Save Santa Paula Hospital Services

If you care about the future of your local Hospital and would like to see services remain open and available to you and your families at Santa Paula Hospital please share and sign the petition link below:

On May 14, Ventura County Board of Supervisors agreed to shut down Santa Paula Hospital’s
Intensive Care Unit and Obstetrics Unit, according to a report given to the Board by Barry Zimmerman, chief deputy director the Ventura Conty Health Care Agency. This will not only displace many nurses and healthcare staff, but it will also take away critical care access for the growing communities of Santa Clara Valley. If a patient arrives to the Emergency Room and needs critical care, they will no longer be able to stay at Santa Paula Hospital ICU unit; the plan would be to transfer them out to Ventura County Medical Center. If a woman arrives in labor, there will not be any services available to deliver her baby, she will need to be transferred out to VCMC as well.

Please act now and sign the petition to keep services available for our growing community. The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be held on June 4th, when this petition can be presented. Santa Paula Hospital administrators want to move forward with their plan to close services effective August 2024. By signing this petition, you are agreeing that the community deserves better. We deserve to have local critical care access available for our families when they are sick and in need of a higher level of care. Women in labor should also have the choice to deliver their babies locally and not have to be transferred to Ventura because of lack of services.