National Adopt A Shelter Dog Month

October is “Adopt a Shelter Dog” Month. With nearly 10 million animals entering local shelters across the country each year, Adopt a Shelter Dog Month helps focus attention on the pet population problem we face in this country.

Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) suggests that people who are looking for "Man's Best Friend" check out the dogs which are currently being housed locally at the Camarillo Shelter, located at 600 Aviation Drive (in the airport complex). On any given day, the Camarillo Shelter cares for over 175 dogs, in addition to numerous cats, bunnies, horses and other critters.

Dogs end up at a shelter through no fault of their own. In a recent study conducted by the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, researchers surveyed people turning animals in to 12 various shelters around the country. The study, which can be seen at The American Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)'s Web site (, reviewed reasons why people gave up their dogs up for adoption, and found the following frequency of answers:
 29 percent surrendered their dogs due to behavior problems
 29 percent surrendered their dogs because of the family's housing situation
 25 percent surrendered their dogs citing incompatibility with the family's lifestyle
 15 percent surrendering their dogs due to the family's preparation and/or expectations.
At the Camarillo shelter, 17% of the dogs in 2009 were owner surrenders. The largest percentage, however, were strays. Seventy percent were loose dogs that were picked up with no license or visible owner information. Less than 25% of those strays were reclaimed by their owners. Responsible pet ownership requires more than simply agreeing to take an animal into your life when it’s convenient. It means being ready to make a life long commitment that will enhance the lives of both the human and the animal.

Shelter dogs are not damaged goods. They are just animals that need a second chance at love. Renowned dog trainer Joel Silverman says that shelter animals make good pets, and that proper training is the key. Silverman's many canine pupils have starred in commercials, television shows, and feature films and often come from shelters. According to Silverman, pet owners that train their dogs have better relationships with their pets and less problems in the home. "Most people don't realize that training is not as difficult as they think," says Silverman. "Training should be fun for both the pet owner and the dog and, in fact, usually strengthens the bond between them."

To celebrate National “Adopt A Shelter Dog” Month, VCAS is discounting its normal adoption price from $125 to $60 for all bully breeds. These include the American Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Dog, Bull Terrier, the common Pit Bull, and any dogs with bully mixes. The adoption package includes a spay/neuter, rabies and DHLPP shots, licensing, microchip ID, certificate for a veterinary exam and obedience lessons. To qualify for bully breed ownership, potential adopters must first clear a home inspection.

Celebrate National “Adopt A Shelter Dog” Month by finding your next best friend at the VCAS Camarillo Shelter. The shelter is open Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 4pm, Monday & Wednesday from 11am to 7 pm, and Thursday and Friday from 3pm to 7pm. To view the animals on line, go to