Local Talent Presents Concert to Benefit Camarillo Hospice

Camarillo, CA - Vocalist Eric Petrucci and musician Dominic MacAller are pleased to announce a concert of classical music to Camarillo Hospice on Sunday, December 1, 2013, at 3 p.m. at Padre Serra Catholic Church.

The concert is free and open to the public, but donations are encouraged to support Camarillo Hospice’s programs of practical and emotional support and counseling to the seriously ill and grieving.

The concert, titled “That I May Cease to Mourn” was designed by Eric as a tribute to his mother, Jean, who passed away on December 1, 2010. According to Eric, “The caring staff of Camarillo Hospice has made a world of difference in making my grieving process bearable. I couldn’t imagine an organization I would rather support!”
Eric holds a B.A. from The University of Notre Dame and a Master of Music from New England Conservatory, both in classical vocal performance. Dominic MacAller serves as the director of Music and Liturgy at Padre Serra Parish in Camarillo, where he has worked since 1999.

Founded in 1978, Camarillo Hospice has remained a non-profit, volunteer hospice and grief counseling center that provides practical and emotional care, comfort, support and counseling to individuals and families who are facing a life-limiting illness or the grief of losing a loved one and education on end-of-life issues to all. There is no requirement of a doctor’s referral to qualify for the services of Camarillo Hospice, no time limit on services, and all services are free.

For more information regarding the benefit concert or the programs and services of Camarillo Hospice, please call the Hospice office at 805.389.6870, email info@camarillohospice.org or visit the hospice website at www.camarillohospice.org.