Victor Villaseñor
Camarillo, CA - The Ventura County Housing Trust Fund (VCHTF) welcomes best-selling author and Pulitzer Prize Nominee Victor Villaseñor as the guest speaker at its Affordable Housing Fundraiser on Nov. 6.
Villaseñor will deliver a heartfelt presentation of his journey of life as the son of an immigrant farm worker who has endured and overcome many obstacles in life, including language and cultural barriers, discrimination and dyslexia and bring a fresh approach to the plight of the underserved, and the uniting of people from all walks of life.
Proceeds from the event will support the VCHTF’s Revolving Loan Fund to produce new affordable housing in Ventura County. Sponsorships are available: $500 for Journeyman, $1000 for Architect, $2500 for Contractor or $5000 for Developer levels.
About Ventura County Housing Trust Fund:
VCHTF is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Its mission is to support more housing choices, by generating and leveraging financial resources, working in partnership with the public, private, and non-profit sectors throughout Ventura County. The Housing Trust Fund makes below-market rate loans for pre-development costs of affordable housing developments with a priority for projects serving farmworkers, homeless persons, veterans, and youth transitioning out of foster care. “The donations generated by this event will be leveraged with a matching grant from the State of California, Proposition 1C (Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2006) Local Housing Trust Fund Program. Every dollar raised will double the impact to create new affordable housing units desperately needed in our high cost housing market. VCHTF brings new dollars to the table to help fill the gap left by drastic cuts in traditional Federal, State and local housing funding sources,” said Linda Braunschweiger, CEO of VCHTF.
For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit www.vchousingtrustfund.org.
Date: Nov. 6
Time: 4 to 5 p.m., Complimentary tours of the historic Camarillo Estate; 5 to 7 p.m., main event, guest speaker, libations and appetizers
Place: Camarillo Ranch, 201 Camarillo Ranch Road, Camarillo Calif.
Cost: Pre-register $45 per person or $80 per couple by Nov 4; or $50 per person at the door
Info: (805) 330-6987; www.vchousingtrustfund.org