Well No. 9 Construction Project
By Bert Rapp — Wednesday, August 11th, 2010
City of Fillmore
![]() City of Fillmore The City is starting the construction of a new domestic water supply well called Well 9. The well will be located near the intersection of 3rd Street and Goodenough Road. The drilling of the well will begin about August 23rd and will proceed 24 hours per day for about 2 to 3 weeks. A sound curtain is being installed to reduce the noise impact to local residents. Well 9 is 100 percent funded by new development and is not being paid for by the water-rate increase currently under consideration in the City. The well is needed to meet future water demand from future development like the Fillmore Business Park. The City currently owns three service wells that supply water to the existing community. This new well is needed to meet the increased water demands from new development. This well is an essential part of the future economic health of the community because the Fillmore Business Park cannot go forward unless this well is constructed. The drilling of the well is the first phase. The second phase will be the construction of pumping and chlorination equipment and a pump house. This first phase of drilling the well is being funded by a $750,000 loan from the Fillmore Redevelopment Agency and will be repaid by the Water Development Impact Fees paid by future development. The second phase is not expected to occur for a couple of years and is expected to be paid for by Water Development Impact Fees from new development. None of the funding for this well is from Water Operating funds and it is not a cause for the water rate increases currently under consideration. The water rate increases are needed to operate and maintain the City’s 50 miles of pipelines, reservoirs, wells and other existing water infrastructure. Well 9 is being drilled to a depth of 320 feet. It has a 24-inch diameter from the surface to 140 feet depth and an 18-inch diameter from 140 feet to 320 feet in depth. The change in casing size will create a shelf that will hold a sleeve. This is one of the unique designs of this well. The sleeve can control and decrease the water velocity in the well and help decrease cascading of the water. When cascading occurs air is mixed in the water and can cause premature wearing of the pump and cause air to be pumped into the water supply. The drilling of Well 9 is generally a three-month project that consists of mobilizing of equipment to the site, erecting sound walls to decrease noise of the construction, drilling of a small pilot hole to guide the larger drill, drilling of the ream hole, setting of the well screen and gravel and testing of the well. The drilling of the well needs to occur continuously 24 hours a day so that the drill hole does not collapse before the casing pipe can be installed. This will cause more than usual amount of noise in area near the construction site so the sound walls are being installed to reduce the noise. If you have any questions about Well 9 you may call Tom Scott at (805) 524-1500 ext. 232 or e-mail at tscott@ci.fillmore.ca.us |