Running For a Cure
![]() Pictured Above is Emma Cahill running in this year’s Fillmore Corhole 5k Event held in March of 2019. Photo taken by Bob Crum. By Anonymous — Wednesday, May 15th, 2019
![]() ![]() Courtesy Emma Cahill 2018 was a year I will never forget, it was the year my best friend Trish Miller was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a nurse cancer is not new to me, but when that diagnosis is placed upon the shoulders of someone you hold so dear everything changes. When I heard the words “I have breast cancer” come from Trish Something inside me lit on fire, I knew that I was going to help her share her story. You see Trish is one of the lucky ones, because she acted the moment she found a lump she is here today to live to tell her story and almost 1 year later is in remission from breast cancer. You see cancer doesn’t discriminate it takes our best friends, our wives, our mothers our sisters, aunts and grandmothers. I promised her that I would run, I would run to bring awareness for her, and other breast cancer warriors, survivors and angels. To encourage women not to wait, to act, to take back the control that cancer steals for them and their families, to encourage them to perform self-checks and mammogram screenings. The “Heaven Can Wait” journey started with the Fillmore CornHole 5k, then on to the Ojai 10k, Fillmore Heritage 10k and will hopefully end up with running a marathon in her name. Every race I run, I run with names of those fighting, those who have fought and those who are angels on my arm, their strength pushes me to be stronger! I would like to thank my local sponsors who without question donated to my “Heaven Can Wait” journey! California Tactical Academy, Lovelace Cattle, Ace Pumping Inc., Fillmore Rental, Surface Pumps Inc., Thompco, MG Taylor, Carbon California, Brown’s Transmission, California Mechanical, and Gold Coast embroidery Fillmore for always doing an amazing job with my race shirts. I have to thank my wonderful friend Diane Sanchez who without question joined this journey by running alongside me and pushing me forward! You can follow our journey on Instagram @heavencanwait2019. All donations received are to support Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. |