Spring Equinox Party at Fillmore Wellness Center

You're all invited to our SPRING EQUINOX PARTY -

Tuesday March 19, 2013, 6:30 p.m. til whenever...
at Fillmore's Health and Wellness Center,
448 Santa Clara Street.

It's a light potluck - bring a dish that celebrates the bounty of Spring.
We'll provide drinks, plates and utensils.

Our theme for this event is: NEW BEGINNINGS
including a time of sharing.
So bring your song, game, poem, thought, dance, artwork etc.
to share with us as we fling into Spring!

Call Valerie (705-0405) or Janine (524-4856 with any questions

Fillmore's Health and Wellness Center
448 Santa Clara St.
Fillmore, CA, 93015
A Space for Healing Experiences

We Help You Feel Better