Rotary Club Honors FCA Winners

The Rotary Club of Fillmore honored the three 4-Way Test Essay Contest winners on Thursday. The purpose of the Rotary Essay Contest is for the students to think about the meaning of the Rotary 4-Way Test and write an essay telling how they can apply these principles to their own lives. The 4-Way Test of things we think, say or do is: Is it the Truth?, Is it Fair to all concerned?, Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? And Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

The three winners from Fillmore Christian Academy are: Chloe Richardson, 8th grade, Remy Richardson, 6th grade and Kaitlin Jowers, 4th grade each one was awarded $50 and a Rotary coin inscribed with the 4-Way Test. Remy Richardson and Chloe Richardson's essays will be sent on to the Rotary District 5240 contest.