By Anonymous — Thursday, October 21st, 2010
I have to confess that I’m not in a good frame of mind to write a last minute editorial today. Although I am elated at the prospect of a sweeping conservative triumph on November 2, other issues of primary importance to the health and safety of our nation are about to destroy us. The American judiciary, that part of our government’s checks and balances which the Founding Fathers believed to be least powerful, has proven to be all powerful, thwarting the will of the people and trashing the soul of the nation. Since the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade which opened abortion on demand Americans have killed 50 million of its most innocent and vulnerable children, those waiting to be born. Only communist China has surpassed this bloody effort. But for illegal immigration, and its birth rate, America would lack a birth rate sufficient to maintain our present population. Today, it is reported that a single federal judge (a feminist appointed to the court by President Clinton) has dictated that our entire military must accept homosexuals who practice their homosexuality openly. A short while ago a single male judge in California (who happens to be homosexual) threw out Proposition 8, (passed by millions of Californians) which sought to define “marriage” as a union of one man and one woman. This definition has been in place among all societies and civilizations from pre-history. But this judge was burning to “marry” his boyfriend and wanted to legitimate his own desire. Anyone spot a conflict of interest here? Across the board today our judicial system, federal, state, and local has been, with few important exceptions, utterly corrupted. America is becoming a pagan nation, and its government is spitting in the face of God. What on earth has caused the empowerment of three percent of our population to such an extent that it results in the heart of our Judeo-Christian society being wiped-out? But its not just the judicial and legislative branches that are infected with this pagan virus; our chief executive, President Obama, is orchestrating the financial destruction of what has been the most vibrant and successful nation in world history. No one in this nation is more pro-abortion, anti-military, pro-socialist, and pro-gay “rights” than Mr. Obama. Thanks to these forces we are witnessing the collapse of America as we have known her for more than two centuries. This is not an hysterical overstatement. This is an ongoing fact. The results of Fillmore’s last election, and the events leading up to it, have seriously altered the way our city government works. Recalling the great council members, mayors and managers we’ve had during the past 20 years, we seem to have run out of qualified candidates. We are in serious need of people like Don Gunderson, Scott Lee, Evaristo Barajas, Cecilia Cuevas, Linda Brewster, Roger Campbell, Roy Payne, and many more. Today we have accumulated an assortment of agenda driven pipsqueaks and micromanaging political wanabes. The Katzenjammer plan has succeeded in driving away the gifted, competent, honest leaders and staff of the recent past – as was its intent. I see the current council majority as utterly political, devious, self-serving and incompetent. There’s also a nagging question of intellectual capacity. For an example, let’s take last week’s letter from Mr. Roegner, a charter member of the Katzenjammers, like all of the current council majority. Roegner is a complainer, but his complaints are always wrong-headed. He never seems to get his facts straight, even when he is repeatedly corrected. This is a characteristic of the Katzenjammers. In his letter, which was sent to all council members for comment (except the evasive Mr. Brooks) Roegner blames Councilman Conaway for “getting our sales tax revenue frozen.” Wrong, again, Dave. Conaway wasn’t on the council when that highly beneficial contract was entered into. He defends candidate Brian Sipes for getting his facts straight. Wrong, Dave. Brian hasn’t had his facts straight for years. He continues to tell people that citizen opinion on the water treatment plant was ignored, when more opinion was taken, and questions about the plant answered than for any other project in Fillmore’s history. At the largest workshop (Memorial Building) six nationally recognized experts and city staff appeared to answer questions from a huge audience. This is one of Sipes’ favorite lies. But the misrepresentations continue. Council member Washburn, responding to Roegner’s letter (which responded to Councilman Conaway’s letter) referring to the financing of the treatment plant: Washburn continues to say the decision to finance the plant was done in secret and that a public records request did not turn up anything. All she needs to do is read the 4/10/07 city council package item 8A. It was all clearly presented in the public meeting. The SRF Loan was discussed, along with other options. Council member Walker was the person who seconded the motion to use municipal bonds. The vote was unanimous to use muni bonds. Council Member Walker seconded the motion to select the current financings. The vote was unanimous. It was conducted in the 4/10/07 meeting. At the 4/24/10 meeting Patti Walker abstained from the vote to issue the bonds. She supported the 40 year bonds. Curiously, at the next meeting she abstained from voting on selling the bonds. Katzenjammers always seem to be confused by facts. [See excerpts from minutes below] In the 4/24/10 Approved City Council Minutes Patti Walker says it was not an easy decision to finance the plant. I disagree, since she abstained to vote at all. Washburn was also present at the meeting, see her comments on the Gazette’s website. Brian Sipes remarked that he would have to raise his rent. Lucky that he was able to provide a residence for our new city manager. I’ve gone too long. I don’t know what Fillmore residents can do to improve the council with the cast of characters provided this year. Patti Walker’s recent attack on Council member Laurie Hernandez (in the Ventura Star) makes her candidacy even more repugnant to me, but the alternatives are even more unpalatable. Patti is obviously corrupt enough now to seek higher office. Excerpts from 4/10/07 Approved City Council Minutes below. "CALL BACK TO Mayor Conaway called the City Council back to order at ORDER 9:30 p.m. He said there was nothing to report from Executive Session. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS ITEMS CONTINUED Steve Dworken, Bear Stearns, said they have been working with the City since 2005. He said this project is important to the City. Given all the work by staff and consultants, they have attempted to put together a program that will qualify for investment ratings and bond insurance. They have updated the numbers on the debt service to reflect changes in the last week and a half. They will develop a program to match council’s overall requirements. He said the way they have structured the particular financing is to structure bonds that have callability. It allows for flexibility which is worth more than the potential savings. Anything through 10 years would be non-callable. They have the ability to call bonds for refinancing or refunding. Councilmember Walker asked if there is a penalty for refinancing before 10 years. Mr. Dworken said no, you are allowed one opportunity. Mr. Chris Roberts, Bear Stearns, said long term interest rates have remained low relative to historical levels. Based on the current market and Bear Stearns’ efficient frontier analysis, it is appropriate for the City to utilize fixed rate debt for its wastewater financing. Updated rates were provided to council. The City is proposing to fund approximately $79.7 million of CIP for the wastewater enterprise. The project fund was net funded. Structure 1 is a 10-year callable bond. This is the basic structure. It is straight forward financing. Structure 2 is a combination of 10 year callable bonds and non-callable bonds. Structure 3 is non-callable bonds. Structure 4 is 10-year callable bonds. Structure 5 is a combination of 10-year callable bonds and non-callable bonds. Structure 6 is non-callable bonds. Mr. Gary Creagle asked what the ramifications are if the City fails to pay. Mr. Steve Dworken said they would present a package to secure an investment rating. Bond insurance would have a claim against the City and would process the claim. The City would ultimately be sued if they failed to pay and it would affect all funds. Mr. Payne said the question creates the circumstance of double jeopardy. Staff would like to receive direction from council on the financing structure. Councilmember Lee said this is the biggest bond that Fillmore has ever issued. With interest rates the way they are today, being the lowest historically, he favors the bond at this point in time. He would like to do the 30% non-callable bond. He said we are at historic loans. Mr. Dworken said if it was non-callable there is no savings by refinancing. Councilmember Lee is in favor of Scenario #5. Councilmember Cuevas said when the table was presented she was looking to address the issues in the majority of the callable scenarios vs. the SRF. The rate payers of the first 20 years are going to finance the majority of a 50 year old asset. She prefers Scenario #4. She likes the callable feature. The flexibility provides optimum value. The difference between #4 and #5 is miniscule in terms of rates. The flexibility is warranted. She is not in favor of the SRF option. Councilmember Hernandez is in favor of Scenario #4. We do not know what the future entails. We could lower costs down the road. Councilmember Walker said it may be a benefit to have the $.25 savings overall. She is more in favor of Scenario #5. Mayor Conaway said we have heard from the public that the monthly bill is the issue. We have promised to work to lower rates. We have 2 scenarios between #4 and #5. Scenario #5 has a $.25 premium. He supports Scenario #5. AYE: Conaway, Cuevas, Hernandez, Lee; NO: None; ABSTAIN: Walker; ABSENT: None. ACTION Motion: Cuevas; Second: Lee; MOTION PASSES by the ADOPT CITY AYE: Conaway, Cuevas, Hernandez, Lee; NO: None; ABSTAIN: Walker; ABSENT: None. Councilmember Walker said this has not been an easy decision. In conversations she hears that there was not a political will to change the direction we are going. She is not sure this is good for the community. She recognizes we have to meet the new permit. It is so expensive. She does not know how to lower this." |