Rotarians hear about Job Seeker Services and Rotary Leadership Camp
![]() Left is Laura Garnia, right is Cassandra Galvez speaking to Sun Risers about their RYLA experience. By Anonymous — Wednesday, December 28th, 2011
On Tuesday, Dec. 20th the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers heard a presentation from FHS juniors Cassandra Galvez and Laura Garnica about their experience at RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). The Sun Risers sponsored Cassandra and Laura for this four day camp. They attended the camp in April 2011 at Camp Ramah in Ojai. Each year, thousands of young people take part in RYLA program worldwide. Young people are chosen for their leadership potential to attend an all-expenses-paid camp to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice. RYLA aims to provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders; encourage leadership of youth by youth; encourage youth to make a difference in their communities through volunteer work and social responsibility; and demonstrate Rotary’s respect and concern for youth. Cassandra and Laura told the Sun Risers that they felt the came back with more confidence and with the desire to help make Fillmore a better place. On Tuesday, Dec. 27th Rotarians welcomed Marty Estrada from the Ventura County Human Services Agency. Marty is a Career Center Coordinator. Marty told the Club members about the resources like computer, printer and fax machine use that the Career Centers provide to job seekers free of charge. The Centers help with workshops, employment assistance and VOS (Virtual One Stop) Online resources. The Career Center in Fillmore is located in the Ventura county building on Ventura Street. The Santa Paula Career Center is located at 725 E. Main Street. Upcoming Rotary events include: picking two students to attended 2012 RYLA program; 2nd Annual Casino Night (April 27th); Heritage Valley 10/5K run and fun walk (May). Upcoming speakers: Greg Abrams from Ventura Rotaract Club to talk about Nicaragua project (Jan. 17); Santa Barbara Sun Rise Rotary Club on Kenya Clean Water project; Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks on Cancer Clinic for children project in Tijuana. The Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers meets weekly at El Pescador Restaurant at 7:00 AM. For more information about attending a meeting and about the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers, call Sean at 796-0276. |