The Fillmore Ebell Club will be entertained this month by Top-Notch, an award winning barbershop quartet, at the Veterans Memorial Building on September 23, 2008.
The Fillmore Ebell Club will be entertained this month by Top-Notch, an award winning barbershop quartet, at the Veterans Memorial Building on September 23, 2008.
Top-Notch is a very active quartet that promises lots of "audience appeal and high quality show entertainment." So recommends the membership of the seven-time International Chorus Champions, the Masters of Harmony. Top-Notch has recently appeared with the Pacific Chorale, and the Riverside Master Chorale. Other appearances include the Motion Picture and Television Relief Fund dinner. See and hear them at www.topnotchquartet.com
Larry Goodfried (Lead) started his musical career as a professional trumpet player, appearing on stage with such icons as Jack Benny, and numerous movie sound tracks. In recent years, Larry has been featured in many productions of The Music Man, including the Glendale Alex Theater, The Whittier Center Theater, and the Thousand Oaks Performing Arts Center. Larry has won five gold medals with the Masters of Harmony.
Art Taylor (Tenor) recently celebrated his 45th year as a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Art has earned nine chorus gold medals as a barbershopper. Two with the Phoenix Phoenicians, and seven with the Masters of Harmony.
Bob Heron (Baritone) plays the piano and organ and has been singing all of his life. Prior to joining the Barbershop Harmony Society, he spent fifteen years as a music director and pianist for the Morgan-Wixson Theater in Santa Monica. He has earned five gold medals with the Masters of Harmony. Bob was the baritone of the quartet "Time Honored, the 2002 Far Western District Senior champion quartet.
Dan Place (Bass) is a 47-year barbershopper. The wall of his den is covered with photos of his many quartet and chorus achievements. As a long time member of the Arcadia chorus and a seven time gold medal winner with the Masters of Harmony, Dan is the expert crooner of all those low notes. It is often said in the barbershop world that the gals swoon for the tenor, but they go home with the bass.
Though Top-Notch is weighted down with barbershop gold, they're a light-hearted foursome who will delight you when invited to your next event.
Anyone interested in more information, or becoming a member of the Fillmore Ebell Club, may call Trisha Armstrong at 805-727-1901.