Piru Charter School Parent/Community Meeting
By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 30th, 2009
Where: Piru Community Center Please join us to answer any questions about our proposal, to hear from enthusiastic local parents who have visited a local charter school, and to hear from parents who have their children currently attending charter schools. Come hear why these parents are fully committed to charter schools! CHOOSE CHOICE FOR YOUR CHILD For more info go to www.pirucharterschool.blogspot.com or send us an email at pirucharterschool@earthlink.net ESTAN INVITADOS We hope you have enjoyed a restful holiday and are now ready to think about plans for the New Year! One of the most important choices you have for the months ahead is your child’s education. We hope you are joining with us in supporting Piru Charter School, and have planned a meeting in the Piru Community Center on Tuesday, January 5th from 6:30 to 8 p.m. to answer any final questions about this proposal, and to hear not only from enthusiastic local parents who have visited a local charter school, but from visiting parents who are excited to have their children attending a charter school right now. Come hear why these parents are fully committed to charter schools! The goals for Piru Charter School continue to be: It is our belief that only by choosing to convert to Piru Charter School, can Piru parents be given the choice of schooling options they need in order to assure that every Piru student be given a high quality learning opportunity as they begin life. Misinformation has been spread about charter schools. Come hear for yourself, the facts in a quiet sharing of information. Next week Piru Elementary will have a chance to choose not be guided by the continued attempts of Fillmore Unified School District , but by the Ventura County Office of Education and Success. Choose choice for your child. Choose to support Piru Charter School! |