October 12 is World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day is a unified day of action to celebrate and support hospice and palliative care around the world. It is a day to acknowledge the progress that has been made in reducing pain and suffering for those with a life limiting illness. This is also a day to recognize that unfortunately there are still millions who are unable to get the care that they so desperately need. 42% of countries do not have any hospice and palliative care services and 80% of people globally lack adequate access to medication for treatment of severe pain. This means people are living and dying in unnecessary pain and distress because they are unable to access the care they need, including the appropriate medications to address their suffering.

To ensure all people with life-limiting conditions are cared for with dignity and according to their wishes, on this World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Livingston Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice is calling for palliative and hospice care to be integrated into national and community health systems around the world.Livingston joins thousands of people in 60 countries who are coming together at more than 1,000 events to celebrate, support and speak up about hospice and palliative care. Advocates, patients and caregivers are calling for urgent action from UN agencies, governments, health professionals and the private sector to ensure there will be improved access for those with life-limiting conditions by integrating palliative and hospice care into existing services and ensure that:
• People are included in care options and decision-making when facing the end of life.
• Existing health policies will address the unique palliative and hospice care needs of all people.
• There is universal access to hospice and palliative care with improved access to pain medications for those living with, and dying from, life-limiting conditions.
• There will be more support, training, supplies and equipment for health professionals
• Hospice and Palliative care is included in existing health policies

To learn more about hospice and palliative care, contact Livingston @ 642-0239 and visit us on the web at: Livingstonvna.org.