Ventura Famly YMCA Aims To Inspire Healthier Lifestyles By Offering Free Wellness Consultations

As a leading nonprofit committed to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Ventura Family YMCA believes that it is possible to make a positive impact in the fight against obesity and other life threatening diseases. The Y does this by offering programs that give people the support and resources they need to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

With the changing demands in our lives, maintaining a healthy diet and routine exercise has become increasingly difficult. This in turn has led to the rise of life threatening diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Knowing this, the Y has made it a priority to provide the community with the resources and support that will help people of all walks of life succeed on the path to healthier living.

To give people the confidence and motivation to tackle a healthier lifestyle, the Y is encouraging people of all ages to schedule a free consultation with a Y wellness coach during the month of September to meet one-on-one, have questions answered and discuss individual wellness goals and challenges. The free consultation is designed to provide the answers and support needed to get started on a path towards living a healthier lifestyle. In addition to a free consultation with a Y Wellness Coach, the Y is offering a free 3 day guest pass to participants who meet with a Y Wellness Coach.

To schedule your free wellness consultation email or call 805-642-2131. More information is also available at