Scouts Welcome New Cubs

Four new Cub Scouts were recently welcomed into Boy Scout Troop 406. The evening began with family members and friends packed inside the Boy Scout House for a potluck dinner followed by the traditional outdoor crossover ceremony.

Keeping with tradition, the day before the ceremony, members of Troop 406 build what is called a “monkey bridge” for new scouts to cross over. Cubmaster Sean Morris read his speech and wished his cub scouts nothing the best on their journey into Boy Scouts before they crossed over the bridge.

First up to cross over was Pablo Almazan who was presented his new neckerchief and loops by Brett Chandler and Robbie Munoz, followed by Chris Medrano who received his new neckerchief by his older brother Jonathan and loops by Scott Klittich.

Next was Matthew Hammond receiving his neckerchief and loops by Ron Smith, Robbie Munoz and Scott Klittich and James Wassel getting his new neckerchief and loops by Ron Smith, Scott Klittich and Esteban Almazan.

Another tradition that started several years ago is to have a parent of each scout crossover the bridge as well, which is not as easy as it looks. Everyone then was asked to sit around the fire pit for a flag retirement ceremony.

Senior Patrol Leader Esteban Almazan then read the twelve steps as the old and tattered flag was being folded. Older scouts then placed several torn flags that were donated into the fire pit as well. The evening then came to a close.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in making this a memorable evening for our new Boy Scouts and we wish you nothing but success on your trail to become Eagle Scouts.