Renown artist Judy Klement to entertain and paint Ebell ladies

At the March 27th luncheon meeting at the Fillmore Memorial Building the ladies will be entertained by Judy Klement a award winning artist. She is known for her soft pastels that come alive in her portraits, land and seascapes. Originally from the east coast she now lives and has her studio/gallery in Santa Paula. Her art graces fine homes and establishments in the US and abroad. She will be painting portraits of some of the ladies in the audience. She claims that she is a wild art teacher and while painting she will be entertaining the group with many anecdotes .

The lunch which is now deliciously catered by Rose Zellmer starts at 12:30pm for the small cost of $12.00 and the program will start about 1:30pm. For reservations or more information please call Yvonne Deeter 524-2090.