Statement from the Boys and Girls Club

On November 24, 2009 the Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley released a notice to the media and club families that the Clubs would be closing for the foreseeable future due to significant financial constraints. The Board of Directors was not aware of this decision at the time and quickly rescinded that notice. We regret any confusion this may have caused and apologize for this miscommunication to our members, their families and the communities we serve.

Since that time the Board of Directors have met together as well as with the staff of the Clubs. We view the actions of the Executive Director as an internal personnel matter and by policy will not be discussing it. We wish to emphasize that we are committed to keeping the Clubs up and running. The Board and the Club’s Staff are passionate about serving the youth in the Santa Clara Valley and believe the Boys and Girls Club is a positive place that provides so many worthwhile programs.

The current recession we are all experiencing has stricken the country and adversely affected many companies and individuals. Clearly the economy has also affected most non-profit organizations including our own Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Clara Valley. Many of our generous donors in the past have been hit hard by this recession and have temporarily had to reduce or curtail their support for our organization. We are confident this is a temporary situation.

As we approach the beginning of the New Year, we are asking for the help of all the communities we serve. If you are committed to the belief of keeping our youth engaged in positive programs and off the streets, we would encourage you to send a donation of any amount to: P.O. Box 152, Santa Paula, CA 93060 or P.O. Box 18, Fillmore, CA 93016.

We want to take this opportunity to thank all of those generous companies and individuals who have so kindly donated in the past. Your contributions are needed now more than ever! The Board also wishes to acknowledge our Club Staff who cannot be thanked enough for their commitment and dedication to our children who they care for so completely. They are making the difference on a day-to-day basis.