
A response to Kelly Scoles' "Second Opinion."

Hi Kelly,
I would like to make a suggestion regarding our weekly column duels. While I always look forward to the exchange of opinion, I believe readers would find it more interesting if we reduced the level of sarcasm and focused on fewer issues. Too much chili in the sauce can make it less appetizing. I'm really most interested in identifying and analyzing facts, though it's fun to characterize the players too.

For example, in my opinion, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). while I acknowledge his solid conservative character, did speak foolishly (or in his words, "sloppily") referring to the Jan 6. riot at the Capitol as a "terrorist attack." In no meaningful way was it a "terrorist" attack, and he is embarrassed by his misstatement. The issues involving this 6-hour riot are historically significant, not only because they remain criminal, but because slowly developing evidence points to federal complicity.

More than 14,000 hours of riot video has never been released to the public. Trump requested 20,000 in military support weeks before riot in anticipation of trouble - rejected by Speaker Pelosi. Had rioters been true insurrectionists the Capital building would have been destroyed! Utter unpreparedness by authorities. No responsibility taken. One death by negligence of Capitol police officer, (very late to identify) never explained, never punished, and I am a strong supporter of law enforcement.

The list of riot anomalies is long, FBI negligence is inexplicable (lack of preparation, slow response, and communications). Again, "Rioters on the west side break into the building around 2:11 p.m." By "8:00 p.m.: Capitol Police declare the building to be secure.9 "At 8 p.m. Congress reconvenes to resume counting Electoral College votes" and to "resume the certification of Biden's Electoral College victory." It is the sacrosanct character of the place (our Capitol) more than the violence of the rioters themselves that shocks citizens of goodwill. Despite months of escalating anger and mistrust between parties, our Capitol was not adequately protected.

The riot began at 2:11 p.m. It ended completely at 8:00 p.m., same day, and dubbed "an insurrection" by Democrats and their Big Media partners.

In contrast: "...political riots of 2020. Death Toll Rises To An Estimated 30 Victims Since ‘Mostly Peaceful Protests’ Began.”

By: Jordan Boyd. August 19, 2020

(FOX NEWS) -- More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer (2020) following the police killing of George Floyd, according to a report released in October." "In 2020, 46 officers were killed..., FBI data showed."

" ...the civil unrest between May 26 and June 08 [2020] will cost the insurance industry more than any prior civil unrest. The final number could be up to $2 billion and possibly more, according to the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I)."

"For Five Months, [2020] BLM Protestors Trashed America’s Cities. After the Election, Things May Only Get Worse."
Nov 6th, 2020 The Heritage Foundation.

And Democrats and leftist media have the audacity to call the Jan. 6 Capital riot an "insurrection"?! I've just shown you what a true insurrection looks like. Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent cover for an admittedly Communist, anti-Judeo Christian, anti-nuclear family organization funded by the radical Left. It has no place in our culture, certainly not in our schools. Through true insurrection and subterfuge BLM is destroying our democratic Republic.


Kelly, I have to confess frustration at this time due to overload combining this column and last night's Council meeting report. We have to change course. Let's state the officially recognized facts, with authentication, and go from there, avoiding playful characterizations where possible.

I hate to leave this place as it is, but I am flat out of time, and patience.

Let's simplify our debate for next week.