By Anonymous — Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
The most dramatic period of construction is coming to an end – the erection of the steel structure of the new Community Memorial Hospital. No other portion of the building process has had such an impact on the community as watching the skeleton of the new hospital rise from the ground. It brought a very tangible sense of reality that this new hospital will soon be open. As they begin to leave the job site, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the ironworkers who daily entertained us as they wrestled and secured the iron into place, and then welded it together. Turn up the sound, and enjoy our tribute to the members of The Erection Company (TEC) – true, cowboys in the sky. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Thousands of participants will “Give Love” in full color as they celebrate life, friendship, fitness and fun WHAT: Run or Dye, the world's most colorful 5k, is coming to the Ventura Ranch KOA in Santa Paula on Saturday, February 8th and bringing the colors of the rainbow with it. The color-blasted 5k will feature multi-colored showers of safe, eco-friendly, plant-based cornstarch dye at every kilometer for a day of full color fun. Afterwards participants will have the option to take part in the Run or Dye world-famous Dye Festival where they'll "Tie-Dye the Sky" with an explosion of colors in the ultimate celebration of life, friendship, fitness, and fun. Run or Dye will be partnering with Ventura Family YMCA, a local organization striving to enrich the lives of kids, adults, families and communities through health, well-being and fitness programs, camps, family time, education and leadership. Run or Dye will donate a portion of the race proceeds to Ventura Family YMCA. WHEN: Saturday, February 8, 2014… Detailed schedule is as follows: WHERE: 7400 Pine Grove Rd, Santa Paula, CA 93060 |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
The Ventura County Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2014, at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference Center at 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for advice from Consulting Rosarians and refreshments, and our speaker presentation will begin at 7:30 pm. Please note that this is a change in date to the 3rd. week of February for this month only. The VCRS meeting will feature Bob Martin, Jr. who will speak about " Tools for Roses You Never Knew You Needed". Mr. Martin has been growing over 350 roses for more than 40 years. He is an American Rose Society Master Rosarian and he is both an Accredited Horticultural and also an Arrangement Judge. Mr, Martin is an author of several books, a hybridizer, and also an Editor on Showing Roses and the Exhibitors Forum. He was awarded the highest medal from the American Rose Society in 2009 for lifetime achievement in growing roses, hybridizing and educating people. He is an excellent speaker and his talk will be very informative and enjoyable. Visitors are always welcome to our VCRS meetings. For more information contact: Janet Sklar at 818-337-9970 or Dawn-Marie Johnson at 805-523-9003. Our website is |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
Attend this informative discussion and film “Consider the Conversation”, which examines how we view life’s final chapter and how talking about what we want, in advance, prevents unnecessary suffering. Sponsored by Livingston Memorial Hospice and Scan Senior Resource Center, the film will be shown on Tuesday, February 18, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm @ the Ventura Center for Spiritual Living, 101 S. Laurel St, Ventura, CA. The film includes personal accounts from patients, family members, doctors, nurses, clergy, and national experts on the physical, social and emotional issues related to dying. A discussion will follow featuring Lanyard K. Dial, MD, Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice Medical Director. RSVP: (805) 643-1933. |
![]() Standing, Cemetery Board members Rita Rudkin, Scott Lee, President and Lynda Edmonds. Seated, Garden Club members, Maxine Merry (Fillmore) and Lora Clarke (Ventura), current Vice-President. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Tuesday, February 4th, 2014
The Ventura County Garden Club's most recent Beautification Project was the purchase of a bronze wrought iron bench for the Bardsdale Cemetery. The selection was made by Cemetery Board members Lynda Edmonds and Rita Rudkin and will be installed by cemetery staff. Each year the Garden Club chooses a beautification project for a city represented by its members who are from all areas of Ventura County. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
A PowerPoint presentation was viewed at Tuesday night’s City Council meeting. Planning and Community Development was discussed. The Planning Commission’s recommendation and adopting of the Resolution(s) including: Approves a General Plan Amendment by adopting the revised draft Housing Element; and, Approves the Environmental Addendum to General Plan EIR pursuant to CEQA Guidelines… was on the agenda. The City has laid out a 7-year plan for slow home development growth. The vote was a unanimous Yes to the new Housing Element to the General Plan. Housing Element must be updated (at least) every eight years. These updates may require cities and counties to adjust their zoning codes for new housing plans. Fillmore’s new Housing Element will cover 2014-2021 and calls for 1,373 new homes. This is 426 housing units less than the 2006-2013 Housing Element. It will include zoning for up to 203 very-low income homes, 17 for low-income homes, 799 for moderate-income homes, and 354 for just above the moderate level. These numbers mean Fillmore ‘needs’ 52 low-income homes. The city will now wait for the State to sign off on the new Housing Element. Council has until mid-February to approve a Housing Element. If the deadline is missed, the City will have to update the plane every four years instead of every eight. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
The annual Ventura County St. Patrick’s Day Parade will march down Main Street for the 26rd time in downtown Ventura on Saturday, March 15, beginning at 10 a.m. The theme is “The Irish Thru the Ages.” Richard Rush, president of California State University Channel Islands since it opened in 2001, is this year’s Grand Marshal. As head of the 23rd and newest campus in the California State University system, Rush has hired the faculty and senior administrative staff and overseen the creation and development of the university’s strategic, academic and physical master plans as well as its budget and financial structure. Parade entries are being accepted until March 7. Parade organizers invite bands, dancers, acrobats, clowns, horses and organizations to participate in the county’s greenest event. Last year’s Arnold Hubbard Memorial Trophy went to the McGrath Family, the Mayor’s Trophy went to Totally Local VC and the “Most Irish” award went to the Claddagh School of Irish Dance. Entry forms can be downloaded from the parade’s website, or by calling Jim Monahan, parade chairman at 643-4275. WHAT: 26rd Annual County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 10 a.m. WHO: Richard Rush, President CSUCI WHERE: Main Street in downtown Ventura, beginning at the Mission San Buenaventura, ending at Laurel Street |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Camarillo, CA – The 4th Annual Coats for Casa Pacifica charity coat drive at Three Springs Park in Westlake Village on January 18th was a huge success. Privately hosted by Lydia Gable with Keller Williams Realty and Rick Winters of Winters Financial, the event included 25 tons of snow and sledding to entertain the kids and their families, free cold and hot coffee drinks and smoothies, plus an arts and crafts area. More than 1,400 community donations of warm clothing including coats, sweaters, mittens, scarves, and sweatshirts were collected, far surpassing the previous year’s collection of approximately 1,000 items. All the donated items were delivered on Tuesday, January 21st to Casa Pacifica Centers for Children and Families, the Camarillo-based agency that cares for abused, neglected, and at-risk youth through both campus and community-based programs. Casa Pacifica’s Chief Advancement Officer Vicki Murphy was ecstatic at the huge volume of donations. “We’re so grateful to Rick and Lydia . . . it makes such a difference for our children. In general, we don’t receive a lot of coat donations, and often our kids come with just a few things when they are admitted to Casa Pacifica, so it is really lovely for them to have so many coats to choose from, and they can take as many as they like.” Murphy continues, “On behalf of all the kids and families who desperately can use these coats and sweaters, we thank you so very much.” Headquartered on a rural 24-acre campus just five miles from the ocean, Casa Pacifica is a crisis-care and residential treatment facility serving abused, neglected, or at-risk children with severe emotional, social, behavioral, and mental health challenges primarily in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. The agency is the largest non-profit provider of children’s mental health services in both counties and administers a number of community-based programs which are designed with the intent to strengthen families and keep children in their homes. For more information about Casa Pacifica visit its website or call the Development Department at (805) 445-7800. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
The Fillmore Library was recently transformed into a room full of kids acting out various animals in the form of yoga poses, when Lisa Hammond (Next Generation Yoga for Kids) presented Yoga Fun on Wednesday, January 15th. The monthly programs are presented by Soroptimist International of Fillmore and the Fillmore Friends of the Library. Lisa is a certified and insured instructor, specializing in classes, camps, and special events like birthday parties. Yoga offers a safe space for youth to creatively express themselves, build confidence and develop strong, healthy bodies. Lisa works with youth from ages 2-13. For more information on yoga classes for youth please contact Lisa Hammond at 831.801.2276 or |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Fair Theme is “A Country Fair with Ocean Air”
The Ventura County Fair announces that the 5thannual fair poster contest will be held for the 2014 Ventura County Fair. The contest is open to young artists in grades 5 - 12 who reside in Ventura County. The theme of the 2014 fair is “A Country Fair with Ocean Air” and will serve as the guideline to the imagery. Artwork may be created in any medium but may not include the use of glitter, metallic paint, or 3 dimensional objects attached to the artwork. Poster designs will be judged on Theme, Originality, Composition and Skill. Entries will be accepted until the entry deadline, Tuesday, April 1. Entries can be brought to the Fairgrounds administration office at 10 W. Harbor Blvd. in Ventura. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8AM until 5PM. Rules, deadlines and other information can be found on the Fair website, For more information about the contest call 648-3376 or send an email to (Please put “Poster Contest” in the subject line) Prizes will be awarded to the top three entries, Firstprize: $500, Second Prize: $250, Third Prize: $100 The winning design will be used to advertise the fair on posters, souvenirs, advertisements and other applications. Second and third place winners will also be used in various applications. All contestants entries will be displayed in the Youth Expo at the Ventura County Fair. The Ventura County Fair will begin its annual 12-day run Wednesday, July 30 and continue until Sunday, August 10. For more information about the fair, or the poster contest, please call the Ventura County Fairgrounds at 648-3376 or visit Keep up to date when you Like us on Facebook |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, January 28th, 2014
Livingston Hospice conducts several adult Bereavement Support Groups to help those who have experienced a loss. Explore and express feeling, understand the grief process and receive emotional support. Open to the public, free of charge, all are welcome. The groups are held at: The First Presbyterian Church, 850 Ivywood Drive, Oxnard; Every Wednesday, (February 5, 12, 19, 26); from 3:00 – 4:30 pm Livingston Memorial VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave (#112), Ventura; Every Wednesday, (February 5, 12, 19, 26); from 6:30 – 8:00 Help of Ojai, 370 Baldwin Road, Ojai; On 2nd & 4th Tuesday, (February 11 & 25); from 10:30 am – 12 noon Call 642-1608 for more information. |
By Mark Ortega — Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014
Fillmore High Alumni News
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fauver to be honored next Friday night, January 31st at the Basketball game between Fillmore High and Santa Paula High. It will be our "Pack the House" night, so please come see the Fauver's as we honor them for all the years they put into helping our Fillmore students of years past and now. Did you know they moved to Fillmore from Gary, Indiana in 1964. They were looking to move out west, and Mrs. Fauver sent out 50 plus letters to school districts all over Arizona, and California, and other western states. Mr. Fauver said one day when he came home from work, Mrs. Fauver said that he received a phone call from a Mr. Maine in Fillmore, CA. They spoke and Mr. Main said that he spoke to Mr. Fauvers superintendent, and a few others and wanted to offer him a job, and to be the Basketball coach in Fillmore. Mr. Fauver accepted, and as soon as he hung up the phone, both him and his wife pulled out the map of the U.S. and started looking for Fillmore, CA. They found it, and a few months later, he was the new Basketball Coach of our Flashes. The picture is the 1964-65 Basketball Team with Coach Fauver. Come out next Friday, January, 31st to the Basketball game as we honor two of Fillmore's finest, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fauver, and say hello. We are sure he'd like to see some of his former players. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014
![]() On Monday, January 20th, Providing Accessible Clothing to Teens (PACT) and Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) organized a clean-up for Two Rivers Park, Fillmore. More than 100 people gathered on the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. to honor his legacy, collect donations for the “closet”, and clean the park. PACT is a free clothing closet for Fillmore students, ages 5 to 18, whose families cannot afford clothing basics, shoes and backpacks, etc. Six Fillmore students are involved in the project; they are hoping to open a “closet” at the high school campus. And, inspired by King, they have a dream... to expand PACT to other county high schools, starting with Pacifica High in Oxnard. Assisted by CEDC, the students hope to set up a mobile closet in a large trailer by this summer. Park photos courtesy of CEDC. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014
Ventura, CA - In honor of February’s Heart Health Month Community Memorial Health System’s HealthAware program will host an event on Friday, Feb. 7 to celebrate National Wear Red Day. The event is being held as part of the “Go Red for Women” campaign to raise awareness about the nation’s No. 1 killer: heart disease. Beginning at 10 a.m., a variety of activities will be held on the front lawn of Community Memorial Hospital, 147 N. Brent St., in Ventura. They include: • Free red dress embroidered sticker with blood pressure check; “We are pleased to be holding an event to raise awareness about a disease as far reaching and serious as heart disease,” said Andrea Ricketts, RN, manager of CMHS’s HealthAware program. “CMHS has a mission to provide quality care to patients, but it starts with knowing your risks and the signs of heart disease.” Ricketts added that education is the key to saving lives. “This is a great opportunity to reach out to the community and educate about the reality and dangers of heart disease,” she said. “Being aware is sometimes the difference between life and death.” For more information, call the CMHS HealthAware office at (805) 667-2818. Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California. |
By Anonymous — Monday, January 20th, 2014
Ventura, CA - TheAccountable Care Alliance of Ventura LLC, sponsored by Community Memorial Health System,has been selected as one of 123 new Accountable Care Organizations in Medicare, providing approximately 1.5 million more Medicare beneficiaries with access to high-quality, coordinated care across the United States, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced on Thursday. Doctors, hospitals and healthcare providers establish ACOs in order to work together to provide higher-quality coordinated care to their patients, while helping to slow health care cost growth. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, more than 360ACOs have been established, serving over 5.3 million Americans with Medicare. Beneficiaries seeing healthcare providers in ACOs always have the freedom to choose doctors inside or outside of the ACO. ACOs share with Medicare any savings generated from lowering the growth in health care costs when they meet standards for high quality care. “Accountable Care Organizations are delivering higher-quality care to Medicare beneficiaries and are using Medicare dollars more efficiently,” Secretary Sebelius said. “This is a great example of the Affordable Care Act rewarding hospitals and doctors that work together to help our beneficiaries get the best possible care.” The ACOs must CONTINUED » |
By Anonymous — Monday, January 20th, 2014
Ventura, CA - Understanding and managing stress will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Dr. Ronald Bale, a local psychologist, will lead the seminar that will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital, 147 No. Brent St. in Ventura. Dr. Bale will describe a model of stress that will help people understand what stress is and what causes stress, as well as its adaptive and mal-adaptive components. Understanding this model will enable participants to identify their own unique reactions and develop effective stress-management strategies. Dr. Bale is a clinical supervisor for the California Lutheran University Psychology Doctoral Program and provides psychological consultation with the CMH Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. He received his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Cincinnati and is a member of the California State Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association. Dr. Bale also is a member of the CMH courtesy staff. Admission is free, but space is limited, and reservations are required. Call 1-800-906-6093, or visit Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and eleven family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
The Alumni Assn is having their first ever "Pack the House" night on January 30th, and January 31st. When was the last time you been to the High School Gym? Did you know that it had a facelift a few years back? We thought so. It's absolutely beautiful, and we want to invite the whole community to come out to the first ever "Pack the house" night when Our Fillmore High Flashes play our arch rival Santa Paula Cardinals. Here's the info. The girls play on the 30th. JV play at 5:30pm, and the Varsity girls play at 7:00pm. On the 31st, the Varsity boys take the court. Frosh play at 4:00pm, JV play at 5:30pm, and the Varsity Boys play at 7:00pm. The cost is $6.00 for Adults, Students/Children $4.00, and Seniors $3.00. Now your plans are set for the 30th, and 31st. Come see our beautiful Gym, and let's support our Fillmore High Flashes!! GO FLASHES, BEAT THE CARDS! |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
Chapter GY of our local Fillmore P.E.O. (Philanthropic Education Organization) is pleased to offer $1000.00 in education assistance awards to local women. Applicants must be motivated to achieve educational and career goals, reside within the area served by Fillmore Unified School District or the 93015 Zip Code, and be enrolled or plan to enroll in an accredited undergraduate degree program or a vocational/skills training program. To obtain an application, please contact Pat Morris at . Deadline for application is March 15, 2014. |
By Anonymous — Monday, January 13th, 2014
![]() “Annual Harvest” by Dolas Tubbs, acrylic collage on paper, 16” x 20”, Collection of the artist. Enlarge Photo ![]() “Morning Shadows, San Miguel” by Bruce Everett, oil on canvas, 34” x 60”, Collection of the artist. Enlarge Photo ![]() “Farmworkers Loading Pears” by Michael Torres, watercolor on paper, 16” x 20”, Collection of the artist. Enlarge Photo ![]() “Quitting Time” by George Lockwood, acrylic on board, 16.5” x 19.5”, Collection of the artist. Enlarge Photo SANTA PAULA, CA – With over 75 works of art by 50 different artists to choose from, the task of judging this year’s Sixth Annual Art About Agriculture exhibit proved to be a great challenge. The agriculturally-themed works, which are on display at both the Santa Paula Art Museum and Museum of Ventura County Agriculture Museum, were considered for five different honors and $500.00 in prizes. Judging this year’s crop of contenders were John Nichols and Gail Pidduck, esteemed artists and curators of the annual show. The judges awarded the Perspective in Agriculture Award to James Martin’s “Piru View”. “We admired Martin’s ability to transform a mundane packinghouse into something meaningful and exciting simply by his choice of angle and perspective”, explained Nichols. The quality of light in George Lockwood’s “Quitting Time”, which depicts an old barn at sunset, was so moving that it was awarded the Structure in Agriculture Award. Honors were also given to Dolas Tubbs’ “Annual Harvest” for Abstraction in Agriculture, and to Bruce Everett’s “Morning Shadows, San Miguel” in the Wide Open Category. Michael Torres’ “Farmworkers Loading Pears” was found most deserving of the Honoring Agricultural Labor Award. Art About Agriculture runs through February 9, 2014 at both museums, so don’t miss your chance to see the award-winning works. The Santa Paula Art Museum is located at 117 North 10th Street in Santa Paula. The Museum’s regular hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 10 AM – 4 PM, and Sundays, 12 PM – 4 PM. Admission is $4.00 for adults, $3.00 for seniors, and free for students and SPAM Members. For more information, contact the Art Museum at (805) 525-5554, or email The Museum of Ventura County Agriculture Museum is open Wednesday through Sunday, 10 AM – 4 PM. For more information about the Agriculture Museum, please call (805) 525-3100. |
By Anonymous — Monday, January 13th, 2014
Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold the following Joint Replacement Class to prepare you for total knee or hip replacement surgery. Home preparation, exercises and rehabilitation information will be discussed. Open to the public and free of charge, the class will be held: 1st Thursday of the Month, February 6,from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association, # 109, 1996 Eastman Ave, Ventura, RSVP Diana Davis @ 642-0239 x 739 2nd Wednesday of the Month, February 12, from 10:00 – 11:00 am @ Pleasant Valley Hospital, 3rd floor Classroom, 2309 Antonio Avenue, Camarillo, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699 2nd Wednesday of the Month, February 12, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Goebel Adult Community Center, 1385 E Janss Rd, Thousand Oaks, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699 3rd Wednesday of the Month, February 19, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm @ Sunrise Senior Living, Activity Room, 190 Tierra Rejada Road, Simi Valley, RSVP Barrie Gilster @ 797-7699 |