Rotary Recognizes Military Sashes for FHS Grads Aiden Dawson & Marcos Jimenez
A few years ago, Rotarian Kelli Couse and her husband realized, after attending graduation, that students going into the military were not recognized so they decided to do something about it. Kelli introduced two students who will be going into the military and presented them with military sashes, they will wear at graduation. These two are Aiden Dawson and Marcos Jimenez; they are both going into the US Marines. Pictured (l-r) is Rotarian Kelli Couse, Aiden Dawson, and Marcos Jimenez. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
A few years ago, Rotarian Kelli Couse and her husband realized, after attending graduation, that students going into the military were not recognized so they decided to do something about it. Kelli introduced two students who will be going into the military and presented them with military sashes, they will wear at graduation. These two are Aiden Dawson and Marcos Jimenez; they are both going into the US Marines. Pictured (l-r) is Rotarian Kelli Couse, Aiden Dawson, and Marcos Jimenez. Photo credit Martha Richardson.