Rotary Learns About Polio Eradication Foundation
By Anonymous — Wednesday, August 7th, 2019
![]() Pictured is Rotary President Ari Larson with Rotarian Kyle Wilson who presented to the Club. Kyle joined Rotary in 2005, has been President twice, International Chair many times, and is now Foundation Chair. He has received many awards for his Rotary service over the years. His program was on the Rotary Foundation. This Foundation is a fundraiser that disperses Rotary monies for projects around the world. Polio Eradication has been a major one starting in the 80’s. Teams of Rotarians have gone to countries around the world to administer the vaccine to children. Today there are only 2-3 countries with polio. Here in Fillmore our Josh the Otter water safety project received money from the Foundation. Our Club/members donate to the Permanent Fund and to PolioPlus, and a percentage of this money comes back to the Club every three years for our projects. This is one of the ways we can support our community, schools, and people of other countries. Photo Courtesy Martha Richardson. |