, and growth for the quarter was favorably impacted by increased utilization on mortgage warehouse lines as well as the purchase of $28 million in residential mortgage loans in March. Total nonperforming assets, including nonperforming loans and foreclosed assets, were reduced by close to $2 million, or 7%, during the quarter. Total deposits increased $24 million, or 2%, due to a $37 million increase in core non-maturity deposits that was partially offset by a reduction in time deposits. Non-deposit borrowings increased $77 million.

“Growth during the CONTINUED »

Jeff Bode and Jason Skyllingstad worked on Tuesday pulling wire so that that there would be electrical capabilities in new ceiling at the Boys & Girls Club. They have to pull wire before the ceiling can be dry walled. Both men are from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 952. The room that they are working on is the future new Teen Study Center at the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley. Before rehabbing, the room was originally the shower room in the old girls’ gym when owned   years ago by FUSD. The new Teen Study Center will have technology so that teens will have access to build both their technology and financial literacy skills. This room will be a huge asset for helping our local youth with new learning opportunities. Thank you Jeff and Jason for helping out!
Jeff Bode and Jason Skyllingstad worked on Tuesday pulling wire so that that there would be electrical capabilities in new ceiling at the Boys & Girls Club. They have to pull wire before the ceiling can be dry walled. Both men are from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 952. The room that they are working on is the future new Teen Study Center at the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley. Before rehabbing, the room was originally the shower room in the old girls’ gym when owned years ago by FUSD. The new Teen Study Center will have technology so that teens will have access to build both their technology and financial literacy skills. This room will be a huge asset for helping our local youth with new learning opportunities. Thank you Jeff and Jason for helping out!
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Our Ceiling is Electrified!!!
American Cancer Society Relay For Life Kicks Off in Fillmore / Piru

Fillmore and Piru community members will unite at a Kick Off rally to officially launch their 10th Annual Relay For Life season. Team Captains, Survivors, Participants, Sponsors and community members are all invited to ring in the new season with a rally that educates everyone on how their involvement benefits the American Cancer Society’s goal to save lives and create more birthdays. Money raised will fight cancer by helping people stay well and get well, by finding cures, and by fighting back.

Please join us on Monday, April 20th at Elkins Ranch Golf Course 1386 Chambersburg Road, Fillmore. Festivities will begin at 6pm. Refreshments will be served. For more information please visit our website at www.relayforlife.org/fillmoreca or contact Lorissa Magdaleno at 805-210-0023.


You are cordially invited to attend Fillmore High School’s 6th Annual Make A Wish event to be held on April 24, 2015 on the Football Field from 8:30-4:00pm. Our goal is to raise $5,000 so that we may grant a wish for a child with a life-threatening medical condition. Make-A-Wish Tri-Counties (“Make-A-Wish”) is an event to help grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. If you know of any child whose wish was granted, please contact Cynthia Perez cynthiaperez4455@gmail.com with the information so that we may create posters for them.