(comment on Nuclear War Scenario) first.

A response to Kelly Scoles’ letter:

Hi, Kelly,
When have we ever agreed on basic facts?

In the years that I’ve followed Clarence Thomas as a Justice of the Supreme Court, I have found him to be utterly honorable and consistently trustworthy. I cannot say the same of many others during that time.

As for the (6-month) Congressional delay of ammunition to Ukraine, its final recent approval may now be too late. It’s coming in, but too slowly. Remember that old horseshoe nail saying? A pox on Congressional members of either party who held up the assistance. They all know more than a thousand men are being killed each day while they dithered for political points. Republicans mostly to blame, even some I otherwise admire.

Addressing that pseudo argument about mandated “separation of church and state” you speak of; there is no prohibition of religion in our Constitution. Language pertaining to the non-establishment of religion, as I have mentioned numerous times before, is all about prohibiting official, tax supported religion, any official state religion. It’s never been about excluding religion from government to avoid its moral influence. Franklin famously reminded us that the new Republic could not survive without religion.

As for the university student riots, it’s not possible to just “…[leave] aside” discussion of these pro-Hamas proto terrorists. In commemorating the thousands who were murdered mutilated, burned alive, buried alive, and kidnapped by Hamas that bloody day, I failed to include the babies Hamas beheaded, and the pregnant mother who was disemboweled. Hamas assassins were and are foaming-at-the- mouth “animals” and deserve to be treated as mad dogs. Much of the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza is due to traditional cowardly Hamas tactics, hiding behind their own people, using them as human shields, stealing their food and water. No one wants to be near the Palestinians, especially the Egyptians, Jordanians, and Syrians, because the Palestinians are raised to be a violent, reflexively hateful people. They are also notoriously untrustworthy, like communists. Let the IDF finish the job. They know better than the U.S. how to win wars!
Your comparison of Israeli treatment of Palestinians to Nazi treatment of Jews during the Holocaust is false, shocking, and disgusting. Please remember, on that bright peaceful day of October 7, Hamas assassins (with Palestinians) murdered 1,700 innocent Jewish residents gathered at a festival, kidnapping hundreds of others. Israel’s mantra has always been “NEVER AGAIN” They mean it. There will be other wars, but never another Holocaust! Holocaust deniers come from the fanatical, ignorant tribes of Judeo-Christian haters, with their knives drawn against all other faiths – about 7 billion people.


War is beginning to dominate world news. I was born the year WWII began with the attack on Poland. When that war ended in 1945 the atomic era was upon us. Russia had stolen our nuclear secrets, as did India, Pakistan, and China soon thereafter. World stability radically changed. During the 40s and 50s America was saturated with basic knowledge of defensive civilian measures against an atomic bomb attack. We practiced the “Duck and Cover” tactic. From that time any nuclear power could end world civilization by attacking its nuclear neighbor.

Over the years I’ve read many books on surviving nuclear war. I’ve come to believe that “survival” here is a non sequitur, that is, it makes no sense. A recent best-selling book entitled “Nuclear War, a Scenario”, by Annie Jacobsen, recalls the essence of all those other books on nuclear war. This book is highly explicit about the exceptional horrors of nuclear conflict. It provides a clear look at the physics, mechanics, timing, and psychology of nuclear warfare, coming to a theater near us, possibly soon. What’s missing is the spiritual structure in the problem. Without acknowledging Almighty God in this scenario there can be no hope, and it’s faith that establishes hope. Yeah, I know, too preachy. But from a Judeo-Christian point of view, we’re talking about avoiding Armageddon.

Jacobsen’s book lays out the consequences of a universally devastating nuclear war. I find it interesting that this book agrees with military strategy and, also, with several Marian apparitions like La Salette and Garabandal. As horrific as the conflagration depicted in the book is, the apparitions detail still greater chaos with a much greater loss of life.
I believe the only workable tactic to stop our four main enemies from thinking of starting a nuclear war is to make them understand, with lead pipe certainty, that they will be immediately counter attacked with greater force. We should leave no doubt. Rational enemies will understand; irrational enemies would end civilization, of which they are a part. But prayer is omnipotent.

This is not the column I wanted to write today. However, I hope people will read Jacobsen’s book: Nuclear War, a Scenario. It is clear, factual, and should be frightening to those without faith.