Piru 4-H Knows How to Serve

Piru 4-H has been busy with service projects this year: In September, Piru 4-H spent 2 weekends doing Community Service activities. First, we participated in Statewide Coastal clean-up. We went to Emma Wood state beach and gathered all trash and recyclables. In our group we filled up about a dozen bags. Second, we helped at the Fillmore/Piru Relay-for-Life event. We volunteered by putting the candle bags together for the Luminarias.

On October 24: Piru 4-H participated in Trick-or-treat-so-others-can-eat. The members went door-to-door and collected 335 pounds of canned foods. All canned goods were donated to the Food share. Some of our members went
down to the Hollywood Forever cemetery to celebrate “Dia de los Muertos” and to observe the altar creations on the grounds of the historic cemetery. It was a day of spiritual celebrations, face painting and a great way to learn new cultures.

In November, our members went to the Harbor Community Church in Ventura and helped serve Thanksgiving dinner to about 80 people. We had been to this homeless shelter in June to help sort donated items, organize the pantry, fold clothes and help in the kitchen. We went back again in January and February to help with the monthly BBQ. The members served hamburgers, hot dogs, salads and desserts to over 100 people. We plan to go back every month.

In December several 4-H members hopped for toys and donated the presents to the Ventura County Sheriff Department. We hope to donate many more hours of service this year.