Rotary Donates $500 to Hurt to Help Orphanage
![]() Pictured is Reverend George Golden, with the assistance of his family members, Vanessa and Hannah, joining Fillmore Rotary Club last week. Courtesy Martha Richardson. By Anonymous — Tuesday, December 24th, 2019
Reverend George Golden showed a video which informed the Club about Hurt to Help Orphanages in Nairobi, Kenya. Over the years he has helped with water wells, a generator, and starting a church with a recovery center, as alcoholism is a big problem there. The orphanage itself has a kitchen, two play areas, and sleeping quarters, which will be enlarged on his next visit. They established a small college where he and others will teach students to take over the facilities, for the future. George is currently raising money to buy more food and supplies for the orphans. His granddaughter, Hannah, is baking cookies to sell and they are also selling bead jewelry made by the women in Nairobi. George, his wife Dorthy, Dave, Vanessa and Hannah will be traveling to Kenya in January 2020. If anyone would like to donate to this cause checks should be made out to George Golden and sent to the First Baptist Church, 1057 First Street, Fillmore, CA 93015. |