New Teen Study Room Coming to Fillmore in Spring 2015
![]() By Anonymous — Monday, December 15th, 2014
![]() The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley is proud to announce an ambitious $113,000 renovation project to develop a Teen Study Room at their facility. As most people know the clubhouse site that the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley occupy is the old Fillmore High School Girl’s Gym from many years ago. The room being renovated is over 720sq. ft. and was the original girls shower room in the girl’s gym. A few years ago then CEO, Sheila Tate arranged to have the Seabees come in and demolish the shower stalls. After that, due to a lack of funding no further work was done. Current CEO and former San Cayetano Elementary School Principal, Jan Marholin has taken on this project so that the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley can offer after school support and resource opportunities for our local teens in Fillmore. Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long and the Ventura County Board of Supervisors have donated $25,000 towards this project. Other donors include Seneca resources $15,000 and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 1245. In –kind labor is being provided by Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Local #150 with Mercy Urrea taking the lead. Also providing in-kind labor and materials is Jeff Bode and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 952. We also appreciate equipment and material donations from EJ Harrison and Sons, Fillmore Rentals , Granite Construction and Joe Diaz of Fillmore Welding. Our first step of this project was completed on Saturday December 6th. A big shout out of thanks to: Mercy and David Urrea , Joe Duran , Tommy McNary, Matt Mynatt, Jon Duran, Anthony Ventura , Greg Baca, Romeo Ruiz, Jose Cobian, Michael Mariscal and Tony Franco for donating their Saturday. Thank you also to our wonderful architect, Doug Nelson of Mainstreet Architects. We are excited about this project as it will directly benefit our local Fillmore youth. We have not reached our financial goal and would appreciate any donations from the Fillmore Community. Your donations are an investment in the youth in your community. Donations can be sent to: BGCSCV Teen Study Room Project, PO Box 152 Santa Paula, CA . 93061 |